Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/6/24) (2024)

Battleground was big, but tonight might be bigger! THE WWE Champion, Cody Rhodes, is showing up on NXT to talk with an “old friend.”


  • Mia Yim VS Jaida Parker; Mia wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Wes Lee & New Catch Republic VS Gallus; Gallus wins.
  • Brinley Reece w/ Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS Wendy Choo; Wendy wins.
  • Singapore Cane Match: Lexis King VS Dante Chen; Lexis wins.
  • Eddy Thorpe VS Tavion Heights; Eddy wins.
  • Shawn Spears VS Je’Von Evans; Spears wins.


Kelani Jordan is here!

The inaugural NXT Women’s North American Champion gets the big introduction, then walks out here with the belt around her waist. The fans cheer as she holds the belt over her head, then she gets the mic. “Thank you guys so much. This is so surreal to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” The fans chant “You Deserve It!” and Kelani says she won many championships in gymnastics the past 18 years, but nothing compares to being the first ever Women’s North American Champion! But she’ll also be the first to say that the six women at Battleground were battling! Bodies were flying, risks were taken, souls were snatched!

Everyone got beat up, but when Kelani climbed the ladder and brought down this title, that is a moment she will remember for the rest of her life. It is an honor to be the first. But being the first means no lineage to live up to, no prestige to uphold. It is all on her to create the importance to this title. There are a lot of talented women in that locker room, but she will prove day in and day out that in this ring, no one does it like Lani. But wait! Jaida Parker makes her way out here! Jaida says the only thing Kelani proved is that she can climb a ladder like a squirrel. All this noise about bringing prestige to the title, it ain’t gonna last long.

Because tonight, Jaida will handle Michin, and then all we hear is “AND THE NEW-” MIA ATTACKS! Kelani shrugs, this is what Miss Parker gets. Mia whips, Jaida stops herself and elbows back! Jaida SMACKS Mia off the apron but Mia throws hands! Mia then throws Jaida in the ring, the ref hurries in, and fans are dueling already! Will the Head Baddie In Charge humble Miss Parker something fierce?

Mia Yim VS Jaida Parker!

The bell rings and Mia dodges to CHOP! And forearm! And repeat! Mia trips Jaida, rains down fists, but Jaida pushes her down to throw hands in return! Mia turns things around again to HAMMER away on Jaida! There’s also hair pulling so the ref counts. Mia lets off, Jaida runs up to TACKLE Mia into a corner! Jaida RAMS into Mia again and again, then brings Mia out to scoop and SLAM! Jaida talks smack, but Mia SMACKS Jaida! Mia SOBATS then PELES! Jaida flounders to a corner, Mia storms up, and Mia CHOPS! The fans fire up, Mia HEADBUTTS Jaida over and over, but lets off as the ref counts.

Mia goes corner to corner, runs back in, and CANNONBALLS! Cover, TWO! Jaida is still in this but Mia stalks her. Mia clamps on a chinlock but Jaida fights up. Jaida pries at the hold, backs Mia down into buckles, but Mia still holds on! The ref counts the ropebreak, but Jaida RAMS Mia into buckles again! Jaida flails, the ref counts, but Jaida RAMS Mia in again! Jaida gets free, but Mia dodges her on the return! Mia waistlocks, Jaida switches, but Mia elbows free to switch and GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up and Jaida flounders to another corner. Mia runs up, but Jaida moves, cannonball hits buckles!

Jaida gets Mia up to POST her! Jaida brings Mia out to put her in the ropes. Jaida CHOPS Mia, then runs to DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT! The fans fire up while Mia writhes and Jaida says Mia can’t handle her! Jaida says this is HER ring, but NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Jaida runs Mia over! Jaida drags Mia up to run her over again! Jaida drags Mia up again, but Mia rolls her up! TWO, and both women stand, Mia DROPKICKS Jaida down! Jaida gets up to wrench Mia, for an ARM BREAKER! Then she runs Mia over again! Cover, TWO! Jaida grows frustrated but she clamps onto Mia for a chicken wing. Mia endures, fights the crossface, and the fans are dueling! Miabends Jaida’s fingers to pull the crossface away, then stands up. Jaida whips Mia to a corner, runs up, but Mia ELBOWS her away! Mia goes up to RANA! Jaida staggers up but Mia LARIATS!

