The Pat McAfee Show Live | Wednesday May 29th, 2024 - Raw Chili (2024)

The Pat McAfee Show Live | Wednesday May 29th, 2024

a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] the following program is a collection of stoes talking about happenings in the sports world it is meant to be comedic informative the opinions expressed on this show do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of their peers their boss or ESPN there may be some cuss words because that’s how Cubans is the real world talk if you are a young please seek permission before watching any further hey why let’s go this show stinks and the fact that you listen we are very very thankful for the alltime leading tackler for the Green Bay Packers you pink up up damn it be a friend tell a friend something nice could change their life sport sport sport sport sport hello beautiful people and Welcome to our humble abod the Thunderdome on this wow it’s a new world Wednesday May 29th 2024 this program starts right now sports are awesome sports are fantastic sports are something that keep the world together whenever times are trying and times are tough everybody can rally and sports give people motivation to strive for something much bigger than themselves and currently we are joined by the greatest trophy in all of sport ladies and gentlemen lordo the S cup is that’s shoot brother Mera brought it in here the first ever woman uh full-time Stanley Cup Keeper of the cup Keeper of the cup she came from Toronto from Toronto came in today shout out to the NHL making this happen now there are a lot of rules obviously this is not our first dance with lordo we’ve had him in here last year but he was with rupper who’s a Stanley Cup champion so I was able to drink out of it party with it time with it since nobody in here won a Stanley Cup we’re not allowed to do [ __ ] with this thing not even allowed to touch it can’t look at it for too long but I will say it adds a nice Sparkle to it do truly welcome to the Thunderdome merera and welcome to the Thunderdome lordo thank you for joining us and obviously hockey will be a topic of conversation today because Lordo’s here and also congrats to the Florida Panthers tying up the Eastern Conference Finals last night in overtime thrilling fashion 9year NFL vet Florida Panthers Die Hard super fan since the day he was born ladies and gentlemen darus buters de nobody in South Florida’s allowed to touch this thing not yet not yet and I won’t jinx it but uh beautiful trophy another beautiful game last night some great uh playoff hockey you mentioned another overtime was three overtime games uh now in the Eastern Conference Finals on great game obviously Rhino Sam Reinhardt with the quick quick quickest OT goal in Team history uh last night great handsome Barky as well get to him but uh great shot great game 22 never doubt going back up New York for a huge game five yeah it was uh about a minute into overtime they end it and win it and three straight games going to overtime these two teams know a lot about each other physical it’s been physical matchup it’s been everything that’s good with hockey the Florida Panthers are able to get past this New York Rangers team I think people would say you know what those people down in South Florida deserve to hoist Florida abut it has not been an easy Road here for this Florida panther team and it’s never going to be that’s why this trophy is so damn glorious reinhardt’s goal was the fastest to begin an overtime period in Panthers history uh Reinhardt is the NHL’s power play goal leader this entire season they had a power play and a lot of Rangers fans aren’t necessarily thrilled about that the refs are certainly being called into question from people from New York but that’s how this goes uh congrats to the Panthers getting a big time win 2-2 in that particular here we go also uh they’re not dead yet Minnesota Timberwolves extend the series against the Dallas Mavericks last night down in Dallas it is now 3-1 Luca did his thing Kyrie did his thing but welcome back Carl Anthony T and Anthony Edwards into the national Spotlight of conversation that is a 31 series obviously the stats say that no team has ever been able to come back from a 3 deficit in the playoffs of the NBA but why not this Minnesota Timberwolves who seemingly found their Mojo last night Anthony Edwards had a little bit of energy everything we loved about him at the beginning of the playoffs seemed to come back last night and was Dallas just resting on their yanes because they’re up three probably what’ll happen in the next game we shall see if Minnesota can take this to a game seven obviously it’ll be a massive cono if they’re able to win this series it’ll be historic but if not Dallas in Boston will be one that all OD will look at the toic table was here at Bon Conor and at Tai Schmidt French Bulldog on your chest that looks good yeah I figured the return of the dog a man it called for a nice dog shirt it was great to see the t- Wolves be the t- Wolves again Carl Anthony towns you said it 20 points in the second half uh I’m not sure about the uh the junk a little talking junk rather post game I I don’t know if that’s great for the Timberwolf just because Luca is one of those guys that when you are talking a lot of [ __ ] to him he will come back and answer it was the Phoenix Suns who were up 3-1 if you remember I think two years ago where Lucas said hey it’s easy to talk when you’re up up ahead and doing all that and then inevitably Dallas would come back down 3-1 to win the series 4-3 so I’m not sure you know ant’s very confident they’re coming back to Dallas for game six we’ll see what happens but it was great to see the t- Wolves be the tea wolves again half of the hammer Cowboys tone Diggs is here tone how you doing pal great you good I’m good man Loro is here Loro here you know I just want yep wow that was going to happen probably do it again yeah you know you don’t have to worry about JX the penguin yeah probably going to do it again mhm yep MH keep going you’re in my world you’re in my world lordo you’re on my desk Sydney Crow just got traded it just it just happened well I didn’t touch now Mal got traed that is the r just got traed too like doing this no once it’s done it’s it’s like opening Pandora’s Box wait till you see McDavid he’s coming to Pittsburgh oh my God that’s latain gone no no I just yeah boom Mario L gone Tommy baraso just pass seven years Tommy still alive that is not is it death Cup today he’s a nice shirt you got on though too thank you the alag electric company Paul SK birthday Paul SK pitching day happy birthday Paul SK and happy uh all right let’s get into it Pittsburgh is the home y of the greatest baseball player of all time you can look at Stats cuz that’s what baseball is is stats the greatest baseball player of all time played in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania where’s he where’s he uh where’s he currently laying resting as a dead man oh he’s in allig Cemetery Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Pittsburgh is the home of baseball is basically what everybody’s saying and uh the MLB has made a decision to add uh statistics from a league that happened in the United States of America back in 30s uh that white people were all allowed in it was called the the Negro League it was kind of like the opposite we weren’t allowed in y leag y’all I didn’t do any of this I didn’t watch bball nobody in talk Gentlemen’s Agreement Pittsburgh we’re like we we wanted a team in Pittsburgh that’s why we had the homestead Graves that obviously I’ve been a fan of since I was a kid Tim and Sally MC used to tell me stories about the homestead Graves and what they did for Pittsburgh and Josh Gibson okay the greatest baseball player ever this is uh Josh yep born in Georgia became AER though okay played for the home St uh buried there he’s the greatest baseball player to ever hold a bat okay that’s just what stats say that’s what MLB says he played in a league that I’m all to say I’m all to say say the name of the league the name of League you didn’t if you named the league then maybe you wouldn’t be allowed to but you didn’t it’s uncomfortable every time you know cuz whenever playing in Negro League it’s because the whites were [ __ ] basically so Josh Gibson so there’s a lot of those stories about the history of the world from what I’m learning uh and we have learned and as it continues to go Josh Gibson did he ever get to play in the MLB after playing no he died very young he had brain tumor so he died I think when he was like 45 I think 35 yeah it might have been 35 Satchel pagee was like another one of like the biggest stars from The Negro Leagues and he eventually did get to play in the MLB but most of these guys never got to actually research too uh the year he died Jackie Robinson got into the MLB to the league okay in uh the brain which obviously Mass the brain thing he was I think he was told he could get it fixed right at one point yeah they could remove the tumor and he pretty much said like nah I’m not having brain surgery all right I’ll just deal with the headaches I think he went back and played again and then eventually he died from a brain tumor so the brain surgery he was worried he wouldn’t be able to get as much contact on the ball probably maybe reduces you know hand eye coordination bat speed all that stuff yeah 372 career batting average he’s in the buckos Hall of Fame too is he damn right hell yeah see Pittsburgh’s been doing to right this whole time well 72 he went to B Baseball Hall of Fame right yep MH Cooper time baseball time guys from Pittsburgh now we got Paul skes and uh jnes the hundo boys which actually I guess guess they’re called the al aligani electric M both they’re both pitching today come on the alagani electric company I think this that’s the pitching ninj logo right there right is is the is is the pitching ninja create this the alany L what’s wrong with the hundo boys yeah or or I really like the hundo boys to be honest with they sent a great shirt though this feels pretty good couple gas station attendants yeah I was going to say they can just be the gas station together right one’s a gas pump maybe I don’t know the other is just the gas can anybody wants to be know is the pump but pumping guys out yeah pumping them out there’s that one guy we saw Loves Gas Pump yeah yeah he he’s he is he’s a pump and a jack he’s the leader yeah he’s the full yeah he’s situation yeah we could just call we could find out that guy’s name and just those guys name so I do appreciate that the Pirates have sent us a merch here and the Pok has some shirt fits great I mean obviously next to lorda looks amazing but the Pittsburgh uh area has been home to baseball this whole time and uh it’s known as a hockey T and obviously the Steelers run the but in the end we got the greatest baseball player of all time from there and Paul skes is about to be the best baseball player again so life is good in Pittsburgh uh now let’s go to Cincinnati 12year NFL vet Universal records label signed rapper most recent single all the smoke available now on all the platforms ladies and gentlemen Pac-Man Jones Pac-Man how how you doing pal what’s up brother I’m doing good a lot of drama in Cincinnati a lot of drama Jamar Chase T Higgins both not there Joey burrow is not on a pitch count but he’s obviously coming off for wrist injury how do we feel about the Bengals they’re going to be just fine huh we feel really good we feel really good we’ll be just fine long as Joe good I think everything will be all right we’re not woring about uh the other two stars being there right now I think we are trying to get the contract done with Chase first and foremost and then T be there when Camp starts we all know that he it’s not like he’s not going to sign sign so um do I think the long ter longterm deal will get worked out with T I don’t think so I think Chase is the main priority right now and um I think it’s good though the all the lineman are there Joey getting with the big boys he got the uh Top Flight security yeah getting good timing with the offensive line during OTAs is a big deal the um that was a joke I don’t know if they’re doing anything together but I do appreciate that they’re hanging out and camaraderie is building which I think is a big part of this particular time of year yesterday it was reported that the NFL paa might be trying to OTAs out of the offseason pretty much and then just have a ramp up here in training camp do you have any thoughts on that on how you would feel about it um I prefer I like the OTAs um I don’t like rushing my body back cuz then when you rush your body back you get tweaks um with ham screen Gru little little self muscles but I think you everybody needs that everybody need the timing you you get you get feeling a different calls knowing where you can sit on routes um just knowing fine tuning of what everybody got to do that’s what I think OTA is for and man you got to know you got to know if you want to play at this level this is this this big boy game and there a lot of x’s and o’s in this game beside of just playing football I think they would still have the ramp up period would still have the same amount of time I think as the OTAs so I just think it would just be mov towards the beginning of training camp and then immediately all all the reaction is from a lot of people is like well this the NFL PA pushing this so obviously everything you try to get done with the NFL is a part of a negotiation so if the NFL is going to get eight games to move training camp yeah or move OTAs from April in May to near training camp it’s like the nflp strikes again the NFL PA strikes again then you ain’t got no break if if you do tweak some you right there into training camp then you right into the season you need that break I think you need the break they get a what we get a month off a month and a half is like five six weeks yeah yeah that’s a good little break then you can refocus back in and then you you hitting it all the way till February hopefully yeah it’s interesting that the nflp pushing for it because you would assume that a lot of the players in the locker room currently voted for it to be an option but it feels like every ex player that you’ve talked for me I don’t care you know I got to kick a ball you know if we’re doing actually the first couple weeks of OTAs can’t even have a ball in the field so I actually have to go kick in another field so it’s like there’s a lot of stupidity and a lot of these rules and how this whole thing goes so for me I don’t but it feels like every person that’s ever played in the past is like this is dumbb we don’t like any any part of this but we’ll see how it goes the NFL was going to use this as leverage though for sure I wonder why this was the thing that the NFL PA was like you know what yeah we need to change this it uh head scratcher I don’t get it I know usually the player reps um are older players and Veterans you know once you are six seven years into into the thing you don’t necessarily need i i p I like the OTAs for all the reasons Pacman said and not only just for the players for the coaches like you think about all the musical chairs with the coaching staff a lot of time it’s first time these guys have a room and you’re not in there with college kids you’re in there with grown ass men so you got to win them over with you know intellect so knowing that you can call plays how do you install how do your best players do they need walkthroughs do they need to get up on the board learning those things in April and May as opposed to trying to learn them in August and September um is a big big issue Brady came out and said hey the football is getting you know worse and worse across the board I don’t see this making it uh any better you talk about not having a break for injuries too it’s like if there is any situations between coach and player or player and player during OTAs little drama you know 5we break getting back ni or refresh you know that that is a whole another thing that could potentially take place not only the injuries but the break joining us now he’s a man who played in the NBA for 21 years now before we chat with him we got to Showcase uh what he did the other night during Lucas’s game winner as he was on an outcast uh on TNT no true T I forget the exact Channel nonetheless listen to this man the cross stradamus explain what’s about to take place in front of our face what what happened here crush your dumbest closes his eyes it’s going to be in Lucas hands he’s going to shoot a step back three oh you think seeing it happen so I’ve got to say if you are right if I’m right I like does it go in or you’re just saying that’s what he does I think he makes it he’s going to hop on one leg after he does it if I’m now if I’m I’m going you with the details and stuff what do you think Janny they took oh Rudy still on the court going to be involved this I think Derrick Lively gets a lob dunk okay you think they’re going for how about jamalo you think they’re tying I think this is I think it’s Tyrie [Applause] time H what did I tell you oh my God I’m out of here ladies and gentlemen joining us now the Crosser dramus Jamal craw how’s it going man is that what’s that I said what’s up y’all okay so you closing your eyes there you’re seeing the play unfold and I guess debut just said you did three of those throughout that entire game was that something you were known for while you were playing in the league or is it because of how long you played in the league that you have this ability to just predict exactly what a coach is going to do I think it’s a little bit of both but to be honest with you I always had a feel I I think my feel is one of my greatest gifts and I saw it I closed my eyes and I saw it and I wouldn’t even say it as much as I did but Taylor kept pressing me on details and I just saw it exactly how it played out which is crazy yeah it is crazy it’s awesome TV though I mean it’s an awesome moment and also we run that right before you talk on this show makes our show look like yeah legit [ __ ] com you know and that never happens for us so we appreciate it let’s talk about that series obviously the Minnesota timberwol was extended okay Aunt cat back in the game last night obviously after seemingly falling apart for the first three games had no juice no job no energy no shot making ability what happened last night and is this sustainable is this team going to be the first team ever to come back down 3 in the playoffs and knock off the Dallas Mavericks or do we think Dallas just got a little uh Les Fair up three zip in a playoff series I think Dallas still wins it I I think just for for Minnesota going forward it was exactly what they needed I I tweeted before the game before the series started I said for Minnesota to win ant gonna do what he does but they’re gonna make it tough on him so cat it’s gonna be a cat Series so if cat’s making shots like that opens up the floor it gives everybody else space it gives ant another weapon so his attacks AR it’s predictable because now he’s playing the close out he’s playing against space so when cat’s making shots like that that’s going to have to be the formula for them to try to claw back in the suit okay so you think that Dallas still wins it what do you think they’ll need to do Dallas will just have to do the Luca Kyrie show to be able to get back on the winning side of things here or same exact game plan Minnesota just happened to win one yeah I think in Lively was out tup Pat I think that was a huge loss and I think he may be back in the next game or so he’s a live threat he allows those guys especially when Luke and Kyrie are getting downhill to play the live as well as you know put goar in in a situation where it’s a two-on one and have him guessing I think Kai would play a lot better as well I think he struggled a little bit in the fourth quarter and didn’t get his normal Rhythm his normal juice so I expect him to come out and have a big game and some point if it’s the next game or game six it won’t go seven Dallas will end this thing DBS got a question for you yeah speaking on C you already speaking on him but uh that mindset with obviously all the outside noise I know you guys probably watch you know the TNT guys after games or at least hear about it how hard is it as a player especially a star player like that to focus especially with his game being a lot of perimeter based on offense shooting a lot of Threes goes four for five last night after struggling massively for the previous few games four for 40 yeah how’s that mindset for the player going with all that outside noise and keeping that confidence on the biggest stage we act like we don’t hear it D but we here for sure because I remember when social media first came in when I was with the Clippers and it was like prevalent everybody had a voice and you’re running to your phone and see what they’re saying and it’s mess up because they kind of start controlling how you’re playing if you look C didn’t take a three until later in the game so I know he heard the thoughts like oh man stop shooting stop shootting go in the paint and they were kind of coaching him so to speak but once he got his rhythm he started making shots and he felt more comfortable when he had to take them and and we’re all creatures a habit and basketball is such a rhythm sport you can miss three in a row but then you can make three or four in a row and he got on his role but social media is definitely a a huge part it’s even worse when your family’s like you know what you should be doing this you should be doing that it’s past well because the family hears what is said on social media so they they got the answers not everybody but they have the answers obviously from outside looking in they did the research on social media this is what a majority of the people are saying so this is what I think I should be believing but in the NBA there’s a show there that sets the tone for the conversation across the board and it’s like it’s gone soon you know it’s going to be gone after next year and obviously you get to work at TNT alongside the legendary show that is won I don’t know 55 EMS or something for just being the best ever but like it feels like they set the conversation for an entire sport as well so whenever you talk about you have to be able to hear it has it always been that way with Inside the NBA has have players always heard everything that Chuck had to say or Shaq had to say I think before him it was magic and then I think there was uh I forget who all filled that far left spot it feels like that show more intertwined with the culture the conversation and the lock room than any other sport is that an accurate reading has it always been that way it’s very accurate they’ve been there’s some people out here say I only watch the game I tune in for pregame post game and after the game to see what they’re gonna say so they’ve always had the post and for them hopefully this whole thing shakes out I don’t know much about it right now it’s a lot of conversation but they transcend sport like they’re almost like The Golden Girls like they got their own sitcom like they’re bigger than just a sport because we all want to know what Shaq or Charles or or Kenny’s gonna say and Ernie’s The Godfather right so he’s gonna set the stage perfectly so we have to have them because they’ve been the backdrop and the soundtrack for basketball for the last 25 plus years a lot of power obviously they’re in a position of Leverage yeah uhhuh big time in a great p uh space uh business-wise here yes at this stage of the show and of their careers and their success the amount of Leverage they currently have with this it stinks for TNT now maybe TNT just keeps it too by the way we don’t have basketball who cares we’ll still have the pregame people can still come for halftime they can get access to Arenas even if they’re not doing the games because of who they are so maybe TNT is able to keep it together but if not there’s a lot of big Pockets that are looking to get into live sports in that show to your point they’re out drawing some games their ratings are better than some games it’s like all of a sudden Inside the NBA is a commodity that everybody would want why not Amazon why why not Amazon why not Apple they wanted to get into it why not YouTube why not X sure you know X is in the game of doing why not ESPN why not NBC literally anybody that has money has the chance so congrats to them the Golden Girls thatal CW that’s what cross set know me congrats to them uh let’s do some more chitchat about what the finals could look like go ahead com man yeah Jamal obviously the Boston Celtics already Advance with a sweep over the Pacers and now they have this 10day you know period where they’re they’re not playing basketball because the finals don’t start till next Thursday what what’s the deal with that do you think that they just kind of take a couple days off obviously they’re going to get poor zing is back so the rest is needed but is it tough for a basketball team to take that much time without playing against another team or right now are they just fine-tune in everything as they gear up for hopefully a championship I think a little bit of everything to be honest with you I’ve always being with the I I I hat it being Rusty I hate that feeling like even over Allstar break I would take no days off and I would go to LA Fitness and start hooping there and it wasn’t the same competition level but it kept me in Rhythm so for them I know they don’t want to be rusty but on the other side of that they have to get porzingis back if they want to go and do the things they want to do and he’s such a big part of what they do not only his talent but I think he’s brought a certain maturity level to their team as well so that rest is good for him I’m sure they’ll take a couple days off to start and then they’ll see how this series plays out but they’ll feel refreshed their first you can always tell by game one if that rust was was too much for them or if that rest was healthy for him so when game one of the finals starts you have a great idea of how they’re feeling yeah they’re probably worried right don’t want to do too much cuz we are get an advantage that we get to break a little bit but you know as a punter kicker thrower that is a that is a muscle memory thing can’t get too far off of that as well how much is too much what a balance that’s like their maturity though helps them here I think right the Boston Celtics maturity helps them absolutely and I think the fact they’ve been in the finals before and then you got to give kudos to the Derek whites and the Drew holiday those guys white came from the Spurs holiday was a champion with the bucks he was a huge part of what they’re doing and I think they put the youth part of what the Boston had all before into perspective like yo this can go fast you know you guys were just in the finals we didn’t get back last year Tatum roses ankle against Miami the first play in game seven so we got to take advantage of these opportunities and I think they got more mature when they got those guys as well well Boston obviously showed uh a comeback ability against the Indiana Pacers that I hate but they all seem to go the same way go ahead tone yeah I wanted to ask you like four out of four games between uh wolves and Mavs have all come down to like the last few minutes and then three out of four you know Pacers were basically leading then the Celtics came back is it just about 10 seconds yeah 10 seconds in game one for sure uh and they blew huge leads in three and four is that like the last like three four minutes is that just all about the dogs that is that like tat and brown took over in that series and then like Luca and Kyrie been taking over in the last five minutes of that series is that what it’s all about down there yeah it’s the closers because you could have schemes you could have everything but that’s why the best players that’s why we say stars are made in the playoffs so Superstars are made in the playoffs like Kyrie and Luca not only want that moment they embrace it they want to they want to turn the lights out like they want to show out at the biggest moments and they have a tendency to do that so they’re more comfortable in that they don’t even feel that pressure they feel like you know what we we’re built for this they already see the good things happening before they happen so when your best players are that confident it makes everybody else confident now if they don’t have the shot they throw it to you you’re shooting it with more confidence because you knew they drew two people you got more space you’re in Rhythm and they that’s what the cheat Cod is is for the M they have two guys that can close you and most teams only have one so the Hoops are bigger now guys are just better shooter why is like a 20-point lead not real anymore well because in the NFL that happened if you were up two scores in the NFL in the third quarter like all right this one’s about over now it’s like 14o swings happen in the NFL in half a quarter it’s not even a thing like anybody’s in it you’re never out of it and obviously it felt like the Pacers had the Celtics out of it numerous times 18 point leads 20-point leads and then they’re able to come back is basketball Talent is just better than ever shooting’s better than ever the Hoops are bigger what is it it seems like the Hoops are bigger for sure that’s what I thought thank you so not expain on bigger Hoops that’s what I I assume I assume yeah I agree I agree but is it so many threes now like the pace they’re playing at so they’re paying a lot faster and the amount of Threes they’re shooting the game is never really over and like it gives everybody a chance and that’s why you’re seeing every team being built with so much shooting and so much pace because a 18-point lead isn’t what it used to be that can be got back in in eight possessions you know 6 threes a couple mides a couple lefts you’re back in the game so the game is different in that in that respect I would say skill from top to bottom from like 1 to 12 is better but I think in a way we sacrific skill for will I think now we’re missing some of those dogs and that’s why you have a dog like ant Edwards and it stands out that much more it’s not a whole bunch of dogs that have that same mentality yeah you talking about you talking about Anthony Edwards it’s infectious and the conversation about the Minnesota Timberwolves is kind of one thing for a while now it seems to be different go ahead pack yeah um the Timberwolves had the best defense coming into this thing Nows don’t seem like they can do anything to stop the big two from Dallas um what is the difference between the defense is anybody playing defense right now or is it they tired or how can they stop um the big two from Dallas the thing about it pack is that the fact that their defense is was perfect for Denver because they were funneling Murray into the to the hoop and they were saying okay Joker if you do get the ball on the pick and roll you have to you have to shoot we know you like to pass and they took out the lob threat to Aaron Gordon the difference with this one is Luca and Kyrie thrive in the mid-range so if we’re playing one-on-one and somebody comes and sets a pick and the big is all the way in the back it allows the guard to stay in Rhythm so even if he misses three threes in a row he’s going to get that easy 15 foot shot that can keep you honest and keep him in Rhythm and when that happens then the big comes up a little bit more now we got the two-on-one Ste so their defense is actually tailor made for the Mavs to get off for Kyrie and for Luka to get off and that’s why they’re still so successful hey there’s some game there I feel like I was just watching mind the game sweet I I need to clip to kind of I’m P next year P I have my own pod I think it’ll be pretty cool as well for sure the cross damus no cross damus with a little remix I I think you’ll like it I’ll give you early early viewing oh can’t wait make me smarter I love that everybody calls me a big dumb [ __ ] you know but if if I get smarter now we’re playing now we’re playing the game hey uh Angel Hernandez you know gets uh kind of forced into a retirement in baseball uh in the middle of the Season hey bud yeah you suck at calling strikes and balls we can’t have you doing this he’s been around forever I heard there was a chance Scott Foster and Tony brothers were like that’s baseball right that’s not the NBA Tai has a question for you yeah Jamal what have you thought about the officiating thus far not so much in the Eastern Conference Finals because you know I mean I think people just kind of assume that that was more so the the Pacers kind of just collapsing than anything the officials did but with everything that’s been going on with Minnesota like cat’s been in foul trouble goar has been last night and Edwards was and I know that Stan Van Gundy and Reggie Miller were kind of getting on cat because he’s picking up so many stupid fouls 25 feet away from the basket and then when he has to contest and he picks up fouls you know that like he’s having to sit for prolonged uh stretches do you think that’s more so Minnesota’s just kind of playoff inexperience or do you think that the officials have been calling this pretty tight and not really them play I think it’s a little bit of both to be honest with you I think to regian stands point you can’t if you’re C right you know it’s going to be a physical game you know they need you on the court more importantly you can’t pick up fouls 30 feet away from the court like it had no impact on the game the only impact it had was you possibly having to go to the bench sooner and then the officiating is different from the the regular season to the playoffs right the regular season they’re calling every single thing in the playoffs this is a playoff basketball possession right let’s say we’re in the summer we’re going to 15 and it’s 144 and that last possession is like it’s physical it’s going to basically have to be blood for a foul that’s how playoff every single possession of the playoffs should feel like that so it’s it’s a little bit of of an adjustment for players for refs as well because they’re calling everything in the regular season and that’s why guys gets to the free throw line 10 12 times a game but in the playoffs they’re like no you got to figure it out and so that’s what I think sometimes the consumer and viewers can get a little bit frustrated but the playoffs it should be hard it should be lower scoring games it should be more physical but they have to be cons consistent with that it’s an imperfect job I Tred to ref the Phoenix Suns when my last year and I want to all the players to go to hell because they were all complaining so I understand it’s not perfect but we want to see consistency yeah how about Scott Foster Telly Brothers they another 10 15 years running the courts or what do you think as long as they want but I’m I’m of the belief as well like if you give yourself to the game or to a sport to something for 15 years you should be able to go out as long as you can still do it at a high level you should be able to go out kind of when you want to yeah I enjoy The Moxy from Brothers Tony Brothers he he talked [ __ ] to me when I was at the Pacers game he’s about hey P you’re definitely get tweeted from NBA wrest I just want to let you know that it’s it’s definitely coming up here soon they get a hand a handshake emoji on uh on last week’s uh conversation they did handshake Emoji between us which I was appreciative and I I didn’t mind the officials being like hey why why don’t you take it EAS you know I don’t mind that now granted going to have to bat at least above 70% though if that’s going to be the case cuz all we’re trying to do is journalism that’s right we’re just trying to cover things you we’re trying to talk about what we see now do we know [ __ ] about [ __ ] about basketball no no no we don’t we don’t really but I’ll tell you what when I see a call it seemingly [ __ ] and all the smart people in basketball are saying it’s [ __ ] it’s going to be hard not to say it but whenever you guys make good calls we’ll also make sure we show that that’s true journalism thank you to the refs thank you ref Fair thank you the rest Stern yeah but fair all last question here Jamal from con man yeah Jamal you said the Celtics GNA be watching the finals of course do you think they’re leaning towards which team they want to play do they match up better with the t- Wolves is it better with the mass because of the fact that they have drew holiday and Derek white what do you think they’re thinking of as they watch this Western Conference Final I don’t think they necessarily care just how they play but I think it would be more interesting maybe with Kyrie coming back to Boston that whole you know thing and Kyrie playing in Boston I think that’ be more fun personally for them internally I think just like you know the guys that had history with They Don’t Really Care they’re gonna say they don’t care but I think playing against Kyrie I think that’d be fun for sure all right Jamal we appreciate the hell out of you man what are you doing next where where can we find you where can we see you well next I’m just chilling man I’m GNA do the finals uh I’m g go be on site in the finals there and I may do AllCast depending on how the series plays out but I’ll be in the finals next after that hell yeah we’re lucky for that right now mbag I’m writing there too so that just hit yesterday so I’m there you’re writing yes so I’m doing question answer from around the world so mailback I just did that so that’s out today are you a writer by tra do you enjoy writing notes section loaded on your phone or or you just kind of voice the text actually no I love reading I love writing I love learning about different things so yeah absolutely I love engaging with people as well I enjoy writing as well uh couple times what are you writing what are you writing I don’t know I got like four movie ideas in here like three books in here about two standup sets in here 15 songs in here I mean there’s I I mean my my notes section is deep I got a lot of time on planes you know so and internet doesn’t always work because we’re in Airplane of course but yeah I mean we’re talking we’re talking note section yeah yeah yeah we got a lot of ideas yeah yeah we got a lot my yeah we got a lot of ideas all right we can go see the brain spell out on the paper can’t wait for that we appreciate the hell out of you ladies and gentlemen 21y year NBA vet Jamal Crawford the crossr is dude that was pretty sweet I wonder if you could ever see Kylie Kelce beating the [ __ ] out of an old white lady in in a Beach town uh from the looks of it that’s right yesterday on the internet the world saw it I did see a reporter tweet this like two nights ago he said when this video comes out just know that Kylie is a dog or something like that there was allegedly a lady who walked up to Jason Kelce and Kylie Kelce and said hey can I get a picture with you as they were heading to dinner they said uh no no sorry uh sorry we’re heading to dinner right now we don’t want to necessarily do that then the lady throws a fo on fit and Kylie who might be 6’10 decides to say you know what no lady you’re not punking me around here’s the footage who you are you’ll never be allowed in this town you’ll never be allowed in this breath you’re embarrassing you have alcohol in your breath you’re embarrassing yourself telling Kylie Kelce that she would never be welcome in that town again because they wouldn’t take a picture then also saying I don’t even know who you are ask after asking for a photo classic basic white [ __ ] [ __ ] right there I mean that is just right down the pipe of everything you could expect but this is the world now that Jason Kelce is in yeah you know he’s in biggest podcast on Earth his brother’s dating the biggest star on Earth Jason Kel is now a part of Monday Night countdown for Monday Night Football everybody’s pumped to hear him speak and see him and Kylie’s become a superstar she’s a fashion show she’s got a lot of influencers that want to be friends with her because they hear how cool she is to this is the new world they’re going to be living in and I’m happy it’s them cuz normally the famous person is considered [ __ ] in this situation instead I didn’t see one person say Kylie shouldn’t have done everybody said wow Kylie could have bodied that lady and that is kind of how we all felt about it so shout out to the Kelsey football family football family through and through right there that’s right and they’re setting the tone okay so now the next person that might be a little pissed off that Kylie Kelce or Jason are in a hurry to get somewhere because usually that’s how it goes they know like hey if they say no don’t don’t follow anything up because if you saw what happened Kylie Kelce actually could have picked up that lady and threw her probably into Seattle City how about her saying you could tell I could smell alcohol in your you’re embarrassing yourself I’m disappointed in you yeah it wasn’t I’m mad no no just Bing that lady I don’t know who you are I just asked for a photo I don’t know who you are I love that well then today too like anyone that knows that lady like she’s just the biggest [ __ ] in town you know they know that though well right right but even anyone who that’s not breaking news for that lady’s friends or kids or husband go definitely not but when you get put on like blast publicly like that like she’s done her life’s over I do like the husbands were just staying out of it y yeah Jason was just kind of me you can tell you can tell how far away he was and she yeah she’s an absolute dog husband wanted in got the middle hers we assume we don’t know who who that pretend whoever’s going to sign up to stare down that pitol of a lady who’s ignorant I couldn’t even imagine the arrogance this lady shows on a dayto day couldn’t even imagine the things she expects out of everybody in her life and then this guy getting a good shot of it we appreciate it but we would have liked to see the beginning where Kylie decides to stop turn okay I’ll do this if this is what you want to do because you know a lot of people especially that are as famous as they are right now have a full PR team that briefs them on how to act in these interactions here’s what you can say here’s what you don’t say never get in the face of anybody because optically it would look terrible Kylie and Jason haven’t even got to that stage of Fame yet where they have people telling them how they should act and they’re just like nah this [ __ ] ain’t talking to us like this and they handle it shout out to the Kelsey continuing to crush it Travis had those weird pants on I liked it he’s super high fashioned yeah he looks sweet he did look sweet the slits in them those look sweet yeah you didn’t think they Airy you know cuz it gets hot down in Dallas see where they chap were they chap yeah it was uh they’re like asess chaps but all over the legs if that makes sense small chaps small small little assless and balless chips no look look look look you can see his knece oh I see personally as a guy who hot like this is brilliant this is really good those are not see through though what’s that I can see his knees what do you mean I know but it’s got some up under no hey you see nut right there hold on yeah is that the tip of his is that the tip of his penis coming out the bottom no I don’t think he would do that he’s in a relationship not everybody’s right there yeah exactly this is what you do when you become a massive Superstar you wear [ __ ] like this and it’s awesome no he’s been dressing like this forever has been a fash whenever we were at the LA Rams Kansas City Chiefs Monday night football game the one that would go on to become the 50/50 game or whatever it was he had like pink shoelaces on his cleats during warm-ups and then what he wore that was literally my my first interaction with him in person we had chatted on the internet I think a couple times but literally I was standing on his Seline I was like that’s sweet and he was like had to do something for him Monday night you know Travis classic Travis Kelce and full he’s always been a fashion guy but obviously now anywhere he’s go anywhere he goes he’s going to get photographed he looks cool with those I personally like the shirt I one of know significance of the shirt and the Apple I just want shirts now with fruit on them like I want a banana shirt I want an apple I want a pear I want a watermelon like this I think the shirt is the big winner yeah what if this is a new brand just fruit shirts that’d be sweet fruit of the be so mad is that Hollywood y yeah that’s Hollywood and that’s Patrick H and then I saw the photo uh not that is not hul kogan on the right there and then I saw a photo in the back of Rashid R was there oh taking a picture with the boys so my immediate thoughts were damn he’s still in Dallas we need him get out of Dallas but also followup he’s with his teammates though sure so that’s good news you know that that’s good news as well also doing some uh Community work in Dallas I saw I think yesterday on my timeline passing out food and drinks I like that do that later get the [ __ ] out of that City you know rased needs to get the hell out of that City in KC he’s a great football player yeah unbelievable literally possibilities are endless with that guy that run he had that six we run where he was the guy like Kelsey had an injury or whatever and Rashid rice was going for 120 a game uh let’s talk about Caitlyn Clark obviously incredible uh Travis Kelsey go ahead put that up there was a little info on Travis Kelsey wears a namio