Mia YAKUZA KICKS, then SHOTGUNS Jaida into buckles! The fans fire up and Mia runs back in, but Jaida dodges! Jaida blocks a kick, Mia blocks a punch! Mia ROCKS Jaida, then uses the corner for a TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Jaida survives and Mia grows frustrated. Mia storms back up on Jaida, wrenches an arm, but Jaida refuses to eat da feet! Jaida kicks and suplexes, GOURD BUSTER! Then Jaida runs, for the TEARDROP!! But the hip attack sends Mia out of the ring!! The Good Brothers hurry out here to check their sister, but Jaida has them back off. Jaida gets Mia into the ring, covers, TWO!!

Mia survives and Jaida is shocked! The fans rally and duel, and Jaida tells Machine Gun to back off. Jaida then brings out a chair!? The fans fire up as Jaida slides in, but Gallows distracts the ref! Karl snatches the chair away! Jaida is upset, but Mia rolls Jaida up! MIA WINS!!

Winner: Mia Yim, by pinfall

Michin literally spanks Miss Parker as she gets that W! Will The OC show OTM who really runs these mean streets?

New Catch Republic speaks.

Tyler Bate says Gallus is up to their old tricks again. Now, he has been in Wes Lee’s position before, and Wes is Bate’s mate. He won’t stand here and watch one of his mates get bullied. Pete Dunne says time to prove it! Gallus Boys On Top? Shut it. Will The Big Strong Boi & Bruiserweight help The Cardiac Kid give Joe, Mark & Wolfgang the payback their deserve?

There’s an argument going on at Chase U!

Riley Osborne, Duke Hudson, Ridge Holland & Professor Chase himself are all shouting about last week, how Riley & Duke said one thing but then did another and how that messed up Thea Hail’s match. Ridge has them all stop for a second. Ridge thought they squashed this beef, and so does Mr. Chase. Duke says sorry, just a bit hard to trust Ridge. Riley says yeah! Ridge isn’t part of Chase U! Name one thing that’s went right since Ridge showed up! Ridge says those two told the rest that they weren’t gonna be out there! Riley says they didn’t feel like it until later, when Duke insisted. Then they should’ve just been a unit and went out all at once!

The arguing starts up again, and Thea storms in. STFU and sit down! Yes, ma’am… Chase wonders where Thea got that from. Thea says if the issue is Ridge is an outsider, then guess what? Riley was an outsider once and they let him in. Chase says they should all take a step back and realize this is really all because of Jacy Jayne. Thea asks “Andre” if she needs to remind everyone that he almost gambled the school away. Oh, wait, he DID. And as for DUKE…! Everyone thought Duke was gonna stab Mr. Chase in the back, but he didn’t, because Chase U gave him a chance. Chase U gives everyone a chance, so Thea is over this arguing!

They need to get on the same page. They are ALL Chase U, and that’s not a #TeachableMoment, that’s the truth! Theta heads out and all four men are humbled. They see Thea’s point, but will they still be able to make it work as a team?

Six Man Tag: Wes Lee & New Catch Republic VS Gallus!

The Cardiac Kid didn’t win the North American Championship Triple Threat, but he didn’t exactly lose that match either, with Joe Coffey taking the pin. But the Iron King and his cohorts were still furious, so they attacked Wes backstage, spurring on Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne to stand up for their friend. Will Wes, Bate & Dunne put these bullies in their place? Or will it still be Gallus Boys On Top?

The teams sort out and Bate starts against Wolfgang. They circle, tie up, and Wolfgang knees low! Wolfgang CLUBS Bate, UPPERCUTS him, then tags in Mark. They mug Bate, then Mark hits a headlock takeover. Cover, TWO as Bate gets an arm up> Mark pushes it down, cover, TWO! Bate and Mark rise with knuckle locks, and Bate drops to then headscissor hold Mark. Bate brings Mark to a corner, waves hi to the fans, then RANAS Mark away! Bate clamps onto an arm, tags Dunne, and Dunne goes up to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! The fans rally for Dunne as he wrenches Mark, wrangles him, and drops knees on the arm!

Dunne pulls on Mark’s other arm,bends the fingers, and the fans cheer as Dunne tortures Mark’s hand! Dunne pushes the arm down, floats to get the legs, and he hooks those up. Dunne pulls on Mark’s ears! Then Dunne fishhooks Mark, before he STOMPS the knees! Dunne gets the arm again, bends and twists the arm to isolate it, and STOMP it! The fans cheer as Dunne mocks Gallus. Joe runs in, Dunne dodges to GAMANGIRI Wolfgang! Joe blocks a kick but Dunne SLAPS him then ENZIGIRIS him! Dunne kicks Mark, tags in Wes, and they DOUBLE STOMP the hands! They DOUBLE BUZZSAW, and then Bate tags in!