Risinger Apple t-shirt 250 okay okay all of a sudden we don’t like that shirt we’re not going to wear that shirt we love that he’s wearing it but we we we could make that shirt on paint yeah yeah but it wouldn’t be as comfortable it wouldn’t look nearly as cool because it’s not uh on Travis Kel here in Preston Razer cut jeans those are 835 bucks a Louis Vuitton chain links necklace $190 a monogram craggy bracelet 630 to the hell yeah tra killing it bu keep killing the game good it’s good F he just got paid again just got paid again uh speaking of getting paid Caitlin Clark is going to get paid big time she has figured out the WNBA now she’ll have a couple turnovers okay she’ll have a couple situations she went for 30 last night and it’s only going to continue to go up and up and up feels like her team starting to understand how we utilize Caitlyn Clark her coach know though let’s go to somebody that was at the game con man what are your original takeaways from the game last night against the spark and what are your thoughts on where the fever sit right now I mean I think they’re in a good spot I it seems as though last year the team obviously was built on offense around Aaliyah Boston like hey this is our girl she is our bread winner and now the team changes she wins the Rookie of the Year last year you know and now Kaylin Clark comes in and she’s introduced last she is clearly the star and their kind of scheme it feels like changing like it is more running gun it should be it’s Caitlyn Clark and she’s scoring 30 points kind of easily she I think she had 15 at the half and she was playing fantastic La has some dogs down low so they were they were very tough to score on as far as when it came to Aaliyah Boston and I hate to do this once again but basically three minutes into the game Aaliyah Boston two fouls okay see you later get the hell out of here Caitlyn Clark got teed up again for like basically being pissed about a bad call and then the Sparks one of their girls goes down they don’t blow the whistle dead this Girl almost gets stepped on Caitlyn Clark’s like hey look out for her she’s underneath the net obviously after a foul on the Fever by Caitlyn Clark that was basically like hey protect this girl like I could you could hear Caitlyn Clark saying to the ref hey you need to protect her like she’s underneath the rim their team has the ball stop the game she’s clearly in a lot of pain that girl gets up and Reams out the ref doesn’t get teed up so like there is this weird they want to set the tone K it’s thisd weird feeling that the WNBA feels and not the other girls although they were face guarding her they are treating her as if in between foul shots she doesn’t even remember that she has another shot oh [ __ ] I got to get Caitlyn Clark 22 no no you got to shoot another foul shot lady yeah and the reason that she didn’t realize that she has another free throws because they teed up Caitlyn Clark for a nothing and that’s why she had to take another one but again it does feel as though maybe not the other players are like hey screw this girl even though they’re they’re covering her like hey we can’t let we don’t want to be the team that lets Caitlyn Clark go for 40 yeah and which is coming in the next couple no no doubt about it because it does feel as though they’re fine in their groove it was awesome to watch her hit those logo threes feel almost more comfortable shooting from anywhere on the court like I think the clip already ran but she had a sweet SWAT and then pass the ball run down the court right back three like it was incredible basketball but the refs like I I don’t understand at one point Clark gets called for a foul she’s kind of pissed off because it was a little bit of a touch foul bang bucket and then and then the ref before reporting the foul to the the middle bench bar whatever those refs over there she’s just staring at Caitlyn Clark like basically waiting for her to say something else to tear her up but the fever are going to figure it out they’re going to be just fine it does feel like they’re hitting their Rhythm they’re finding out who they are their identity if you will and the LA Sparks are just a good basketball team yep LA Sparks are good basketball I think they’re the only team that uh fever have beat this year correct but one and seven we’re going to keep it going fever going to find their way doubt all the te’s you’re saying are not an anger management problem no I don’t think they’re an anger management problem at all I think they need to they someone’s got to asking some point competitive people with refs normally going to Showcase some anger every once in a while Caitlyn has been doing this since we’ve seen Caitlyn Clark play basketball she’s certainly a little fiery she got questions she got eyes yeah and she knows if you’re CP or not and it feels like there’s a chance and I know we just went through the whole song and dance with the officials exactly some of them are crap you do need to protect the ball no doubt there are times where and that is something that felt feels as though in the WNBA they know where you’re going if you’re driving to the hoop and jumping and looking to pass they know where where you’re trying how how’s coach sides doing things are good coach sides are good I mean look we’re down 13 14 points with four minutes left look you can talk [ __ ] I’m going to the game so I don’t want to hear it 14 points 14 15 points and then they make this Con boots on the ground last night that’s fine but you can also watch it and like understand that everything that’s going on right now with how much expectations are around this team and like she takes a timeout and takes Caitlyn Clark out and then there’s a 10-point swing and they’re down five when she’s on the bench and she’s plus four and then in the last game plus whatever like if they don’t start winning like they will [ __ ] can this lady like that’s just that’s I’m not disagreeing with that that is a matter of fact in professional sports he’s watching game unfold live in person and feeling the energy I think they’re down 15 time out they come in they go on a run they’re down by six and then the Sparks call timeout and then they hit a couple shots as number 10 on the Sparks hit three straight threes I was like okay like that’s just good basketball quick quick shots what wasn’t Rebecca Lobo number 10 no Jesus Christ oh we’re trying to you can’t do that yeah what what’s it what’s the point what was I hope you feel what’s the point we’re trying to cover the W now granted people are attacking us for calling the W or following the W cuz we’re brand new fans did you see all the habub about how Caitlyn’s being treated and being talked that was that became the story of the WNBA is all the other people in WNBA saying we don’t hate Caitlyn we don’t hate that became the story then it became well because there’s pettiness Charles Barkley came out and was talking about the pettiness that was potentially happening how everybody’s anti Caitlyn all of a sudden then Angel ree who’s dominating Angel ree is having a hell of a rookie campaign she had a tweet and then she took that tweet down and then I think there’s a I think it’s all kind of Finance balance right now I I think it’s all kind of Finance balance right now we’re in a new world with the w and Caitlyn I think is becoming who we all thought she would be even though the first few games were certainly not great she’s going to score 40 within the next three games I mean that is just go ahead and bul it and I think Caitlin Clark’s mentality is going to lead her to have success but everybody else is going to have to join in as well we’re happy for a w we’re also happy for a league that happened before I was born ladies and gentlemen joining us now with more information MLB Insider for yaho sports he’s an analyst on Apple TV hey how you doing keep it moving Apple TV is in live sports we like that and then also the MLB Network ladies and gentlemen Russell dor Russ how you doing Russ what’s going on guys how we feeling good can I call you Russ Russ old full name you know like Pat Patrick Matt Matthew are you Russ is good you Russ is good I know my mom’s watching and she’s cool with both okay shout out mama dorsy uh Ross is killing it obviously in life and on the program so there was a Le uh that was all black players named The Negro Leagues okay so just so we can I’m allowed to say am I are we how’s this go uh you’re good dog that’s what he said that’s what Darry said that’s what Pac-Man said that’s what that’s what dirty said you never double check enough yeah just want to make sure just want to make because once it goes you know it’s gone for him and we it’s it’s the official name Buddy you you’re good okay the Negro Leagues are now officially a part of of the MLB stats and what we are learning is that the greatest baseball player of all time is uh from Pittsburgh from the homestead Grace Josh Gibson is this how we need to start talking and how do we get to this point Ross I know you’ve been covering it in depthly uh over the last what couple months how long has this kind of been coming to fruition this is something that I’ve been working on for the last week and a half two weeks kind of you knew this was going on and I think what need to happen everybody needs to take a deep breath because I think there’s a lot on both sides of oh my gosh this is the greatest thing that ever happened there’s a lot of people like no this is the worst thing that ever happened a lot of false equivalent you got to take ich youro stats from Japan everybody calm down I think it’s a an important day in the history of baseball and when I say the history of baseball I don’t just mean Major League Baseball and something that I’ve said for the last couple of days last 24 hours is you can’t tell the story of baseball without the Negro Leagues and now you can continue to tell a more complete broader picture of the game and so what has happened is Negro League statistics uh from 1920 to 1948 are now officially integrated into MLB’s database and there was a the Negro leak statistical uh Review Committee uh which was historians negro leak experts people from Elias the people from retro sheet and seam heads all these databases that had various Negro League statistics from years past and box scores you had journalists on the committee you had former players that have tried to figure out it think of it as a thousand piece puzzle and you’re trying to take a box score from 1925 with clippings from newspapers from 1930 and put them together to say okay we have a complete picture or a more complete picture than we had and so now those statistics get added in and now that’s why you have a guy like Josh Gibson who is now the single season record holder in bad average slugging percentage and Ops slugging percentage and Ops were held by Barry Bonds uh and the batting average record was held by a guy named Hugh Duffy uh in N 1894 okay so this isn’t the 100o game situation no they have tape I think so I I saw some pictures I didn’t see tape cuz he was just saying it was a thousand piece puzzle to go from like score to like uh newspaper headlines also being accounted into this and other stuff how come none of that’s around with 100 point game why is it just that one photo got a stat book that’s a different sport we don’t want to have to dive into it but if you’re talking about historical stats being brought into real time that is certainly one that’s always going to be chatted about but now the Negro Leagues players were always allowed into the MLB Hall of Fame though so that was kind of always a part of it or is it the Baseball Hall of Fame Baseball Hall of Fame so I I think what’s really important here for people that are wondering well how can this happen how can you take uh the Negro Leagues that was its own and all of a sudden uh it is given Major League status so in 2020 Major League Baseball announced that the Negro Leagues will be given Major League status and I think a lot of people were concerned by that in the sense of oh well now you’re just like whitewashing history and I think it’s important to note in 1969 you had the special baseball Review Committee that said all right let’s look at all the leagues that has made up baseball so you had the union Association in the late 1800s the players League the federal League the American Association in 1969 that committee said okay all of these leagues will be given Major League status they also said that no special Asis or no special grouping will be given that’s why you had a guy like Hugh Duffy who was the single season record holder in batting average even though he played in The Players league and the federal league and the American Association so for all those people saying well how can you do this how can Josh Gibson shoot up the leaderboards well it had already nobody realized it though and so this is something where the new committee the Negro League statistical Review Committee says well that committee said that there will be no special asteris so so you can’t all of a sudden say now we need to have a special asteris over here now that the Negro League statistics are integrated okay so we’re taking the asterisks out and we’re saying no no asterisks we don’t want any of those asterisks whenever we’re talking about the history of baseball and now we have the main stat database adding a league that from the way you’re talking about it has always been considered incredibly important to the development of the sport and to the m Mo go ahead Ty yeah Russell I know the uh MLB has always done stuff to kind of highlight pieces of the Negro Leagues and we know like certain players everything he’s allowed to just say that huh that that’s me just seeing them say it there I didn’t see me say it but I just saw it happen right there b you little the name it’s just I just got like uncomfortable for him like as it was coming out of his mouth I’m like you know I’m learning to lot of nro League jerseys I got to go by yeah exactly gra being that’s kind of been like the only thing the MLB has done is like they have like the throwback jerseys and obviously there’s the Hall of Fame and and all that kind of stuff but like are they planning to do anything more to highlight kind of all these people who most people have never heard of so this in you know 3 months from now it’s not just like oh we already did the thing with the Negro Leagues where we you know we let their stats be known but where they kind of just like put a pin in it and then say they’re done with like is there any plans in the future to kind of highlight more of this stuff or not really well you you have to right I think when you look at people are concerned about by the other part of this conversation is you don’t want this to be hey here’s the good parts about the Negro Leagues all right bye like this has to be something where you explain hey this was a league that was very important to baseball’s history they had to be separate because we did not not allow them at a time in our country’s history where you know black players were not allowed to play Major League Baseball to they’re all and you don’t just hide behind oh well they’re part of Major League historical record now like you have to get out in front of it and say hey this was a time in our history where black players were not allowed to play Major League Baseball and we have to stand by that and we’re trying to write this wrong and say no they should have been part of that 19 69 uh committee where all these other leagues where all these other players are now shooting up leaderboards and are part of you know in the Hall of Fame that played in 1894 1895 1880 those guys got considered as Major League status and so the Negro Leagues will now be part of uhor League Baseball’s historical record and so you can’t hide you can’t hide from because there are a lot of people out there that are going to say hey are are you hiding from your history you have to tell the complete history you can’t just tell the good parts about it you have to tell the whole story yeah and I uh I’m excited to learn more you know and I’m definitely getting a homestead gray shirt for sure and whenever they have the Josh Gibson Bobble bat night I’ll be there for that as well guy could guy could swing some good wood guy could swing some good wood not only in the Negro Leagues which every time it comes out of my mouth I feel like it’s my last words on television but also if he had a chance in the MLB and if he would have got that brain surgery there’s a chance you know who knows goes for it hey we can’t than you enough for your work brother nice meeting you thank you guys appreciate it ladies and gentlemen Russell dorsy R came out of your mouth I was watching I thought you were dead it was like when reys was like they have these lank shirts and I’m like don’t reys reys that’s how I felt with you there but I guess it’s that’s on that’s on us that’s yeah I mean there’s no other name for it that is that is the name that’s how everyone like there’s no other you know it just it is what it is like you said you didn’t name it I didn’t name it you know we’re just trying to trying to shine some light out now and to be clear we didn’t make the rules then either no we didn’t all make rules not alive I was dead no not alive are you dead if you weren’t no no cuz you got to be alive to be dead yeah BB you got to breathe fresh air to be dead there was some uh milligrams in uh well that’s we’re not even getting into that not even getting into you just threw yourself right into a middle or in the middle of a massive conversation but when does it start that is that is a that is a whole jeez not even there was some milligrams in a state that was legal the other day and uh Truman Show is on MH o and then Sims is making a return you know yep then my algorithm just could sense what was going on and it just fed me this physicist doctor that was like 51% chance we’re in the middle of the simulation right now I’m like I’m too high for this but what is all you know what is is everything yeah it’s crazy world you can’t get too deep into that though cuz once you start doing it you’re like what am I where is uh Sports where is H is there a game on is there a game on it’s crazy shout out to the B that’s a big move though it feels like and Josh Gibson Pittsburgh Legend leg dog greatest of all time now Paul sk’s on the mountain on his birthday he’s about to strike out everybody greatest pitcher of all time uhoh Pittsburg is baseball town all of a sudden 21 strikes everybody out 21 strike out oh my god oh hopefully P hour two will be on the other side PK Saban and more see you then without further Ado ladies and gentlemen the commissioner of the NFL don’t listen to them no Roger shut your mouth I appreciate you thank you so much for joining us you’re our commissioner don’t worry about these bums out from us to you we’d like to give you a gift that we know you’re a big fan of ladies and gentlemen peanut M&M yeah for our commission this just why we’re on set yep you can take these with you you can take them home I might just I got a gift for you what oh you ready yeah I like that with the 222nd pick in the 2009 NFL Draft oh yeah the Indianapolis CT select Pat mcae Hunter West Virginia oh yeah come on there baby good pick I pick him up thank you Ro I’m not going to pick you up cuz you got that I got it there’s your card baby that’s real that’s awesome I’ve been keeping that for what is it 15 years you had in your back pocket this whole time this is cool thank you for this so whenever we say that you have to answer to 31 billionaires how accurate is that 32 well you not cting Green Bay yeah okay cuz I doesn’t count Big Pop there’s a Green Bay pack I did yeah no no that was I don’t actually think that way I actually think I answer to them I think I answer to Media Partners I I think I answer the players I think I answered the owners too the idea for me is to try to keep everyone happy I always say that my biggest job is not to piss off more than 24 owners in a given deck how did you know the draft would be awesome if you traveled it and did you see this happening I’d be kidding you if I thought it was going to be as big as it is we felt like we could be bigger than we were in Radio City but what happened is Radio City actually put a holiday show in and said you can’t have the draft until June wow and that’s when we said we’re out of here so they Ked you out that’s when we went on the road well Taylor Swift We Know that’s a different kind of influence how about Hey listen a lot of jokes Tor yeah you can’t you can’t you can’t yeah you’re going to be a part of an Al do it get get get a little louder she is going to cook you a lot of the internet was saying Roger gell is sitting at home through the moon about this well they thought it was part of the script yes anyone to it it is there it is is there a thought of adding another one maybe adding another bye-week or are we good at 17 right now well I I think we’re good at 17 now but listen we’re looking at how we continue I’m not a fan of the preseason I I don’t think we need pre waste of time right and energy I just I don’t buy it and I don’t think these guys like it either well that’s spend full price for tickets for those games no they’re actually discounted now so thank you for doing I’d rather replace a preseason game with a regular season any day that’s just picking quality right if we got to 18 and two that’s not an unreasonable thing the other thing it does which I thought you were going to is that ends up on President’s Day weekend which is a 3-day weekend which makes the Sunday night and then you have Monday off so that wow now we now we’re cooking now we’re you talk to the president the following program is a collection of stoes talking about happenings in the sports world it is meant to be comedic informative the opinions expressed on this show do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of their peers their boss or ESPN there may be some cuss words because that’s how Cub is the real world talk if you are a young please seek permission before watching any further hey why let’s go this show stinks and the fact that you listen we are very very thankful for the alltime leading tackler for the Green Bay Packers you P up up damn it be a friend tell a friend something nice to change their life sport sport sport sport sport hello beautiful people and welcome back to our humble abod the Thunderdome on this word and New World Wednesday May 29th 2024 out to the program starts now sports are great because they have championships and they have a unification ability that nothing else has and we are currently joined by Lord Stanley Cup here hell yeah Lord that’s real deal holy Fu right there that’s the actual Stanley Cup that has been obviously uh binge drank out of partied I couldn’t even imag how many naked bodies have been straddled around this thing and uh it is a dream come true to have a disc close to our program cannot lift it cannot hoist it cannot drink out of it but I have to I touch it okay it’s bad luck no it’s not for the for the Penguins it is no it’s not Mera just told me meor is the first ever woman uh Keeper of the cup M from Toronto she’s been around for like 20 years with the NHL she said uh that’s good luck actually wow she said it’s good luck they literally going through my soul debut scumpy and Bruce should probably all well go on boys on Good Luck yeah oh you guys think you matter that much that’s cute this is back whenever one half of the hammer Cowboys tongue dig started he was wearing one shirt the Steelers going to win remember that they they’re 11 and0 brother until foxy hopped on board they undefeated that was true that was true I just bought a new Panthers jersey want to know which one it was that I wor your last game which one Sam Reinhardt oh Rhino scored that game scored this game that’s 9year NFL vet der State Butler big Florida P 12 year NFL vet Pac-Man Jones is here very cool that’s a cool fit today is that a is that a puzzle like can I get from one point to the end oh like a little mze maybe if you take one of those gummies that you was talking about in that steak probably can get through it yeah I think we can find away on the back of a serial box if they have one of those uh map things it’s like I’m going find I’m Going find it cuz they even they set you up with like a little half wall and you want to go this way oh yeah it’s like no I don’t [ __ ] I know what you’re trying to do to me maze yeah one of those things yeah those are the best on the bo is considered a puzzle as well cuz you’re trying I beat one the other day it was awesome back of a cereal box no it was on a kids menu oh those ones are nice crayon McDonald uh no local restaurant here which’s color was it Red Lobster’s dead that’s why I wasn’t sure if Tony was kind of going to say his goodbye lster so dead think about that the only seafood restaurants in the middle of the country no Hardies seafood restaurants dude just fine what are you talking about it’s freshly shipped in every day and Fresh Catch where it can be fresh that’s the toxic table at Tai Schmidt and at Boston Connor you don’t act like you predicted Red Lobster’s downfall no no no I did not you did you’re like a seafood in the middle of the country what saying I I wouldn’t order Seafood in the middle of Country I I order a lot of beef out here okay I’ll Sur eat meat went to Boston a couple weekends ago got Seafood so good be where your feet are so you’ve lived here now for eight years seven years yeah you don’t have seafood out here ever I have sushi which you know is kind of against my point oh so the rawest fish yeah send it over yeah kind of against my point at Boston Conor is here as well he he’s being honest I don’t really eat I don’t really eat fish out here either I just do it when I go home or if like we’re up in Chicago or on one of the coast I don’t really eat fish to begin with like not a big fish but if modern technology can’t figure out fish in Indiana yeah we’re we got much bigger problems I had a bad experience I think it’s probably why back in uh 2020 after Co there was a new restaurant on massav that actually I went to with Nick oh yeah and uh boy oh boy the fish they were serving was it was something I don’t know if it was fish but it was something and you [ __ ] your pants was that that one oh my God yeah oh no that was a that was a couple years after that was a taco last February I had some problems this morning I think I had a little food poisoning last night uh last 10 minutes of last hour I’m going [ __ ] my pants up here we’re talking about the Negro Leagues so I’m almost [ __ ] my pants already sure and then I’m actually almost [ __ ] my pants in real life that things like that need to happen though just to remind yourself you still got it you know so now during that break I was certainly you know howling at a toilet or whatever but like those things need to happen especially one week yeah dude wipes has been a tag team partner throughout all of this morning MH I actually came out crying earlier the boys saw dripping full sweat came into the office we knew like what’s going on yeah I was a little pale this morning when I came in and ton dig said hey you just got to get that out of you buddy you just got to go in there and get that thing and I did the first time I’ve done that in a long time and boy I was sweating you know the eyes fully bloodshot had the had drip drips of sweat coming off my arms like that’s how serious it was in there but I felt so much better afterwards until about 30 minutes into the program and then I had to let it go I think we completely beat it okay let’s go all right do you have Pizza Hut no whoa whoa whoa what was that no well on the internet they’re saying that Domino’s is way better than Pizza Hut so I was just making sure that just had Domino’s the other night it doesn’t hold a [ __ ] candle to Pizza Hut just get that straight Domino’s is pretty good I will say uh I’m not against Domino’s at all but I will in my rankings Pizza Hut is always going to be above it now there’s like Dallas salad pizza obviously in Pittsburgh that I would put above anything else and I’m sure there’s local pizza places that Panos have put together and it’s great pizza we’re just talking chain available everywhere Pizza Hut is going to be the most consistently great for your buck is how we feel foxy though who grew up eating what pizza did you Little Caesars of course okay hot and ready $5 in and out the door it’s the best pizza you can get take his chips College when we were in college Little Caesars had a run prob for me uh probably like Elementary School oh Jesus Middle School yeah when your taste buds you didn’t even have CRA yeah don’t for joining us now as a man from Ohio uh I think there’s a lot of Italians in Ohio so I assume the pizza is delicious over there this man’s a college football national champion a Super Bowl champion a roide Cup winner and a current president of Ohio AJ hwk AJ AJ I know you love adversity me one whatever the hell I ate zero got it all out of me this morning you think it’s all gone like truly going uh the last stop it did feel like I had broken free wait were you sweaty because you were about to puke or dump which just got done puking yeah just got done puking had to get it out of there cuz wow the dumps was trying to get it all out of there but you can only uh get so much out there you know with the way the human body is constructed and I I don’t like going in and sending the divers in you know that ain’t that ain’t my gig I don’t like that at all but it was getting bad I thought I maybe wasn’t going to be able to do program today with how sh*tty I felt and tone looked at me he was like you just got to do it you listen wow shove your fingers down your throat it and get it done with and did right in that room right over there and it worked it did I but you’re talking dripping sweat dude dripping sweat like like when you come down from a flight that was that was really bumpy like that kind of feeling yes that is your ammo I had one of those the other night uh I don’t know if you heard going into Savannah I was out of seat onto armrest oh put your seat belt on okay what maybe missed the turbulence yeah yeah well fly higher huh how about that I don’t think they can control it completely like that tone but you know we at 4 we were way up there that was actually the first thing I was looking at is how the hell we hitting any turbul they are supposed to be too thin were these planes flash why I fly on these and I see 41,000 oh my oh my God at least screen you knew how high you were cuz sometimes those are on yeah you’re well normally broken screen will get you cuz you don’t you’re literally in a time capsule for how long who knows how long do I have until the end of this flight I could be anything could be two hours could be 10 hours who knows could be stuck in here for the rest of your life what happened at a Malaysian plane oh what did happen I’ve watch that doc on it some weird that goes to the other dimension type thing wow the New York Post just posted something about two uh oh yeah saw the reason video oh really yeah what did they post we got new Aliens new aliens are here two of them to them they they uh invisibility Dev devices they have they became invisible on the camera and the uh the veteran investigators say I don’t know what [ __ ] going on here I I’ll me a little bit more help and to be clear when he watch the video it is not very clear is it of which might be part of their whole thing hey when we go there we just have to make sure that we have the technology where super blurry yeah you can’t see us super blurry faces that would make more sense you know but anyway keep an eye out on Sports not too much other stuff because there’s a lot to dive into yeah there’s a lot I don’t know if you heard that at the end of the last hour where I talked about being a little bit and watching TR and show and then Sims coming on them looking up and all of a sudden like what does that mean for me what does that mean after me and it’s like got a daughter don’t need to let’s just get back to night uh let’s talk a little yeah there’s too much you can get into there AJ a little bit too much in between ear just let it go let it go just let it go after when it gets to that point yeah especially with the way I think because I I like yeah let’s get to the bottom of this actually and then five six hours later and all of a sudden I’m that guy from the movie conspiracy theorist and it’s like we need to have new Einstein on who’s that Terence Terence hard yeah I mean some is that is that what they call him now that’s what I’m call oh okay hey AJ did you hear the news about the baseball league back in the day what was the name of that League uh I’m not sure actually I caught the most of the majority of the first hour but I do not know exactly what the league was you were speaking of no is that right you don’t remember you don’t know the name you guys didn’t talk about Bob Gibson was an unbelievable player back Jesus Christ piece of [ __ ] guy doesn’t even know the name of the league first of all what was a player as well if you if you had to guess uh the name of the League what what what do you think it would be it’s right there at the bottom of screen you can read it the major league wasn’t it’s always been Major League Baseball right yeah yeah since we’ve been alive but before we were alive there was other leagues do you do you remember the name of the league that Josh Gibson played in do you remember that I’m not I honestly do not recall I was hoping you or Ty could could uh remind me it’s literally right there it is on my screen cuts off what is it I don’t even see the uh the scroller thing anyway what we got going on over uh can we get him can we get it make sure tech-wise he has the entire thing I just checked he could see it oh okay well how about this it’s right here you don’t know anything about me Z how do you know I it’s right here it’s right here on the screen I don’t know if you see it what what’s the name of the League AJ what MLB incorporates the Negro League oh guy holy hell we’re allowed to say what is the what’s the protocol on this one yeah so I asked I asked I asked a lot I asked the journalists I asked friends I asked people in the building and uh yeah it’s just green light they said got g- card they said go ahead and say it and i’ i’ I’ve seen others get duped into this before where they thought they were uh got the green light in one particular group and then they go to another group and it’s like well we didn’t not a universal and I saw that person get their ass beat and uh that ain’t that ain’t the way this is going to go for me I I don’t think I learned that lesson quickly and uh from somebody else’s actions obviously and I’ve been told Negro League is completely okay for us it sounds weird every time it comes out though AJ whenever we’re talking about that baseball league that Josh Gibson played in what was it called uh the Negro League jez my last time I think that’s enough I agree but I agree I think that’s the big journalism of the day for me that I mean obviously Josh Gibson best baseball player of all time congratulations Pittsburgh guy Pittsburgh guy satch paig satch what a what a beast way you go that’s great great name also we’re allowed to buy merch and stuff now right yeah yeah oh yeah let’s go dude nice Jersey MH yeah that Gray’s Jersey sweet now to be clear with that graphic that we made there with Josh Gibson on uh there was some controversy uh going into this entire thing would have threw us right into a buz saw a big one yeah I would have threw it right into a buz saw that is Josh Gibson right there okay that is not somebody playing Josh Gibson in a play later on down the road correct that is actually a picture of him which is great news great new fact Josh Gibson’s dad works in steel mill in Pittsburgh so you know he comes from good roots wow that’s probably why he’s the best it’s a baseball City it’s also a hockey Town joining in Now ladies and gentlemen aain has been covering the NHL in a fantastic fashion all offseason last night after the Florida Panthers scored in overtime he did a little song and dance on set even though he’s known to be a Rangers guy ladies and gentlemen PK suban J Tatum hey go you look sweet it’s a great outfit where what are we doing here what’s going on it’s uh it’s a good day to be PK it seems yep I had a meeting today I’m at the NHL office so I had a meeting with the production company that’s doing that great show with the NHL box to box so I’ll be participating in some of that stuff um excited about it it’s great for the NHL what’s box to box production company they did the quarterback show um in the NHL they also did uh I think it’s Drive uh drive to stay alive the Formula 1 Show on Netflix as well so yeah swing stuff happening here okay so we’re going to f which hockey players are we following has that been announced why don’t you make that announcement right now breaking uh I’m not breaking any news on that I don’t I don’t know enough about it but they had to interview me so we’ll see where it lives who are some of the guys maybe maybe some of the guys in consideration yeah that are in consideration for what for this show yeah yeah uh it seems like the big stars are going to be involved McDavid um Philip forsberg Quinn Hughes Jack e Stoner Jackie Austin Sydney Austin Matthews I’m sure maybe Crosby will be in there I can’t give it all away you got to watch the show just kind of did awesome thank you for that PK that’s good journalism we did it we did it incredible didn’t even know box the box was the thing had had no clue box to box is the name of or that’s the production company what’s the name of this one hockey to Rocky or what is the what is the Bo box to box is the production company yes correct I I I have no idea what the show is going to be Nam I love that you’re part of it it’s going to be electrifying yeah wait to skate uh light the lamp light the lamp gr and J yeah the Sandpaper oh man pox on net boom rubbers on there rubber rubber dump and rubber dump and rubber okay let’s talk uh not only about dumping rubber the new series coming to Netflix by box to box that PK San’s going to be a part of PK I don’t know if you saw it thus far but we have a special guest here in the Thunderdome lordo is here PK lordo Stanley cop Is Here lordo Yeah Lord Stanley cop is here in the building uh shout out to merera uh uh the first woman Keeper of the cup in the history of the cup she brought in from Toronto I’m allowed to touch it they said I’m not allowed to lift it drink out of it CLE it spoon it do anything like that but I’m allowed to touch it just like this I seen you uh on set when Messier who obviously won it I think six times he walked over to you and you ran from me you said I might be a strength coach someday for a team I’m not going to touch this thing I want to win one on my own that is a big deal right no hockey players actually touch this thing like debut loves the Panthers uh Gumpy loves the Dallas Stars they’re scared to touch it because they think they won’t win what is the theory around touching this and who can who can’t and why I just make the Penguins stuning cup contenders again first of all shout out to merera I met Mera earlier this year shout out to the keeper she does a great job J um she does a thing and yes keep that cup away from mess he’s seen enough of it he’s won it six times he doesn’t need to touch that thing anymore okay let let somebody else play with it a little bit but I don’t want to touch it because you know what it’s you got to win it you got to win it you either got to win it as a manager player coach doesn’t matter you got to win it before you can lift it and I will say this um I know a few players who actually have said that they touched the Stanley Cup before they won it and it didn’t jinx them they actually ended up winning it I can’t say the names though they told me this is all incompetence so I can’t say it so F I just believe that you shouldn’t touch any trophy unless you’ve won it you should not you shouldn’t lift it or hoist it like you know what I mean it’s simple the pens won so many we back to back multiple times we were kind of a part of them yeah Bingo down relax the pen also stole one too you guys stole one from me in 16 you remember that sorry about it that’s called earning it pal that’s called earning that’s why I get to do this you can’t touch the thing a’t that cool that I’m allow to touch it you can’t how many years you played in the howby mo what yeah was flurry on that team or was that muray how they steal it Crosby no it’s Crosby listen to me it’s Crosby the third one completes I mean three chips for him that’s all Crosby I remember that goal like it was yesterday the breakaway goal coming through the middle forehand backand yeah that was it it was all said so anyways isn’t it kind of suck for you that I can touch this thing dance with this thing and you committed your entire life to hockey and you won’t ever get to touch and I’m just here I am here I am look at me look look at me at look at me I want stanle cup drank out of it last year with rupper that’s right oh yeah you know here Jack Johns you’re right though you’re right you know what Pat I can’t touch it but you know I just wonder on a beautiful day like this as beautiful as it is outside here in New York like I wonder what weather your Pacers they got to be on in Cancun by now right like are they in Cancun shut up J T J T [ __ ] it it was a sweet sweet we had a lead in every one of those games been doing that around Indie since PK did it yeah he did it the entire on Saturday in literally in the suite just amongst other things acting like a full [ __ ] the amount of PE T J T never stops so uh thank you for supplying Boston people with more [ __ ] to be massholes about that’s very that’s something they needed out of you but let’s talk a little yeah okay let’s talk a little bit more hockey shall we I thought you were a Rangers guy too cuz remember you spent your birthday watching the Rangers I think you’re on TV their show last night you did a full song and dance whenever the Florida Panthers get to win about a minute into overtime what’s that all about you’re just excited about good hockey you like that the series is tied like the goal or what was it what was this all but I thought you were a Rangers guy PK dude I thought it was my pick I thought it was my pick I looked down and checked my phone Pucks in the back of the net I picked barkov to score the winner it wasn’t even him it was Reinhardt so I was pissed up I wasted the celebration it wasn’t even my pick and to make M to make matters even worse nobody picked them nobody at our desk picked them mes didn’t pick them and leaves didn’t pick them either so nobody picked him so really I ended up being pissed off because it wasn’t my guy but how’ you feel about the win you like the win we like that the series is tied this is good for hockey listen I got Rangers in seven I I I haven’t changed my pick in any of these rounds I’m not going to change it once I make a pick I stick to it I had Rangers in seven um you know Florida deserve to win I mean to me Florida deserve to win games two three and four like they deserve to win them but that being said something got to be said for teams that find ways to win and the Rangers have found ways to win and I also got to give them credit they’ve made adjustments they haven’t gotten frustrated with Florida and the way that they’ve played they’ve stayed in the moment and they’ve capitalized on their opportunities and they’ve done it they’ve changed their game they’ve won and had success in different styles so you got to say you you got to give them credit for that I think also Peter laviolet deserves a lot of credit because playing against the Florida Panthers a team that plays that style there’s a lot of coaching changes and tweaks and lineup changes that you got to do and I I think he’s done a really good job managing the team and managing the emotion of the Rangers through it all so but as a hockey fan you’re damn right I’m happy it’s tied up 2 two this thing’s going six or seven games and I’m happy about it it’s been great hockey it’s been fun to watch and for the first series this is the first series all playoffs that I’m kind of hoping for overtime you know most of the other series I want to go home I want to go the hell home after the game this one I’m willing to to stay up and watch overtime as long as I need to because I love seeing these two two teams go at it so I I think the hockey’s only going to get better in this series from here on in I don’t know how scientifically it works I don’t know how scientifically it works but the brightness of the ice which I’ve talked about is like light mode in your bedroom it’s like hypnotized it puts me to sleep almost but these it has for some of these other games not for Rangers and Panthers though because of the physicality like it’s such a physical game there’s so much talent I feel like I it’s old school it feels like an old school series and I love the fact that it’s being tied up and you know you talk about laviolet or whatever doing it thank God we got Ry back on you I mean geez that that you didn’t have to be you have to be [ __ ] Einstein to figure out that the Rangers might be better with Rey even though you were like yeah he’s doing a good thing you remember you said all that stupid [ __ ] yeah yeah you did you did but we’re we’re back on it we weren’t asked to be a part of the box to box waight to skate yeah rubber full rubber on that dump rubber yeah dumping rubber we weren’t told about that at all uh debuts got a question for you though about the Panthers though yeah PK you mentioned the Rangers