Bate fireman’s carries Mark, Wes SUPERKICK-starts the AIRPLANE SPIN! Wes DIVES out onto Joe! Dunne runs in, ROCKS Mark, then PLANCHAS onto Wolfgang! Bate just keeps the spin going! The fans fire up as Bate goes around and around and around, way past TEN before the SLAM! Mark staggers out of the ring, Bate kips up, and Wes poses with New Catch Republic while NXT goes picture in picture.

Gallus regroups on the outside, then they huddle up. They talk strategy, and then Mark hurries back in. Mark runs up on Bate but runs into a headlock takeover! Bate grinds the hold, Mark fights up to his feet, but Bate BOPS him with his foot! And again! And again! Mark fires body shots, back suplexes, but Bate lands out! Bate headlocks, Wolfgang tags in as Mark powers out, and Wolfgang FLAPJACKS Bate off ropes! Wolfgang DECKS Bate, rains down fists, then drops a knee on Bate’s head! Cover, TWO! Wolfgang drags Bate over to the Gallus corner, tags Joe in, and they mug Bate with heavy hands!

The erf reprimands and counts, Gallus lets off, and Joe taunts the fans. But Bate hits back with haymakers! Bate backs Joe down, but Joe knees low! And KNEES again and again and again! Joe fires body shots, then whips Bate hard into a corner! Then he whips Bate back in! Then scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Bate is in the drop zone, Joe runs to VADER ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Joe drags Bate up, clamps onto an arm and grinds the shoulder. Bate endures, reaches out, crawls forward, but Joe keeps him away from Wes! Joe traps the arm, then drops a knee on it! Joe drags Bate into a neck wrench, then ELBOWS him in the head!

Joe clamps on a rear bearhug and squeezes tight. Bate endures, fights up, and he throws elbows. Bate is free but Joe CLUBS him in the back! Joe HIP DROPS Bate down, then CLAWS Bate’s back! The ref reprimands but Joe drags Bate into another rear bearhug. Joe then shifts up to a full nelson as NXT returns to single picture. Bate fights, slips down and victory rolls, TWO! Bate runs up, but Joe catches him! Joe FLAPJACKS Bate, then DECKS Wes! Joe whips Bate in, then hits another BACKBREAKER! Tag to Wolfgang and he SENTONS! Cover, Dunne STOMPS it apart! The fans fire up but Wolfgang snarls.

Wolfgang tags Mark, they whip and POP-UP, but Bate RANAS Wolfgang! Mark whips Bate but Bate hits the REBOUNDER! The fans are thunderous as Bate crawls! Mark also crawls, hot tag to Joe and he uses a GLASGOW SENDOFF to take Dunne down! Joe roars and aims at Bate now, runs in but into a BOOT! Bate runs up, but into a back drop! Bate lands on his feet!! Hot tag to Wes! Wes baits Joe in, UPPERCUTS him, then BOOTS Wolfgang! ENZIGIRI for Wolfie, ELBOW for Joseph! Wes sees Markus running up, so he uses Wolfie as a step for a RANA! Wes then dodges Wolfgang, SUPERKICKS Joe, and fires off on Wolfgang!

TIGER WALL KICK TORNADO DDT COMBO!! Wes then RANAS Joe into a cover! Mark breaks it! Bate tags in, Bop up but Mark DECKS Bate! So DunneCHOPS Mark! Mark puts Dunne on the apron, but Dunne gets that arm! SNAP go the fingers!! Bop up, BANG takes Mark down! Dunne avoids Joe while he ASAI MOONSAULTS onto Wolfgang! Bate DIVES onto Mark! METEORA from Wes to Joe! Cover, TWO!! Joe survives and the fans are thunderous again! Wes goes to a corner and climbs, but Joe runs up! Wes LEAPS and takes out everyone else! Wes then resets on the corner, handspring and- NO, Joe dodges, ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! Cover, GALLUS WINS!!

Winners: Gallus, by pinfall

The numbers were even so there’s nothing Wes can say about this one. While they stumbled at Battleground, will nothing stop Gallus from making NXT their kingdom?

OTM regroups backstage.