and their adjustments obviously two very very close team Games 2 three and four all went to OT what adjustments do you see uh the Panthers make in uh game four obviously you know lead to that Rhino overtime goal to end it well I I I think that for first of all for Florida adjustment coming in on the road I think they’re comfortable playing on the road we saw what they did in game one um I I thought there was more pressure on the Rangers in game one being at home obviously you know handling the first two series kind of handly they’re clicking on all cylinders but now we knew that they were going to face their toughest uh opponent of the playoffs and you know Florida stepped up and came out and punched him right in the mouth in game one I I think that game five is going to be the most balanced game of this series and I think both teams it’s to to to I mean it’s so difficult to pick but Florida they got to bury their chances eigor shurin has been the story of this series and boski hasn’t been bad it’s not like he’s been bad he’s been great but shurin he’s just he’s finding ways to make those impossible saves possible and for the Rangers they’re getting confidence out of it so even though that you know the Florida Panthers are wearing them down on the cycle they’re dominating on the boards and in the battles shot attempts all of that stuff their team feels that sherin’s going to make all the stay when he needs to make them and he has been making them look what it took to beat him yesterday Ryan Hart’s got verge’s got to bat a puck out of the air there’s got to be a puck that goes in off his skate a skate uh the overtime winner is a perfect shot over his shoulder that’s what it’s going to take to beat Sherk and and the rain first of all Florida’s got to show that they’re gonna be able to put the puck in the back of the net when they get their scoring chances too many breakaways too many missed opportunities barkov included as great as he’s been so they got to finish but can shester can keep it up like is he going to be able to keep up this play this level of play for potentially a seven game series I don’t know but I got to say this KH Smite it’s got to be his to lose if the New York Rangers get to the finals and end up winning this thing that guy for me is a shoe in for the K Smite eagor chance will be everywhere uh let’s stick with the Rangers a little bit here seem to be super Petty what’s up with Chris krider throwing a mouthpiece to kachuck and not even getting it out of the Arena not even out of the rink kachuck actually was quot saying I told him he was the best play he made all game he said little little petty that’s what I had said on that one stayed in the rank there that that toss right there he’s throwing a mouth guard he got from kachuck he was trying to throw it in a crowd souvenir didn’t make it out hit the glass went back down look like a big dumb [ __ ] that’s what they said Look at big dumb Crider not even able to throw the mouthpiece out of the Arena that’s what they were saying I didn’t say it I’m saying people were saying that PK well you know what kryder’s got to do something to kind of get himself going and I I like the fact that he’s getting involved I’m sure Matthew kachuck had said something like bossk’s got more points than you in the series which he does I think he’s got an assist and kryder doesn’t have any points yet but that can all change in game five for Chris krider you know it’s a double- Ed sword right you want to get in guy’s kitchens you want to get under guy skin but a guy like Chris Cryer you know you got to be careful because you don’t want to wake up that guy I mean he’s he’s the pound-for-pound strongest most explosive guy in the series now we haven’t seen it yet and we need to see more of it in this series you this series can’t go by and he doesn’t have a point or a goal when people are saying last round they want to put his jersey up in the Raptors you know because the way he performs so I I don’t think it’s just him I think it’s sain Jad as well who obviously hit the crossbar uh yesterday but it’s also panan like those big guys are GNA have to break out at some point in time and they haven’t done that yet but last night you could see the frustration starting to come a little bit and that’s good you know listen these these last couple games of the series here Chris kryder shows up in game five and has a big game no one’s going to be talking about the first four games of this series so you know throw his mouth guard throw his helmet throw as many gloves piece equipment in the stands as you want you know but Matthew kachuck doesn’t care his team’s coming in your building uh 2-2 ready to take the uh game five so he’s got to be ready to go let’s stay with the Rangers on that note yeah PK against Carolina obviously trouba almost took a guy out with a bow and then almost cut his head off on the way back down and then you know there was another one uh the other night that people weren’t too happy about I remember you saying you still want him to play that way and still be flying around but also you got to be a little careful are you worried that this series might turn into a bit of a Gong Show if he continues to throw bows all over the place or what do you think needs to happen and do you expect another response perhaps from the Panthers even though we are two games removed well I’ll tell you this personally guys no one’s listening or watching I’m always up for a Gong Show so I don’t mind the gong show bring on the gong show let’s go but I will say this on the Chris on on True Loves gong shows amen I love a Gong Show who does it me too love who does live for him yeah donkey trouba love the way he plays people want to say he’s a dirty player I I don’t see him that way I played against from his whole career in Winnipeg he never had any questionable hits when he was playing in Winnipeg this is part of his job he’s trying to bring a physical element to the Rangers and he’s done a great job he’s been a great leader for them in on these plays though I cannot play favorites as much as I love the physical part of the game and and it is I listen I went on the record it’s not pickle ball I defended him when he tried to kill that NIS last series and flew into the glass you remember when I said listen love the intent but if you hit him with your elbow we’re talking about something different so I got call the way I see it he makes elbow contact with his chin yeah from that angle you don’t see it but if you see the front angle he hits him in the side of the head anytime you extend That Elbow you’re getting called I don’t think that anything’s going to boil over in this series regardless of what happens whether there’s elbows being thrown dirty plays clean plays you cannot get too emotional in this series now it’s a best of three series it’s tight all that matters right now is winning hockey games nothing else you got all next season for Payback right now it’s about the game on the ice and it’s too tight there’s no margin for error right now both both teams are finding ways to score goals you don’t want to give any team any extra opportunities with their special teams go ahead AJ PK I when I I look online I see all this stuff that they they claim the Florida Panthers are the bad boys of the NHL right now what what do you think when you hear something like that um I I think that the Florida Panthers are a team that play a brand of hockey that we’re accustomed to seeing in the older generation of hockey but it’s a hybrid of it they got guys that can put the puck in the net I don’t think they get enough credit for the skill you look at their overtime winning goal guys don’t dust it off the way they move that puck around I mean they look like the Rangers on the power play they look like the Rangers on the power play did they not me theyan they did they really moving this is what I mean so we can talk about the physicality we can talk about the scrums after the whistle we could talk about them playing chippy I I I don’t know about those hands Pat you wouldn’t have you wouldn’t have a spot on that power play not with those hands but give me a week I could I could have you as a net front guy I am I have you as a net front guy in a week I’m right in front of the net right now good tip good tip good tip go no that wouldn’t count that wouldn’t count but I will say this Mo they deserve way more credit for their skill on that team they don’t get enough credit for their skill and I last night it was on full display overtime winner was unbelievable their power play had to come through and they stepped up Pat roll your wrist over I am roll the wrist I am roll the wrist wait a second what TW [ __ ] tweener oh [ __ ] double five hole pky just yeah I’m rolling R I’m rolling rist talking [ __ ] rolling wrist oh [ __ ] oh what what what what what what what what it’s not bad he’s actually not horrible shut up PK I can hear you you I I can hear you out here yeah I grew up in hockeytown also baseball Town don’t you know don’t know if you know this Josh Gibson best baseball player of all time statistically on record right now he uh former member of the homestead grav in uh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania yeah it’s big deal has there it is right there PK best baseball Negro Leagues that’s right yeah what’s that Negro Leagues that’s right yeah wow AJ what’s the name of the league uh I’m not I’m not exactly sure PK is cutting up can’t all right hope happy it’s all fun you could say Negro League okay yeah all right happy everybody’s having so much fun today it’s been a blast I see awful announcing the Atlantic was Wall Street Journal there’s clipping it I love this listen to what this guy said York that Atlantic article was hilarious long wasn’t it yeah hilarious I didn’t I couldn’t read it it was too long I apologize when’s our Gong Show we got to get a group Gong Show going here what’s the gong show guys what’s that mean you know let me explain it to him we gotta go for coffee we gotta go for coffee I’ll take you for coffee and I’ll explain to you what a Gong Show is just you and I one-onone that’s never gonna happen so he’s never going to know I I thought we were in the middle of doing that right now tell a little bit of a run brief overview good okay we’re going to have a Gong Show at the Elbow Room after the Panthers win the cup we’re all going to be there it’s going to be awesome might be in Texas see he knows you’re right my bad that might happen before that might happen before the Panthers win the cup just just to I me we’re close to we’re close to Nashville we can go down to tootsies Gong Show is a [ __ ] we can type one on Tootsie I Tye one on to what is that Canadian it’s Canadian yeah just getting boozed up slightly different to Gong Show yeah I just better we can go to both yeah second floor getting show R South FL for that the Nashville foies you’re just getting Hammer drunk with a bunch of white people sing country music sing a kid rock It’s Like You on Pat’s birthday debut that’s birthday was G show that was a Gong Show wasn’t it Tai’s got a good definition of gong show I think it is just a little bit of a runaway it’s bit of a Runway got maybe a little bit more okay but here’s my question is going to be a bachelor party or we going to like is it all dudes or is it all a bus or just we a Bach party PK you just got to find it other groups brother what are you talking about your first gong showell I’ll invite some friends I’ll invite some friends okay are you inviting is that what does that mean who who are who are The Lads that you’ll be inviting who are The Lads moose I wasn’t G to invite any more guys I was going to invite some girls but P going to be tough I’m pretty married it’s going to be a tough one be out of the mix not everybody is so hold on so once so Hey listen you guys have whatever Gong Show you want have okay listen I’m I’m not in the way of a wrong way ever uh do you stop working I’m never going to meet anyone you mean like you mean like a spouse or you mean friend what do you mean yeah like a wife like a wife or a friend will you do a dating game on this show to and I want to find love man I’m looking for okay all right sweet so that’s what we’ll do because once the NHL playoffs are over and the NBA Playoffs orever boy we’re [ __ ] so a dating game for PK would be be awesome thank you for allowing us to do that thank you for bestowing that honor upon us the gong show love Edition with PK suban it is going to be they’ll come right here right we’ll do it right here yeah have a whole Runway got a definition now all right okay a situation or event marked by chaos or incompetence freefor all bit Ty has a question for the Loveless PK yeah PK obviously all four of the teams left right now have you know are you going to give them a stick you know how they have like rows yeah like oh one of these you give a mini stick you keep your mini stick for another day instead of the lover instead of the lover sweet we’ll call it the dong show room or whatever yes what they take it theying yeah jeez top bins maybe we don’t need to be associated with dong show this guy’s looking for love put rubber on that you’re trying to make a little bit of a Gong Show of the love show here little bit and I don’t like that and maybe the number one uh person gets like a bar like Bardon and they get like a oh you’re a real B like a special yeah they’re obviously getting lordo how abouto is wayo gonna be gifted at one point Wayne just a picture of Wayne you’re the greatest I figured wayo would be hosting this entire thing probably it’s going be tough to get him I think from what I’ve been told I mean for for anything for love for PK come on we’re here for you PK fellow All I’m gonna say Pat for all you guys fastest way to grow a business is through referrals so that’s all I’m saying okay all right well well hopefully it’s same for love uh Ty has a question for you PK of the four teams left uh which two do you think provides the most entertaining Stanley Cup Final oh oh yeah your potential wife is watching let’s make sure we get a good answer I I would have to say I I I’d like to see the Rangers in Dallas go at it I really would um you know in a World in a perfect world I’d like I’d like Rangers in Edmonton just because I want McDavid in there I do um you know Rangers everybody benefits the 30 years everything and with McDavid his per first time in the Stanley Cup Final I think it’d be highly entertaining but I think Dallas deserves it I think their team and I think it the best final would be Dallas and the Rangers I really believe that that’s a great answer that’s I believe way to get that we didn’t prepare you for that and you were able to come up with that on the spot that’s the type of human you’re potentially dating whenever you come on the gong show of love for PK subar oh man and there can be a huge gong Oh yeah and when they get kicked out yeah they have to hit the gong yeah yeah yeah the gong has spoken yeah yeah oh man this is a home run uh talk to box to box so um that that could be the name you’re how old are you PK 35 35 just turned 35 May 13th happy birthday oh yeah we already said it we already said yeah too much oh yeah before yeah we said before that day of after remember he took two weeks off for his birthday how old do I look 28 mhm okay I’ll take that yeah 28th spot on happy I can make you feel good about it you do look like you’re about 28 I look older than PK dude I do an epsin salt bath every day I hope I look 28 yeah we know and also the massage six out you still doing the massage thing like today how do you do the massage thing today’s the one day off well today I had a busy morning so I leave have to get that massage later this afternoon or I’ll miss a day sometimes I miss a day you know sometimes I miss a day it’s okay yeah you can miss sometimes you can not get a massage you know some days out of a year you can grit and bear it and make it through without getting a massage yeah one one day 36 those so what resort are those because I’m thinking of maybe going down to Cancun what resort are those Pacers staying at are they staying at a place with a good spa or because maybe I’ll go down there after the let me tell you let me tell you why you wouldn’t get along with these Pacers okay TJ McConnell is in Pittsburgh right now okay where’ he go off season he’s going to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania yeah Tyrese Alberton Indianapolis Indiana he he’s had a long morning this morning we FaceTime with him a couple times this morning he’s had a long morning this morning he’s going to be on the show I believe Friday or Monday so he’ll address all the things you’re saying right now the Pacers weren’t supposed to make it to the Eastern Conference Finals they did I like no I like the Pacers I’m just I’m shut up who wins tonight who wins tonight Dallas Oilers you like the McDavid story so I think you’re probably pulling for the Oilers I I want the Oilers to win tonight yes I do I think Dallas still found their game that rope hence it’s just what he brings to that team they’re just they’re very very deep uh I still think that Dallas hasn’t played a full complete game yet in this series they’re due for one but you know how it is this this this this game is a tough one this is gonna be a tough one Edmonton can’t afford to lose this game they know that so McDavid and Dr sideo gotta get on the scoreboard um I you got to believe that Edmonton wins this game tonight they have to win this game it’s a must win okay a must win hopefully dry CID and the boys will show up and we’ll get another electrifying Hockey Conference Final game like the East has been able to do and before we get out of here PK one last gift from must to you cuz we missed your birthday go ahead and do it just go ahead and touch it go ahead and touch it just go zoom in a little bit more put it on the edge there foxy so the PK can just put us in go ahead and just touch it just just reach your hand listen to me I’m looking for love fastest way like I said referrals guys Focus here no but touch touch the cup just T just give it like a little I’m not touching that cup get that thing away from me and keep it away from Messier too and that you know what’s terrible about that picture is that stupid Jersey you got behind it what is that who get that Jersey out of there halberton it’s beautiful isn’t it I’d love to touch that thing too oh HT htt’s touch sty cup for you P wow how about that pal not right dude imagine what’s happened with that Stanley Cup like what’s been done with that can we talk about that so much canoodling I see this thing what are some stories you’ve heard PK with the old Lord O lot of guns uh I don’t know if I you really want me to tell those stories here just one just one yeah what what is something that cuz it’s right here you know it’s the same one this one like I’ve heard of that that that trophy being thrown off the top of buildings and swimming pool like just everything yeah like everything anything you could have imagined anything that you could have imagine happing to that Stanley Cup I think is happened somebody B this thing yeah is the keeper always this way that Staley cup I’ll put it this way that Staley cup has seen more action than all of you guys in that room combined how about that someone’s it’s like it’s like 200 years old on that’s all I’m GNA say say people are making love to figure out what action means you guys can break that down disect that Sydney couldn’t fit actually Co what I heard Sydney crwby didn’t have capability so next time he he learned he went from the ball yeah you should ask fit ask s the next time ask him when he comes on uh we just we just got a chance to get a video or a photo from earlier this is in real time oh PK is right on the cup oh there he isly hell he’s a part of the cup look at you oh my God congratulations PK he did it he touched it he touched the cup he touched the cup he touched the cup he touched we’re proud of you man we proud of you all right thank you that was cool it was a cool day you finally did it there’s no reason I should be able to touch it and you don’t PK no way oh you guys are something else I love this show love this show all right ladies and gentlemen dude that Cancun though I gotta be honest that yeah what’s that guy’s problem he’s the best Gog show of love I cannot wait for that to start I mean we should think about it honestly you know he he draws a reaction when he’s on show certainly you know when I talk to people that watch the program you know they bring up like Austin Rivers didn’t expect to like Austin hated Austin Rivers didn’t expect to like Austin Rivers PK he’s he’s he’s unique huh he’s something that’s what a lot of people say it’s like yeah PK brings it every time he’s on this show I couldn’t even imagine that box to box thing and then he just releasing who the people were on it yeah awesome there’re going be so mad he named like seven people you’re have to watch find out more it’s like that’s a lot of people I love PK I love the time he gives us and the man that we’re about to have on the show is uh oh yeah mhm yeah professional yeah he’s in the middle he’s right here he’s right here in the middle of it for the NFL for the last 30 years maybe paon from West Virginia lawyer Trailblazer in the sports blog Sports content industry a man who sold his business multiple times for a lot of money to a lot of people Pano Mike [Applause] [Music] Florio hey let’s go let’s go I’ve never sold it once I’ve never sold it once I still own it all no didn’t you license it didn’t you license it you licens it for sure like NBC sports right now it’s currently licensed is that the case then I’m sorry 15 years as of July 1 with NBC all of our content exclusively licensed to NBC but I still hold the equity the equity is the key as you know the equity is the key keep theen pison Amen in anre thing sorry forget who was it before were you just independent before I thought you you went licensed to another company before NBC no it was all us we were independent from November 1 2001 until July 1 2009 completely and totally independent and we’ve been with NBC ever since congratulations thank you very much 23 years not 30 not 30 don’t age me anymore than I’m already aging well you’re Italian so it works good you know Italians age uh gracefully and you certainly have let’s go Mountaineers I see the polo we’re going to be good this year Garett Green’s about to run wild I was down there for the spring game we got some Talent Florio we got some real skill down there yeah I look college football is turned upside down and I hope however it settles we have a chance to compete not just for a nice bowl game but for a national championship one of these years we do 12 12 team playoff and Big 12 is still in the power four whatever it is in the Big 12 when the story is wrote they’re going to say Texas and Oklahoma were scared of West Virginia that’s why they want run into the SEC so he can get out of the Big 12 away from West Virginia but let’s not let’s talk a little bit more about you know pro football talk shall we um you are in the middle of every story that’s potentially happening with every single team somehow it’ll be 11:30 at night something will come across your your desk or wire we got a tweet we got a post we got a story and the next morning everybody’s like did you see what came out last night at pro football talk because of how long you’ve been around the big story I think that you were afraid and this is uh me uh looking afraid to chat about on draft night almost got legitimized by another writer in uh Minnesota Justin Jefferson you said you you had Rumblings during draft night that he was potentially GNA get traded on draft night for Malik neighbors pick for the Minnesota Vikings that ends up not happening they get JJ McCarthy now Justin Jefferson seemingly a part of the future with the Vikings but once the Pioneer Press kind of report on that the local newspaper that gives you a green light to be like hey we’re also hearing this or were hearing this as well and where do you kind of sit on this particular story right now Florio here here’s what happened during draft night I heard from somebody I’ve known for a long time and I trust who was plugged into what was happening with the Chargers the Chargers were contemplating a trade down from number five Jim Harbaugh new head coach there was all in on taking Joe Al the tackle from Notre Dame there may have been some division in the draft room as to whether or not they should trade down and I was told the Vikings were trying to trade up to get the LSU receiver Malik neighbors now Justin Jefferson wouldn’t have been part of that package I don’t know what they would have done with Justin Jefferson all I was hearing that night and Chris Sims who’s with me on PFT live every morning heard the same thing separately from a different Source the idea that the Vikings are trying to get to five to get neighbors now Charlie walers the St Paul Pioneer Press followed that up on Sunday with the two for one Justin Jefferson would have been traded after after and separately from Malik Neighbors being acquired if they’d moved up but I said it in a video cuz I was doing them one after another as the piic were being made on draft night but I was never able to nail it down so I never wrote anything about it I never said anything more about it because I wanted to have it 100% or at least as close 100% as possible once I saw somebody else say it okay hey I heard this same thing let’s blast it out there and see what happens but that’s dead that’s over I think they’re going to get a deal done and keep Jefferson around but I also think there’s something to this idea they were exploring their options back around draft night and looking at maybe going a lot cheaper you know Jefferson 35 million a year maybe they could have gotten neighbors for 29 million for all four years to start his career yeah and that’s the balance of if you pay a wide receiver you seemingly can’t pay a quarterback if you pay a quarterback you can’t pay a wide receiver Cincinnati’s going to have to deal with that I assume somebody’s going to bring that up to you with the new cuz wide receivers are going to get 35 40 million top end it’s going to end up happening and Justin Jefferson certainly worthy and there’ be a lot of teams that’ be willing to pay him that to get a weapon as explosive as him the thought of him potentially being traded was something that people were dreaming of around the NFL I think the Patriots were even like yeah if you want to trade us Justin Jeffers you come up and get three you want to come up to three give us Justin Jefferson I think a lot of teams felt that way so the thought that maybe it was possible is certainly something we enjoy looking back on but Justin Jefferson being a viking seemingly is going to be the case regardless which is kind of the thought of when they move on from Kirt cousins right so it’s like the Vikings kind of have this story arc where it’s like can’t pay Kirk because what the Falcons are paying is so much money we’re not going to be able to keep up have to pay Justin Jefferson but then there’s a thought wait well if we get Malik neighbors do we need and then we it’s wild what teams go through to get to the final product Florio I think that is kind of what this story exemplifies almost I think it’s taken the Vikings time guys to come to terms with what it’s going to take to get this done you’ve got the raw dollars and you’ve also got the structure I reported a year ago tomorrow to the day that structural issues could keep this from happening and it’s plain and simple it’s how much you’re going to fully guarantee it’s signing the Vikings don’t go as deep into the future as other teams do when it comes to the full guarantee at the time you put your name at the bottom of the contract they need to deviate from that to get this deal done I think they have to fully guarantee three years at signing to get Justin Jefferson done and I don’t think they’ve wanted to do that so it’s a combination of how much is it going to take by way of actual dollars new money average per year I think he’s looking at Joey Bose’s 34 year as the minimum because the GM’s already said he deserves to be paid like a top non quarterback in the National Football League 35 to 40 The Sweet Spot but first three years fully guaranteed so the Vikings have to come around on total average and structure that’s the key so good go ahead AJ Mike do we know what his relationship is like in Justin’s agents relationship is like with the franchise and will this change anything like can Justin you know does he have did he have any idea about this possibly being shopped and everything going on uh during the draft weekend hey that’s a great point because it’s the kind of thing that can drive a wedge between player and team the good news for the Vikings the best news is the quarterback they drafted in JJ McCarthy is represented by the same firm so it’s a little easier to smooth things over and make it all work when quarterback and receiver under the same umbrella there’s a mutual benefit in both guys being as good as they can be I don’t get the impression that this neighbor stuff ever really blossomed to the point where it was a thing and of course now the Vikings are never going to admit it people that cover the team are going to be saying that’s not true it wasn’t going to happen because the ship sailed it’s not going to occur you got to work it out with Justin Jefferson yeah you ped are the possibilities let’s forget about that let’s keep this guy and I think once the money’s there and once the structure is there nothing else matters it’s all part of negotiations and what you do to get to where you need to be I think there’s a good chance they’re going to get to where they need to be but the Vikings are the that have to have the Epiphany on structure and dollars well the amount of teams I would call if Justin Jefferson was available would be through the roof so I think that’s just standard operating procedure in the NFL especially if you’re a star coming up on a contract deal so I don’t think the Vikings even thinking about it one point should drive a wedge but all it sounds like is that Justin Jefferson’s about to get like $100 million guaranteed to play wide receiver congratulations to him and to the Vikings who seemingly have the quarterback of the future and a wide receiver of the present and the future best in the NFL we’ll be back tomorrow on this beautiful ESPN network with more [ __ ] that matters though cuz it’s journalism see you then all right we continue on YouTube and ESPN plus and Tik Tok which is still alive Florio you have any inside information on who’s going to buy Tik Tok I think we’re running out of days yeah I have no idea what’s going on with that I don’t know anything about Tik Tock and I was hoping like I would avoid it until I die maybe I’ll avoid it until it dies okay Flor I will say this Florio as a person who is certainly older than the generation of Tik tokers we have uh talk who does our our talk videos I get edited in there there he is right there he’s a owner of a Cadillac Escalade 2002 with 16,000 original miles on it our Tik Tok Community incredibly positive I mean it is it is a very positive place down there and it’s uh college kids high school kids the comments are the it’s the nicest place really it might be the nicest place on the internet yeah they’ll screenshot some of the comments that sent me I’m like that’s really nice to hear you know you don’t really you don’t hear that in many places on the internet so it’s not you definitely don’t see that on X no yeah no that’s what I’m talking about Florio it’s like not that bad we need somebody to buy it maybe that should be you go ahead AJ Mike uh when you look on the rest of this from here until I guess let’s say the SE no not even season training camp what’s one thing that could possibly happen that we actually care about that makes some news that actually gets someone to uh gets a GM to say come out of his vacation home and make a or something yeah look I’m not aware of anything right now I’m sure there’s something when you’re plugged into everything that’s happening there isn’t one thing that stands out there isn’t some major trade that I think Could Happen which means a major trade will happen tomorrow there isn’t a looming contract problem I mean you’ve got guys who are staying away from OTAs but those things tend to work out the one hot spot where I feel like they just don’t know how to get themselves out of the corner they’ve painted themselves into is the c Cowboys they’ve got the issue with Dak Prescott twice now they’ve got the issue currently with CD lamb and I don’t think Michael Parsons is walking through the door until he gets his contract and I don’t know how they’re going to work these things out I think mikah should be the top priority frankly he’s the future he’s one of the best defensive players we’ve seen in a very long time but this how the Cowboys are actually going to feel to competitive team when they’ve handcuffed themselves over these three young players and they can’t get out of this mess they made dating back to when they first had Dak Prescott’s contract to renegotiate I think that’s what’s amazing to me I don’t know why they have any real expectations they’re not better than they were last year if anything they’re worse and the Eagles if they get their act together the Cowboys are going to have a rough year and it’s all because they’re stuck in this mud with Prescott lamb and Parsons and it’s definitely a provy year for Big Mike right I mean this is yes yeah right so he last year of his contract Jerry Jones Jerry Jones for as rich as he is he’s cheap and he doesn’t like to pay people to not work for him he didn’t fire McCarthy primarily because he would have had to pay him to not work in 2024 so play out the year and I think bich your guy bellich may be the Ace in the whole next year if it doesn’t work out with mccarth he might enjoy media too much to go back to coaching I mean there’s a chance he’s uh the [ __ ] that he’s lined up for this fall should be pretty epic a like what bill is going to do this fall I think should be pretty epic for a guy whose press conferences were must watch for him saying nothing I think there’s about to be a lot of football knowledge that’s got about to get spilled does that heighten the interest from teams for Bill bich I would assume yes you know that that would certainly be the yes but people have tied him to Dallas literally since from the moment why is just because Jerry and Bill could coexist why why do you why is that the case and what are some other situations you think that are maybe looming for old Bill bich if he gets back into the game of head coach if you look back at the Press conferences from the times the Cowboys and the Patriots have played each other in recent years and they don’t play very often every time bich glowing about Jerry and Steven Jones and the work they do in Dallas the team they’ve put together and Jerry after he issued the statement that Mike McCarthy isn’t getting fired at some point after that he talked about how he could employ bill bich now some would say when it’s time to actually go do it Bill may not like the way Jerry does things but but I think they could get together because I think that’s the one place where Bill bich wouldn’t feel compelled to take over let Jerry and Steven and the structure they have in place put the team together you know you don’t need to shop for the groceries to cook the meal if you have a fully stocked kitchen and the Cowboys have plenty of talent if they can figure out how to keep them around but I think what he’s doing with you this year what he’s be doing with pton this year is genius because one of the big challenges for Bill Bell I believe is to get a fan base sufficiently excited about 72-year-old Bill bich walking through the door in 2025 because I don’t think there were many fan bases clamoring for him after it went sideways in New England but if he does more stuff with you like what he did during the draft and when he’s on Payton’s show on Monday nights I mean that’s a way for him to maybe light the fuse to get a fan base saying we want that guy next year and ultimately it’s a business about getting people to show up for the games and watch your games and feel good about the team you get a fan base behind or multiple fan bases Bill belich he’ll have a job next year he was awesome at the draft spectacular un the night before the draft spectacular at a little production dinner we’ll call it awesome I mean just the whole leadup to it awesome he was and obviously the stories and the amount of respect that every person in football has for him you just walk by people that are legends in football and they’re the ones that are going out going Mr bich Mr coach bich coach like trying to tell the stories it is it’s fascinating cuz he’s how many games away I believe he is 14 or 15 wins away from set the record Being the all-time winning coach it’s like as competitive as he is as much of a historian of the game that he is I mean that’s obviously just sitting there lingering at all times I’ll be excited to see how it works out go ahead dbut uh yeah AJ kind of asked you if you were tapped in on some offseason news that will come up but I was going to still want to ask you about Tua two in the dolphins that contract potentially getting worked out sooner than later as well as Dak you obviously spoke on Dak and then peliso put out something about the off season potentially changing and the union you know want more off there days and a ramp up period going into training camp have you heard any more uh information on that I’ll start there and go backward back in February right before the scouting combine somebody from the union told me that they were looking into this possibility it wasn’t matured to the point where they were ready to consider making a proposal here’s the here’s the problem setting aside whether or not the teams would want to do it whether or not enough of the players want to do it I feel like a lot of players don’t even know about it yet and it’s being dropped out there by a reporter who works for the NFL that’s not exactly the way I want to find out about it if I’m a player so they need to do better communication with the players but we got to understand anything the union wants happens in this context of collective bargaining which means you go to the table the League’s on the other side you tell them what you want and even if you sell it as a win-win they’re going to say what’s in it for us what do we get and my concern is if they tiptoe toward that table saying we want to revamp the offseason the league is going to say fine we want 18 games cuz as you guys know from talking to gell the day after round one they’re waiting for their chance to make the move for 18 they they wanted 18 games 15 years he said 17’s good for now that was literally his answer whenever we said are we how quickly because we all saw it anybody that’s been around football knows once we gave them 17 games and by we I mean players it was like 18’s I mean that is right around the corner and he felt the same exact way Florio to your point he was like yeah 17’s good for now I hate the preseason he said I hate the preseason but yeah 18 would certainly be something you add in a bye there and then I think the timing of the year he said it would end up being on President’s weekend President’s Day weekend which would give you Monday off after the Super Bowl anyways so they’ve already have it all mapped out Florio and would it be an offseason reshuffle of the schedule that would be able to get 18 games past the NFL player I don’t know that seems like that’d be a it would take more it would have to take more but that’s why my advice to the union I’m I’m working on an item I’m going to post later this afternoon my advice to the union is don’t lead with hey want a new offseason program just sit back and wait they’re going to come to you and ask for 18 games get your ducks in a row as to what you’re going to ask for because they’ll give you stuff that doesn’t cost them any money they’ll be all over this revamped offseason program because it doesn’t cost the owners a single penny it might even save them money if they have less total time that the facilities are open between the end of the season and the official start of go out and practice and get ready for season training camp so get a long list of things you want because it’s one thing to try to get 18 games when the CB expires and you say to the union you better agree to 18 games we’re going to lock you out and we’ll shut the game down for a whole year and we know you won’t versus coming to them before at some point in the next two or three years you better have something you’re giving them because they can just sit back and say we have a CBA that’s in place until 2033 you can’t get to 18 games until 2034 at the earliest so you better have something so my advice is put it put your list together nflpa and sit back and wait for them to come to you and then say here’s all the [ __ ] we want if you want to go to 18 games Floria the NFL paa has always been genius when it comes to this stuff haven’t they here’s the problem what bottom line here’s the problem they stink at business well no they learned in 1987 when the strike failed after a week or two you’ve got a fundamental imbalance as it relates to the will of the parties the the owners will shut it down for a whole year they won’t think twice about it you know why because they’re going to own the team forever until they die they’ve got the we miss a football season oh well I got 30 more before I croak if you’re a player how many years do you have and you’re going to give up a whole year of playing and the salary that goes along with it and then next year when it’s time to play again you haven’t played in a year you’re expensive you’re competing with guys fresh out of college who played last year and hey I may I may lose my job even faster than I would have by taking a year off the players will never shut it down for a year the owners will and I’m amazed the owners haven’t taken more advantage that fact well I’m let’s not put that in the [ __ ] Universe okay if they wanted to do it they could you said I’m working on an item for this afternoon let’s not put that on the paper okay we don’t need that before yeah yeah yeah we know yeah we’ve seen it but the uh I always just thought like there would come a time and I guess whenever you’re negotiating with 30 billionaires or 31 billionair depending upon Mark Davis’s status with the taxes and everything else going on there um like they would understand business like hey okay we need each other here let’s go aad and do this but you’re also dealing with like lawyers of some of the richest people on Earth at that exact time and they’re not necessarily in the business of like that is good that is good faith yeah you’re right we will stop testing for weed because it’s seemingly legal in like 38 States and it’s stupid and we got to do it we will just drop that instead it’s you want us to stop testing for we okay we need uh we need an 18th game then like everything can’t just be for another game it’s like no that’s how it goes and I guess I’m just naive to the fact of thinking that there should be a little bit more of this in understanding between the nflp and the NFL when I guess that’s just not possible huh it’s just never going to be possible good you’re absolutely right that’s the way it should be and the idea from the League’s perspective hey you guys wanted a union this is how it goes it’s collective bargaining but think of it this way if there wasn’t a union that binds all 32 teams together everything the league did would be exactly what college football’s going through right now everything you do is an antitrust violation because it’s 32 different businesses trying to rig the labor market the draft would be an antitrust violations the salary cap would be an antitrust violation the franchise tag would be an antitrust violation the union gives the NFL the ability to run the business the way it currently does so the attitude of hey tough [ __ ] you wanted a union you got to deal with this I agree with you there should be a greater Spirit of cooperation there isn’t because you still have that push and pull that back and forth that is inherent to any Labor Management relationship and that’s just the way it is and hey we we we we’ve had one true work stoppage since 1982 it was and that was the 87 strike the 2011 thing we didn’t miss any games the of [ __ ] deal it was awes it was awesome all offseason we have no yeah I didn’t get drug tested for them I was it was remember that off SE yeah that was an awesome off seon yeah we all love that but go ahead you said there has no work stoppage since ‘ 87 yeah no there’s been no work stoppage and so they have you know they they have a a balance to all of this I still think the players should get more easier said than done I’m a firm proponent and the players who are up for new contracts getting everything they can the salary cap gets used against and this idea of you need to try to win games and championships gets used against them the fans are used against them while the owners are sitting around on the 350t yacht you know smoking a cigar and checking their stock portfolios and buying Bitcoin looking in their stock portfolios they have somebody telling them how the stock portfolio like video N Video is good we just learned that today I just learned that there’s another company that’s the wealthiest and biggest of all time I thought apple and Amazon were doing it this Nvidia I have never even [ __ ] heard they’re they’re going to own a team