Jaida is upset, obviously. Michin beating Miss Parker? Make it make sense! Bronco Nima says it don’t! If not for The Good Brothers, Jaida would’ve had Mia’s ass beat and she knows it! Nima says Michin knows nothing, and Lucien Price says that loss is on them because they should’ve known better. Jaida says it ain’t even like that. They go out there with her then head back because they know she’s got this. But Michin… If this is how she wants it, then so be it. Jaida will handle Mia and run her outta NXT. Miss Parker is all fired up, will she burn Michin for this one? Or will The OC make NXT Just Too Sweet?

Brinley Reece prepares backstage.

The energy’s high, she’s feeling good. Malik Blade & Edris Enofe are there, pumping Brin up. They know Brin will get this one, but just promise them she’ll be careful. Duh. Edris says Brin doesn’t need to promise anything. Malik says there’s just something in the air. Edris agrees, it doesn’t feel right. Brin says she loves the concern, but Wendy Choo? She’s a freakin’ sweetheart! This is gonna be such a fun time! Can’t wait! Malik and Edris confirm with each other that they’ve got a bad feeling about this, but could it just be paranoia? Or will Wendy not be so comfy cozy this time around?

Brinley Reece w/ Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS Wendy Choo!

#BrinEnergy is always positive, and usually so is the Queen of Comfy Style. However, something seemed…different about Wendy in that last little video of hers. Wendy makes her entrance, and she has some rather spooky make-up on. Will it turn out that Malik & Edris were right about tonight? Or is this just Wendy going through a goth phase?

The bell rings and Wendy TACKLES Brin! Wendy fires off fists, Brin gets free and then scrambles to a corner! Wendy runs up to SPLASH, then she throws Brin down! Wendy laughs before the SLEEPY ELBOW! Brin scrambles away, completely confused! Wendy scurries up on Brin, grabs a leg, but Brin BOOTS free! Wendy just turns aright around to HEADBUTT! Wendy runs, SLIDING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Brin survives and Wendy has a sinister smirk. Wendy runs up, Brin dodges, but Wendy comes back. Brin ELBOWS Wendy, gets around, ducks an elbow and KNEE SMASHES! Wendy staggers, and Brin LARIATS!

Brin fires up, LARIATS again, then scoops to SLAM! The fans fire up with Brin, but Wendy’s right up! Wendy gets around, hammerlock and PEPSI TWIST!! Then into a COBRA CLUTCH STRAITJACKET!! Brin starts to fade, she taps out! Wendy wins!!

Winner: Wendy Choo, by submission

Brin was dreaming of a fun time in the ring, but went to sleep with a nightmare! Will Wendy Choo haunt everyone in NXT now that she’s back?

Ava Raine tweets.

After Oro Mensah’sthird attack on Ethan Page, she has no choice but to suspend Oro Mensah this week to ensure the safety of both men. Will Main Man Mensah’s rage only grow worse for this?

Backstage interview with Roxanne Perez.

Byron Saxton finds the NXT Women’s Champion as she arrives “fashionably late,” and she tells him to just hurry up and ask. Byron says she is scheduled to give a “States of the Women’s Division” address, could she give a hint as to what that entails? Roxie says yeah, he saw her Match of the Night at Battleground. She was in an impossible situation against perhaps the most dominant woman in wrestling today, and here she stands, still champion. So yes, she will be addressing where she plans on taking this division- But then Robert Stone walks in. He asks Roxie what’s going on. He just wants to say congrats on the win, but also on behalf of Ava, what’s Roxie gonna talk about tonight?

Oh, does she wanna know? Roxie had to find out about her opponent when the world found out, so go tell your boss that she can wait to hear what Roxie has to say the same way. Roxie storms off, just what will The Prodigy have planned forher NXT Women’s Division?

Cody Rhodes is here!

The NXT Arena fires up for The American Nightmare and they sing along with the song, “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody gets the mic while the fans cheer, and Cody says it is magical here, isn’t it? And it is well known that there is a magic here in NXT, and perhaps Cody needed to be here today, to feel said magic as he heads towards Clash at the Castle, towards Scotland, and towards a WWE Championship defense against AJ Styles. “AJ Styles has been a lot of things. He was the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, the WWE Champion. He was PWI’s Wrestler of the Decade.

“But for sure, one thing that you can add to that list after this Saturday is that AJ Styles… is going to look at all of Scotland, he is going to look at our referee, and he is going to look me in the eyes, and he is going to say… ‘I QUIT!'” The fans cheer that, and then they fire up more as Trick Williams makes his way out here! The fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” as THE NXT Champion is here to stand alongside THE WWE Champion! Trick says first thing’s first, we got Cody Rhodes in NXT! Everybody make some noise! The fans cheer, and Trick says he was on his way here, but then he saw Cody so he had to hold up and let Cody do his thing.