they’re going to own a team soon that’s just what I assume is going to take Le let’s get back to some football talk go ahead con man yeah Florio of the teams that drafted rookie quarterbacks in the first round this year are you hearing anything out out of those places about you know guys either overperforming or possibly underperforming I know out of New England the thing with Drake May has been the same conversation as it was before the draft just you know he’s got a long way to go is there anything else you’re hearing that was a little surprising or very positive for some of these fan bases the thing with Drake May is really strange because he was the most raw of the six rookies taken in the first 12 picks he’s the guy who needs the most time to grow and develop but there was a lot of demand for him the Giants wanted to come up to number three supposedly and get him the Vikings were trying to move up from number 10 to get him he was their first choice at quarterback the Patriots stay put and they take him but when you read between the lines of the things that are coming from guys like head coach gerro Mayo they want to give him time because the problem is once you put him out there you can’t take him back once that rookie once that hot shot top three quarterback is on the field if he struggles you’re messing him up if you start yanking him out of the game and putting jakobi brassett in so I think they’d like to give jacobe brassette the opportunity to win the competition a real competition and give May time to develop because who really expects much from the Patriots this year the cupboards bare they need to rebuild it it’s not like they’re going to be a playoff team let’s give May a little time to develop so he’s not in over his head I think that’s the big concern there the other guys taken in round one I mean other than the whole penck cousins thing who the hell knows what’s going to happen there but the other guys I I expect they’re going to get them ready to play right away penck cousins was making comparisons with what happened in Green Bay even though Aaron had been there for like 16 years at that point and knows people but now Green Bay does have a discussion about a first round quarterback that they drafted yeah Mike everything we’ve heard coming from Green Bay is basically said like hey there’s no ill will there’s no kind of like hey we need to get this deal with Jordan love done right now he showed up to OTAs but are you hearing or PR privy to any kind of like timeline as to when a new deal will get done and do you think what he did in the back half of last season um is good enough where he’s going to fall right in line with like what Jared gof got this this offseason or some of these other uh top earning quarterbacks I think it’s going to be a challenge to get him to Jared goff’s level but I thought it would be a challenge to get Jared G to Jared G’s level I didn’t think the Lions would give him 53 million a year in new money I thought that kind of money was only reserved for that handful of guys who can run the play that’s called and then when the play that’s called goes to [ __ ] can go out there and make chicken salad out of it on the Fly and gof really isn’t that guy so that changed everything you mentioned Tua earlier and I never got around at the Tua position but I think the golf contract makes Tua want more makes Matthew Stafford want more makes Jordan love want more now I think that Love’s Camp is confident they’re going to get a deal done but it’s easy to say yes or no does a guy need a new deal yes the harder part is how much are we going to pay what’s the cat pit what’s the structure twoa definitely deserves a new deal how are we going to figure out the right number Jordan love absolutely how do we project the right number based on half of a season of turning it around because the first half of the 2023 season was rough so that’s always the challenge with these deals but when the Lions give Goff 53 it makes it easier for the other quarterbacks to say wait a minute we kind of like that number well Jared Goff has been a pillar of this brand new Lions team up there with mcdc and Evan Fox he goes from losing Matthew Stafford and not just foxy all of Detroit we’re giving up we’re the only team that’ll take on Jared Go’s $30 million year contract we’re the losers in this whole thing to the only chant that they have in Detroit that we heard the only chant is jid golf that’s literally what they chant like some cities like uh here we go Steelers here we go like you can hear that anywhere in Pittsburgh right people get drunken up or fire Canada you still here fire Canada this year bingo so those are the chance you know that you have in cities every city has one of those the only one that Detroit has is Jared goff’s name it’s like the story has has been completed for golf in Detroit which is wild to even think of yeah exactly and because of the history of the Lions they had to pay him that money no matter what and if they didn’t Lions fans would be like here we go same old Lions we ruined it again so I’m happy they gave him all that money MCD see that you hit the nail on the head because look one team wins a Super Bowl every year if you haven’t heard news flash one team wins it every year the other 31 got to figure out how to make money they got to figure out how to keep their stands full the Lions Jacked Up season ticket prices this year in a significant amount you got to keep the customers happy they got to be happy they love Jared Goff you got to pay Jared Goff is it money well spent from an X’s and0 standpoint TBD remember when the Rams paid him in 2019 I was saying don’t do it Rams don’t do it be the team that breaks this mold of hey the next quarterback that’s up for a new contract becomes the highest paid player in the history of football resist it they did it anyway two years later they had to give up a first round pick they they tuck that first round pick that extra first round pick into the Matthew Stafford package think about that Stafford for Goff and the Lions get two ones and a three it was a one and a three for Stafford and it was a one to please take this contract off our hands I hope the Lions don’t feel that same way two years from now no absolutely not absolutely not not the guys that got with those and they paid they paid everybody on their team seemingly somehow paid everybody that’s why they’re jacking up those tickets I’d assume I didn’t know that Sheila Ford hams trying to gouge Detroit now people are really upset about this cuz they’re saying like everyone from suburbs and all the you know the bad fans are now going to be the only ones that can afford the tickets and now they’re going to move all the other fans I thought she the Ford ham loved what was going on soon as you get an opportunity though huh what happens and that goes back to my question about the NFL PA and the NFL ever just being able to that ain’t that ain’t how you become a billionaire that’s economics baby she for born a billionaire I think actually that’s how she became right just popped came into the world I wonder if her and Terence Howard have memories uh you know from the womb when she was a billionaire bet yeah but just GG in Detroit I didn’t know that was happening I just learned that right now wow yeah I guess people are really really upset about it oh Bo so what they went from they went from $5 to $100 yeah z g winning a lot of games here the Ann the Lions announced that they have raised ticket prices for next season I was listening to Metro Detroit area Okay this afternoon and caller said the season tickets won from 4,000 bucks which is very low to 11,000 bucks next season feels right okay so Sheila for ham said we been in the ’90s okay because of how bad we are we’re getting back to where we are now we have a football team wow hope that doesn’t scare any Lions fans away probably will hope that doesn’t bum any Lions fans out because this is the brand new Lions things were supposed to be on the up and up remember the only bad thing was that halftime performance Thanksgiving that’s right now all of a sudden we’re charge jeez last question here Florio we appreciate you from what’s that no I see why the performance so [ __ ] only charging 4,000 Seas yeah they were already very cheap enough money we made more money for fever tiet then the Lions fans are pay I don’t think you guys should be that mad that that is not bad at all you want to go to a game in Detroit sure give us 14 cents get your ass in here that’s it oh my God NFC North Champs she for hamps like I’m losing money hand over fist what what do we four grand you see what the inflation is you see what we’re Target I mean we got nine games four grand my God $4,000 how it goes you get [ __ ] six pack of beer and a couple free hot dogs with every game J trying to run a business up here sounds like a soup kitchen going on not anymore though now that they’re actually charging people and making money are they going to be able to win we shall see last question here for you Floria We Appreciate You Florio Matt Canada got a a reference back there a couple minutes ago and Ry Smith is in there and everyone’s raving about him but uh who’s going to be the quarterback because all the reports Russ Wilson is the pole position Tomlin loves Russ Wilson everybody loves Russ Wilson uh but field said he’s not there to be the backup do you think that do you believe how happy everybody with Russ Wilson so far well first of all my thought the night it was a Saturday night I was down in the barn I was a few drinks in and we get the news that Justin Fields has been traded to the Steelers and I had to compose myself and do a [ __ ] video on Saturday night trying to slur my way through Justin Fields going to Pittsburgh but even even in my impaired State I knew right away one name came to mind Cordell Stewart because even if Justin Fields isn’t the starter I think they get on the field in packages where maybe Russ splits out wide maybe it’s just like remember we used to see the old Wildcat that was the thing for a couple of years before the defense has figured out how to shut it down and then that was it for the wild cat but I think they’re going to get him out there in certain situations and I also think you know you mentioned Pole Position that’s what Tomlin said at the league meetings Russell Wilson’s in the poll position well I don’t know a whole lot about auto racing but I know enough that the guy in the pole position doesn’t always win new G so they got long go here and and think about the Steelers fans think about preseason think about Justin Fields out there if he’s the second teamer running circles around the second string defense yeah and those Steelers fans fall in love with Justin Fields yeah they’re going to be chanting Justin Fields just like they’re chanting Jared gof in Detroit and the fans are going to push him onto the field unless Russ comes out and he’s cooking like Seahawks days not Broncos day yeah and Arty Smith is going to have to be the one that has success on the offens side the ball anytime you follow somebody that’s terrible at something normally you’re going to be helding good graces so already coming in after Matt Canada what a dream position yeah for him and he needs to bring that mustache back so he can really go over in Pittsburgh but like Justin Fields it was you know there was a conversation about him maybe being a returner he came out and said that’s not real but if he is the next coming of Slash in Pittsburgh welcome back to beautiful times for yinzers all over the world yeah I saw a report that kickoff thing that kickoff thing you know we’re not talking about that enough that kickoff thing is going to change everything and they can’t practice it in OTAs Andy Reid said that last week how can you pra you can’t have full speed practice you’re going to have weird kicks somebody was saying I think it was Shawn pyton we want guys who are basically like third basem and Short Stops who can because the ball’s going to be coming in weird and landing in that zone this is a revolutionary change to the game and it is going to have a Major Impact on this season it’s going to change field position and the teams that figure it out and if you you do put Justin Fields back there with Cordo Patterson holy [ __ ] can you imagine what the Steelers are going to do in that kick return game get the ball at the 40 instead of the 20 you’re going to score a lot more points that way that that is the thing that I think has been most underplayed this off season what this kickoff change is going to do to the game yeah you get the ball to 40 instead of the 20 only two first downs away from points as opposed to four I mean that is a vastly different series and a way to attack things let think about like Tyreek Hill back there you know I mean everybody’s on understand Hill wad how about Hill and Wadd back there I mean it’s and mcferson came out and said it’s a weird kick obviously because hang time does not matter at all mcferson kicker for the Bengals who’s been a stud says it’s definitely interesting it brings a lot of placement into play it’s all touch it feels weird for me I’m used to kicking it as high as I can as hard as I can now I have to throw it inside the 5 yard line in specific areas and definitely an adjustment you have to play the wind a lot more now it’s like those late games especially in the AFC North if you’re going into a wind I mean where you land it’s a big deal but hangtime does not matter at all so you’re going to see a lot of those knuckle balls you’re going to see a lot of lower balls and Pitch balls from the kickers and then return game because the two returners are allowed to move for the ball Throwbacks I mean 1,500 more plays they’re projecting are going to happen 1,500 more plays more points it’s amazing what what they’ve done they started back in 2009 2010 when they finally took concussion seriously they started restricting and restricting and restricting the kickoff down to the point where it was a dead play that’s what Troy Vincent the executive EP of football operations was calling it a dead play they’ve gone to the absolute extreme now where it’s going to be a live play it’s going to be something like we’ve never seen before all because they’ve taken out that that space where guys can run at each other and bang their heads and suffer Serious injury potentially when they dip that helmet and the neck takes the forces and we have the Kevin Everett thing that happened the Eric LR that happened at ruter that’s what they’ve been trying to avoid now everyone’s bunched together and that goes out the window no no there’s not the full speed that’s why they’re bunching them together the full speed Bunch them together to keep them from getting to full speed but if that Tyreek Hill or Justin fields or Cordell Patterson all those guys are bunched together you you pop one you’re gone yeah you’re gone yeah all you need is one lane discipline little Miss and it’s gone yeah it’s going to be a lot more touchdowns I think so definitely that’s awesome we got guys out here running 10 two 101 they’ only take one little scene mhm on the Ball Toss that everybody’s getting everybody’s comfortable with throwing the ball yeah like an option like everybody’s comfortable with throwing the ball the um um [ __ ] you think about uh n [ __ ] I lost it they’re need you BL can’t 50 can’t get past the 50 I believe me that was the kicker’s got to be back there the kicker all alone kicker go make the play go go put trendon holiday into the first row like you did that night hey man he was the only one go watch stay behind the 50 yeah not a lot across 50 so you got to kick it let on optically how weird it’s going to be like I’m excited to see how they set it up visually on the camera you know how they do oh yeah what I want to say is the XFL had this obviously uh something similar there is difference but the XFL brought this in and this has been a kickoff practice thing for a long time it’s to save the legs this is literally kickoff practice drill XFL put it on the thing XFL guys are running 48 you know no offense nobody’s running a 42 43 in the XFL if they were they would be in the NFL so like I don’t think the success rate in the XFL for returns were as high but if you watch a couple of those kickoffs you think like you get a guy who’s got real juice back there oh yeah you’re talking about some real space worthy with KC yeah 421 yeah if he gets going and Tony you put Tony on the other side Bingo probably at least one on every team you know mean if they make obviously got to make the roster and now they got a much better chance of making a roster now that 1,500 more plays so now it’s great great for those young kids who have opportunity and probably some some obviously Cordo we talked about wad Hill maybe in like certain situations not every time but definitely going to be a huge change in the game if you can get the ball in your playmaker hands I mean let’s do it the biggest thing is from the NFL and uh the other league is you can’t move in NFL they was letting them go ahead and take off so it’s going to be way more returns for Touchdown because I’m going to be able to get my speed up together and you ain’t going to be able to run till I catch the ball yeah so imagine these fast guys doing 4×1 100 relay and you can’t move and then you you got to adjust to them after they already going to be a I think there’s going to be a lot of uh lot of this I think it’s going to be a lot of as opposed to trying to get down the field but once again that’s you’re going to have to figure out that side of it too as a special teams coordinator with the players that you have I think Bill bich brought up D draft night he was like the type of players now that you’re going to try to get on your kickoff team is a completely different style of human that you would have to run for your special teams he was like this is to your point lot bigger conversation than I think anybody’s having right now but it just kick off who cares Pac-Man made a great point though and I hadn’t thought of this because everybody else has to stay frozen in place you can practice this idea of I know where the Kick’s going to land and I’m going to start sprinting and I’m going to catch it while I’m moving I’m not going to wait and catch it flat footed like we see now I’m going to learn how to run to it catch it and I’ve already got ahead of steam and everybody else is standing still see you later yeah yeah that’s standard St for kickoff returners at this stage like they are hitting the ball moving forward normally which is why those [ __ ] up kicks are I’m talking about real I’m talking about I mean you can you you can get to you don’t have to worry about anybody hitting you you can get to full speed now oh yeah yeah that’s wild it is a and there’s no like the XFL they had a whistle whenever the ball touched somebody that he were allowed to start the NFL doesn’t want to do the whistle because they think it’s too many whistles so there’s going to be like a sign I think when people are allowed to that’s going to be a cluster nightmare that that is going to be I mean there’s so much to it how about video like TV wise what do you mhm hey what if you go to get it what if if you go to field it you see can’t catch it and you get away from it and it doesn’t touch you can it’s in the landing it’s live ball if it’s in when it Landing Zone it’s live but if it hit Z goes in the end zone just 25 yard touch standard Touchback or whatever you know no no it’s no if it goes in the end zone no well if it hits and goes in I think it’s a standard Touchback if it lands in there you get it like at the 30 yeah and if it lands short of the landing Zone you get the 40 yeah it’s like kickoff out of bounds pretty much yeah there’s a lot of [ __ ] it’s going to be and here’s what’s going to happen 90 I don’t want to say 90% let’s say let’s just say 70% of the people who watch the games week in and week out during football season check out after the Super Bowl when they show up oh September 5 why that [ __ ] where’s the there’s one guy and they’re going be like what the [ __ ] is going on why why is that why is old buddy not they change something is that the team or is that is there a pen was there a penalty especially like teams one-on one growing up in Pittsburgh like there’s F NFL fans that only pay attention to Steelers and they they’re going to they’re week one I’d say I’d say 90% of yingers have no idea this rule is a thing it is going to be alarming on TV I think like I I college still has old school right college and high school still doing old school kickoff so people would yeah five yard runup I think for college right instead of the old school 10 I think they moved it to five yard run up whatever it is hey Florio thank you for taking time for us today great man great talking to you guys you know we got Stanley Cup in town lordo Lordo’s here oh wow oh man Stanley Cup’s awesome it I love the Stanley Cup suck great yeah pens suck though pens are I know that that’s made me less interested in it but you know what the thing about to anybody out there go to a hockey game I think once you go to a hockey game you develop an appreciation for it once you go to a game and understand what off sides are and icing you’re good to go you’re a hockey fan for life I still get confused by some icing Co I still get confused it’s very fickle there’ll be a race going on and then they blow it and then sometimes they don’t blow it what are we doing here the boys play hey remember the two Line pass the two they got rid of the two-line pass a long time ago the two-line pass was horrible you know I never understood that [ __ ] thing you know what they got rid of that we need to bring back these pucks need a little tail on them the fox the fox uh the little red tail it was too much though that like I think Fox did too much you know it like it was like we just went way too far too quick if we just had a little tail on that thing I think it’d be much easier to follow I think they need to get drones and they need to create the angle like when you’re playing the EA game I think when you see the plays unfold that way you get a much better appreciation of hockey so The Stadium Series they have those oh sick The Stadium Series has the sky cam in the stadiums and it’s awes to your point it is awesome it is amazing that should be the default that should be the default view seeing the play as it develops I think people would get a much better appreciation and understanding of hockey if that was the case where’s the Pucket guys yeah we should do that for every play in the NFL too like Madden all right Nick that’s a that’s a hockey purus back there just called you a [ __ ] idiot but without say oh really oh see that’s what he just sorry sorry guy I don’t know hey is Bon Bon as well but that is what he said in an answer to you he just that is what is this yeah here’s the little back to Glow here’s the glow of the puck as opposed to yeah that’s Mickey Mouse yes exactly that’s what year was that that’s too much the glow is great the red tracker is horrendous don’t need the red tracker the tech right now is so much better I don’t Ry that’s rky video game yeah I don’t too much how you going to know if a guy blast one you’re right it only goes red if it’s a slapper boys exactly no it was on a pass went red on his pass hockey’s awesome Flor it does feel like the Penguins uh Glory Days Are potentially going to have time to dismantle the the glory days have passed them by the problem is the glory players are still on the team it’s time to move on and start over let not move on from Sid let’s make we keep Sid around okay everybody but Sid I don’t think like it’s been fun it’s time to move on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay you can say it on me have you been paying attention to buckos we got we got two guys throwing hundo uh yeah I mean every time I pay attention to them when they’re doing well they fall apart hey I’m still scarred by 1992 NLCS scores for second [ __ ] Barry Bond doesn’t throw him out 30 years later I’m still waiting we all are we all we just forgave bar put him in the hole we are currently down 8 to nothing on Paul sk’s birthday there we go okay P yeah he pitches the uh the afternoon night t Okay so he is not this is not he pitches the next game that’s a good sign that they’re getting all those runs out of the way now for SK later yeah they’re going to get cold bats whenever Paul SK walks up with the heat for sure so what do they have they have SK for like two years and then they’ll play for the Yankees is that how it goes in baseball two years four probably good four out of him no Flor he’s under contract it’s brand new Pirates these are the new Pirates we got merch stealing pitching ninja stuff send out as it’s theirs pay the guy a million bucks a year I was [ __ ] on the salary cap in the NFL earlier but thank God they have a salary cap thank God the NFL has found a way where every team has a chance you can put a bad team into a good team pretty quickly in baseball it feels like once you’re sucked into that Vortex and your team’s not spending money you got no chance at ever being anything Pirates are back though guy sold Seven Springs you hear about that owner sold Seven Springs no couple years ago yeah he’s got who owns it now does Bob nutting still own it yeah he sold Seven Springs he does not own Seven Springs anymore I did hear that Tubing Hill has gotten much better since he has sold it I heard that is good but yeah nutting still owns the team and he’s they own the newspaper they owned the newspaper in the town I grew up in I used to deliver their newspaper Once Upon a Time the problem you’re you’re a part of the problem I’m the problem yeah you should have wrote on there hey don’t be a [ __ ] [ __ ] whenever you all right ladies and gentlemen Mike Florio Florio all right as we get the hell out of here on this glorious it’s a new world Wednesday we can’t help but say thanks to lordo lordo we go around the room here is everybody will address lordo uh what they learn from lordo on the day uh we’ll start with you AJ AJ what do you have to say to lordo who you have obviously gotten intimate with in the past at your house with Jack Johnson brother-in-law being a Stanley Cup champion in the past anything to say to lordo here is the hockey playoffs continue to march on well I mean I I love and respect everything that lordo is and I want to thank lordo for allowing me to drink five to six beers uh out of the top of that sucker but that thing is not light you need multiple people to help you we a good friend of the program my good buddy uh General Bobby Carpenter you know he he tried to slurp some beer out of there for a while we didn’t have enough support underneath him so oh lordo love you respect you H yeah H yeah lordo I hope you feel that love con man’s got something for you lordo yeah lordo just thank you for can’t hear you you can’t hear you can’t you don’t have lordo thank you for all the [ __ ] sand and and grid and and JN you brought to the office today you look so [ __ ] good especially in this lighting and I’m going to [ __ ] miss you lordo I I wish you can stay forever oh yeah lordo hope you feel his love lordo you could hear a little bit of that Ty has something to say you lordo as current reigning well that’s what I was going to say lordo uh technically it was after you know the golden knights had had won the Stanley Cup uh Championship but I I was um you know on the team so I actually I’m going to come take a closer look at you here lordo and see if my name’s etched on there because I was technically on the roster um right down here exactly uh empty for either the P or the Rangers or Dallas oron right here is Vegas gold nights exactly so you know uh me and the the [ __ ] boys just want to say thank you lordo and yeah I’m going to I’m going to need to get a closer uh peek at that uh that little plate down there in a second here penguins and red rings right above it just shut up right there at the top Super Mario your name’s not on there Ty you sure yep certain just look through it I’ll I’ll double check no I triple checked it’s not on her I’ll have to get some eyes on it myself I don’t know eyes got Lac pretty good you might you might be yanking my chain though so I’m going to need to get over there and kind of examine lordo and and see if uh not bopping your meat at all we’ll see right down at the bottom you’re not on you sure yeah it’s a damn shame I don’t like it we got to talk to Mir miror where do we uh is there a comment box like what we was that Zamboni ride for then no kidding that was this that was this season right cuz he won Theo that’s why I got to do it coronation almost sounds like you were fed some mumbo jumbo H sounds like was fed is starting to sound like a bit of mumbo jumbo uh Town digs anything to say to lordo obviously a trophy that is very well known around Pittsburg yeah lordo my lordo um I’ve seen you five times in my lifetime come come to Sweet Home one time in person I shared a drink with you at Mario’s Southside Saloon and it was delicious and I I miss those times and I wish you come back home just come back home lordo I don’t know if that’s going to happen Canadian is that Canadian accent South African Southern and Canadian it’s my lordo it’s how I talked to lordo Y he knows lordo knows yeah understands better lordo has heard you before Pac-Man anything to say to lordo obviously you a massive Las Vegas golden knights fan as well yes yeah L just get back to Vegas everything happen in Vegas stays in Vegas oh but lordo lordo [ __ ] knows lordo knows they actually gave him a good wash when it Rel left I can’t imagine what [ __ ] Wild Bill did with that thing oh Jackie Aces think about Jackie ster did say had a bit of a [ __ ] run away with this thing bit of a he did he said both yeah dbud I know you refused to touch lordo which is an embarrassment but uh anything to say to lordo that hung out with us today here uh lordo um great to see you uh I expect to see you soon uh we got close last year but I know you were just waiting in all your wisdom to come back on our 30th anniversary of a program been around yeah uh thank you wow yeah 30 can’t wait to see you here down to Sunrise again hocky Town love you lordo foxy this thing obviously uh took a couple visits to Detroit back whenever they weren’t wearing helmets and playing hockey anything to say uh to lordo well you said visits those weren’t visits Pat because I feel bad for lto cuz loo has a home and he hasn’t been to his home in quite some time they got $4,000 how do we what would where would lordo live he would live in a place called hockey town and hockey town is Detroit Michigan so I just I know lordo has been very very sad for quite some time at this point so I just need you to get back home lordo get back to hockey town did you get that lordo got that he can hear you right good you want lordo says back [ __ ] you foxy holy [ __ ] that wasn’t me wow no I heard it lordo speaks that’s what lordo the only thing lordo said all day zto obviously since HOSA left to you guys had no shot everything the Chicago we’ve had that many many times I cannot wait for Mr badar to put that right over his head in the next couple years that’s your message to lordo it didn’t feel like a message you’re com back home baby well now everybody’s saying it’s home I mean you do it Spanish guys I did can you speak Spanish to lordo see come home okay that sounded you understand English translate that he here La I guess is male M I’m not going to be the one that’s decide no way come not me Stanley Cup yeah you’re right I’ve never met a woman named Stanley what about I don’t thank you AJ that’s Ohio what’s her last name Swami samite um speaking of cup Nick anything to say to lordo here I I got the earpiece up so thank you Pat yes lordo it’s been an absolute treat to see you raised above our great players sets five times in the city of Pittsburgh and we hope to see it again someday soon it’s almost more than all of your guys teams combined in the room here so it’s pretty sweet good to see you again my friend almost he said almost get rid of you guys almost fair speaking of team has a bunch of losers uh Texas hockey anything to say uh thank you for joining us today lordo uh it does feel like 99 I know you feel it too so uh have fun in Texas soon going to party like it’s night 1999 I’m not allowed to pick it up but I am allowed to about m we’re not letting M talk much that’s been a new decision to Lord family what happened why yes I just think that’s what probably the right move that decision’s been I mean coming for a long time that decision has been made it was a damn good one it was you know if he doesn’t talk good R if he doesn’t talk or do anything he might be on Amazing Race next year so it’s like we just need him to stay out of his own way and that’s the sometimes that’s a decision that just has to be made for somebody and congrats to M we made that decision for just staying out of his own way all right lordo gets it yeah Lordo’s seen the evolution AIT believe me sweet shirt today what’s going on mitt fu yeah dude it’s smart man [ __ ] respect lordo it’s smart man don’t put me on a mic or hear any buttons smart yeah Ottawa right here vers Brandon 1904 Brandon was a good Brandon Ontario here’s 1905 Ottawa verse Dawson here’s 1904 Ottawa vers Wanderers is a different League here’s 1904 Ottawa vers marbor Marboro Matt oh yeah marbor is tough Squad so what is what is the top do we know what the hell where’s Mir those are the first ones Mir was was that the three 1904s 1904 1904 1904 1905 they legitimately might have played three Seasons at the top Fox the top yeah and there’s six teams so that’s 1903 there is that monreo and then there’s uh 1904 1904 1904 1905 the Victoria Cougar’s on there 25 Milwaukee’s best the original Hockey Town 1925 see we know where old [ __ ] go to retire where’s that South Florida Baby M yeah cuz I didn’t they say last year now they take off the the top but but once they once the bottom is filled they take like the top layer off send it to the hall of fame move everything up man we got to keep adding yeah or just like top off cuz none of before Oh you know 1975 or so and then just drop the cup down yeah exactly oh no you can’t drop the cup down you can’t what if your grandpa played on a team like in 1940 and won the cup then you he’s probably dead you got to go to the Hall of Fame and see PR you got to go to the Hall of Fame and see it yeah Chris Jericho’s dad won a cup I think hell yeah he did Vancouver here is uh defeated Seattle in 1917 the Super Sonics the score was one nothing great had score on here 1927 here Ottawa cators Senators 1926 1925 right here Victoria cougars there it is the original Hockey Town boys never forget it all right I don’t think this little [ __ ] piece of metal right here says that hey I don’t think that’s what I saw check the history books brother I don’t think that I mean I’m pulling out the monacle or magnifying glass to find it I don’t think that’s where hockey town is well we wouldn’t say it on there for Detroit either or Pittsburgh so well it says it for Pittsburgh said it right there all over the place L perhaps yeah well we didn’t exist here sorry well yeah I mean that’s the thing about oy town right same you can’t pick it up to see the bottom and see where it’s Maiden it’s not China oh I think miror where’s it m probably miror it might be Toronto hey miror a great job oh yeahor where is this made we we let the Brits touch that’s that’s [ __ ] Canada’s fault man his [ __ ] fall look how beautiful this thing is now we got to think oh the English that stinks Montreal though the spun so great quick research before 1912 you could uh challenge for the cup and defend it at any time so that’s why there are multiple winners a nigh Hood that’s the coolest thing of all time Ottawa just took Ottawa just took down all comers here to the cup 1904 Marboro said we want some just one game not a Winnipeg said we want some Winnipeg said they wanted some oh is that what it’s one0 Winnipeg Ottawa uh takes on marbor 1904 this is just the most tried championship in the history of hockey uh the wanders take on OT everybody wanted a piece Brandon wanted a piece of Ottawa and then in 1905 guess who won again Ottawa won again they beat Dawson then they take on Kendra oh Kendra was [ __ ] coming good team these individual people like did BR or did did Brandon just put together a team was that it’s like TST yeah like T anybody put a team together Kendra was like [ __ ] Brandon is gonna get a team together I’m gonna get F fun fact about that Kendra is actually sister of oh brandle May saying yeah C called can oh canora canora is so that’s not Kendra writing is Tiny on there that’s a [ __ ] D might be on there that is a d I don’t know if we know certain can I’m certain that’s a D canora should feel disrespected who does the inscription that’s a lot of pressure who artist if you’re doing itti who who’s doing the L Messi canor is a beautiful uh City in Ontario yeah well the cup says [ __ ] it Kendra is the name don’t care straight one side round on the other yeah that’s a d where I come from D they’re doing in Montreal it’s a I was going to say French Canadians you never know back then 1900 they even knew how to spell they didn’t give a [ __ ] it’s true well what spell they couldn’t spell in the 1900s Con well this a different langu remember who decid who decided how anything was spelled anyway World War II they did a lot in the 1900s as we’ve noticed today World Wednesday yeah we did yeah shout out to Josh Gibson by the way best player of all time some people forget we don’t I on this program we don’t we have real journalism today yes we did shout out to Russell dorsy stopping by he’s been on it for about a week and a half you said yep it’s not that long of a Time February yeah I thought legit this was year and a half two years yeah me too that’s why I said week month what’s going on he said this has already happened he he he basically said this has already been decided we’re just kind of now announcing it so okay yeah yeah I put the story together in about a week and a half Russell’s a guy we appreciate him taking time this thing is beautiful thank you for hanging out today Lord hell yeah lordo thank you lordo hell yeah obviously you’re not real so we got to thank Mera for making the trip to Indiana thank you Mera hey Mera let them know that Indianapolis would be a great home to an NHL team great home to an NHL team maybe you come maybe you come to yes let’s do that let’s I’m doing it right here yep smart smart smart you also haven’t fully spoken to lordo oh he he he knows I’ve already talked to him how’d they decide on the design of lordo they said what’s great looking yeah and then they a cop I need a [ __ ] cop for sure I’m calling the owner of the Utah soak it’s not their name I know I mean that’s pretty that’s the first time done that one that was sweet stop at the K pretty cool hey we’re live oh no yeah but I’m standing with something that you can only dream of pal what’s that you know what that is bro that’s the cup yeah you’re damn right it is Ryan yeah it is this is the yeah I’m happy you knew that whoa that silver thing too I’m I’m very happy we’re gonna feel we’re gonna feel that full of di Mountain Dew and all sorts of stuff could you imagine the soaking that’s going to take place with this thing when it gets to Utah bro I’ve seen that before I’ve never been how’ you get that there uh Mera brought it mera’s a keeper of the cup from the NHL oh okay it’s it’s on a little bit of a tour you know before the sttinley Cup finals and we got a chance to see I’m allowed to touch it you now are at the point of your life where you’re not allowed to touch this thing cuz you own a team you know that hey bro is there a security person with it yeah Mera Mera right over there let’s see bring that person in I want to meet I’ve only heard [ __ ] earn it why don’t you guys win how far along are we on the team name thing bro we’re coming we’re coming like so will be out soon course they are all right we can’t wait to see what team you what what is the early favorite do you know well I think I think our four like we’ve got our four I think uh okay you know Mammoth up there I think Yeti’s up there I think a couple other ones are up there it should be good so the soak he didn’t make the cut bro I’m sorry you’re gonna have to tell the boys what about the black diamonds yeah Black Diamond I know they took that survey a thousand times just trying to get it up it wasn’t enough they actually wouldn’t fill in their emails noks yeah yeah yeah smart play by do they have email H oh man Mormons with the jokes hey good luck winning lordo okay good luck winning lordo hey hey quite the run there in Indie yeah you’re damn right all right I’ll see you soon brother okay see you bro bye in his office what a guy probably in the middle of four calls he’s billionaire self-made multiple time and now we just make jokes about how his religion doesn’t let anybody actually bone he’s excited to meet meor though hell yeah he does want to meet you Mera that Ryan Smith owner of the Utah yet to be be named hockey team said he uh thinks you’re you’re a legend can’t wait to meet you someday y oh yeah she’s like I agree to help no chance that get out here boys great work today uh pack you want to do uh a giveaway here yeah yep yeah yeah I love it he fully thinks about it before he answers well he doesn’t know if he wants put himself in a position or not you know it’s up to hey take your time on you would you uh dra a shot what do you think about doing a drain shot uh what what shot uh basketball football what did you think when you drain shot what shot did you think it was basketball yeah okay perfect do perfect with do you want to use W ball like your Caitlyn Clark or no you want to use NBA Bo LCA yeah okay I like that J Tatum I like that J Tatum tat Jaylen Brown what type of shot do you want to do you go from the corner you want to do up front what are you thinking foul shot then you only get one oh I’ll take the foul shot free throw shot to Ru them all only got one good luck great shoes obviously fit is phenomenal yep fit is phenomenal all the smoke available on all the platforms right now with the the official Pac-Man Jones and Jody Breeze at the line here all Pack’s got to do is knock it down and if he does 20 people in $500 on his Lord Stanley Cup wow what a a shot never ad doubt so much confidence download all the smoke goad and play it that was a great shot that was phenomenal people are missing foul foul shots all the timear well Bo pack doubt never doubt 95% uh career high school freet tour shooter wow like JJ reck in college all right we’re out of here two to win the championship game two straight yeah should have never doubt it not that I did but I’m saying there was a little bit of intensity only one shot one shot all you need mhm don’t miss your chance to blow cuz opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo lordo smell me fla it’s a shame M can’t afford those season tickets to the Lions game Marshall Mathers yeah yeah well I mean a bump in 7,000 bucks is quite a large leap whenever it comes to season ticket pric over double over double what you normally so I I assume some tickets are 50,000 are they 1225 now they were giv out $4,000 season tickets I think that’s the bigger SC how do we not cover that every that was every game you got every game for four grand two two preseason games the you got to be sitting what on the [ __ ] like are they is that a toilet seat the top anyways we don’t need to talk about that [ __ ] because it’s a new day in Detroit yes it is that’s what winning does that is what win well you guys won this a few times and then what happened all the Red Wings fans show up the Red Wings fans love the Red Wings how about the Red Wings themselves wow I mean oh Lordo’s coming home soon that’s all it matters mik go there before it goes to Pittsburgh I will say definitely yeah no doubt about that we’re rebuilding is we trust you guys are like two years behind what the red rigs were like 10 years ago yeah you’re all sure all right we’re out of here AJ great work today lordo great work he did great honestly my me my message to you is that you’re just you’re phenomenal okay don’t ever forget it don’t let your light stop shining I know how many parties you’re about to be in and through and that liver’s got to be pretty [ __ ] oh yeah with uh how many good times especially with the hockey Boys Hockey the hockey Lads oh go gong shows it’s gong it’s a runaway yeah every single time so keep doing it keep leading away we appreciate you um yeah I mean I didn’t want to do it but you are the father unlike Mark Davis you are the father two lordos one pick what a dream what a day can’t wait to see the Florida Panthers win this bad boy this year looks so good in room can’t wait to see the Dallas star here we go can’t wait to see the Edmonton Oiler how about the New York Ranger that’s what this thing does that’s right yeah changes lives changes mood changes dreams we appreciate you all right we’ll be back tomorrow be a friend tell a friend something nice it might change their life like our friends at dude wipes seriously saved my life this morning thank you dude wipes love you dude wipes going through I was going go a couple battles during a commercial break this morning dude wipes was the tag team partner that I didn’t even know that I needed in the time that I did it’s a bath for your ass that’s right it’s dude like all right we’re going to sing together team on me hi lordo hand in thank you team on three 1 2 3 goodby [Music]

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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