Now, Cody, Trick feels like they’ve had similar journeys. With all due respect, Cody’s at the top, Trick is doing his thing, they’re both champions. But they both had huge mountains to climb, had chips on their shoulders, all to get right here where they are today. The fans applaud that. Trick is jsut trying to say, now that they’ve both got their titles, now that they’re both on top of the mountain, it all feels different now. Instead of having something to chase, something they’ve wanted for so long, they’ve got it and people are attacking them. So Trick just wants to ask: How does Cody deal with all of this?

Cody rephrases that as, “How do you go from being the hunter to being the hunted?” Well, on the other side of that wall, all of their peers are watching Trick and Cody, and not going, “Oh man, go get ’em, Trick!” They are judging the champions, thinking they can wear the NXT title better than Trick and the WWE title better than Cody. But one thing to keep in mind, champ, is even though they’ve conquered the mountain, there’s always another mountain to climb. The fans like the tease, but Cody says let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The fans chant “Two Champ Trick!” but Cody says he has been granted the authority tonight by Ava.

Cody wants to let Trick now who his next challenger is going to be. That next challenger for the NXT Championship will be decided next week on NXT, in a 25 Man Over The Top Battle Royal! The fans like the sound of that! Cody says Trick may know some of them, but somemight be fromother locker rooms. The fans REALLY like the sound of that! Cody tells Trick, “Good luck, my friend.” Trick says hold on, Cody. There’s one more thing Trick’s gotta ask Cody. And it is very, very serious. With Fourth of July around the corner, and on behalf of all Trick’s people, they all wanna know… Is Cody coming to the cookout?

The fans cheer and Trick asks if they wanna see Cody come to the cookout. “YES! YES! YES!” Cody says YES, he is coming to the cookout! Trick is all fired up, he and Cody do the secret handshake and they hug it out. Trick says play Cody’s music. Cody and Trick raise their belts, but that battle royal is going to be huge! Are we going to see a star studded field fighting for a chance to #WhoopDatTrick?

Backstage interview with Dante Chen.

Sarah Schreiber finds the Singapore Warrior, Singapore cane already in hand, as he heads for gorilla. She asks says his rivalry with Lexis King is coming to a head tonight with their Singapore Cane match. How is Dante feeling? Dante says he is ready. Lexis can dismiss Dante’s other two victories, but tonight, Dante leaves a lasting impression on him when he tattoos Lexis’ body with cane shots. Dante SMACKS away on spare railing, and he says his cane shots will bring discipline. Tonight, Dante ends things on his terms. Dante heads out, will he strike The Drama King right on the crown?

The NXT Women’s Division talks Battleground.

Kelani Jordan: history maker! They’re so excited that she won. Oh, Wendy, hi! Great to see you back, and great win out there. This is Carlee Bright, she’s new to NXT and- Oh… Wendy’s spooky smile stops Carlee in her tracks. Wendy leaves and Carlee asks if she said something wrong. Isn’t Wendy supposed to be the nice one…?

Singapore Cane Match: Lexis King VS Dante Chen!

As Dante said, The Drama King would not accept his previous losses with dignity, so it came to this! Nothing is going to hold these two back from unleashing all their frustrations, but who will withstand it all to stand tall?

Well, why wait? Dante SMACKS Lexis right at the ramp! The fans fire up as Dante snarls and SMACKS Lexis again! And again! Dante swings again, Lexis ducks and the cane hits post! Lexis gets int he ring, Dante follows, the bell rings and Dante TACKLES Lexis! Dante rains down fists, the fans fire up, but Lexis gets free. Dante kicks low, whips, and back drops! Lexis flounders, Dante grabs another cane! Lexis has one, too, and he SMACKS Dante back! DanteSMACKS Lexis in return! Lexis wobbles, SMACKS, but Dante SMACKS! They go back and forth, Dante gets the edge as he SMACKS Lexis again and again!

Lexis CHUCKS the cane into Dante’s face! Lexis then SUPERKICKS Dante, rains down fists, and the fans boo. Lexis lets off to talk trash, and he gets another cane. Lexis gathers up canes, in fact, and piles them together at the center of the ring. Lexis goes for Dante but Dante kicks back. Lexis BOOTS Dante, CHOPS him, then whips to back drop! Dante narrowly avoids the canes, but Lexis KICKS him in the back! Lexis SMACKS Dante with a stick, puts it back on the pile, then scoops Dante for a SLAM onto the canes! Cover, TWO! Lexis is annoyed, he CHOKES Dante with the cane, then JAMS it into the throat!! Then he SMACKS Dante on the back!

That cane is broken so Lexis uses another. Dante hits back but Lexis SMACKS him! Lexis CHOKES Dante in a corner, and digs his boots in! The fans boo but Dante fights free. Lexis grabs another cane, but Dante ROCKS him first! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! Dante and Lexis fight over the cane, but Lexis HEADBUTTS! Lexis CLOBBERS Dante, then SMACKS him! Cover, TWO! Lexis grinds the cane into Dante’s face while putting on the chinlock. The fans rally for Dante as he fights up, but Lexis thrashes Dante around! The fans still rally, and Dante still fight sup. Dante pries the stick away, to turn things around on Lexis!

Lexis flails as he’s in a cane choke hold, but he RAMS Dante into buckles! Lexis snapmares free and CROWNS Dante with the blindside knee! Cover, TWO!! Dante survives and Lexis is furious! Lexis SMACKS away on Dante, then he rips up that cane so he can wedge it into a corner! Lexis brings Dante up but Dante ELBOWS, UPPERCUTS, but Lexis SUPERKICKS and CHOPS! Lexis whips, Dante reverses, and Lexis runs into the stick! It gets Lexis real low, too! Dante snarls, grabs another cane, and Lexis begs for mercy. He only gets SMACK after SMACK after SMACK instead! The fans are thunderous as Dante breaks the cane on Lexis’s body!!

Dante gets another cane, whisp Lexis, and SMACKS him right down! And SMACKS him again! And again! Dante runs to CANE KICK COMBO!! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” and Dante gets up. Dante has stripes on him but he still pushes Lexis. MONKEY FLIP! Lexis gets up, Dante clotheslines him up and out! Dante has the cane, runs to builds speed, CANE TOPE SUICIDA!! The fans are thunderous, and Dante just gets more canes! Dante SMACKS Lexis on the back, SMACKS him int he ribs, then SMACKS him on the back again! But Lexis LOW BLOWS using his walking cane! The fans boo as Lexis puts Dante in the ring!

Lexis CLOBBERS Dante with his “scepter,” then CLOBBERS Dante again! And using the scepter, CORONATION!! Cover, Lexis wins!

Winner: Lexis King, by pinfall

The fans are not happy, but Lexis King doesn’t care. He stands tall over Dante after stooping to new lows. Will Lexis make sure he’s the only one to reign over NXT?

Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx talk backstage.

Jacy wonders what happened to her, but Jazmyn says she looks fine, really. Cody walks over and says just the person he was hoping to see. He has some things he wants to give Jacy. Really? Yes. He brings out his old Dashing Cody Rhodes face mask! Jazmyn & Jacy are actually honored to have this piece of history. Will Jacy use this so she can have aclear path back to the top of NXT?

Mia Yim leaves Ava’s office.

Michin thanks the GM, and The Good Brothers are there to ask what’s up. Mia says the next time Jaida wants to bring weapons into a match, that ass whooping will be unreal.However, W’s get rewards, so guess who is the first challenger for Kelani’s North American Championship? Now that’s Too Sweet! Mia says they don’t even need to worry about four others, it will be 1v1. And though she’s part of a group, she is the HBIC, and the NEW NA Champion. Anderson says this is it. AJ Styles will win the WWE Championship at The Clash, Mia will taste the gold. Too Sweet, baby! Is The OC about to take over all of the WWE?

Wait, someone is going after commentary!

Who was that? Didn’t this happen a week ago? What is going on in NXT?

Eddy Thorpe VS Tavion Heights!

The Alpha Wolf meditated, and he is now motivated to carry on the legacy of the great Native American superstars of the past. Will Eddy reach those new heights? Or will he fail to get past these Heights his first night back?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, fans duel, but Eddy wrenches Tavion to a wristlock. Tavion powers through to SPINEBUSTER, then he floats to facelock. Tavion floats to waistlock, but Eddy slips out to hammerlock. Tavion switches that onto Eddy then facelocks, but Eddy goes to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Tavion lets off in frustration, and he eggs Eddy on. Eddy ROCKS Tavion! Tavion takes a swing, Eddy ducks and CROSSBODIES! Tavion gets back up but Eddy hits a kitchen sink knee! Eddy storms up to KICK, KICK and KICK in the corner! Eddy reels Tavion in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, ONE!!

Tavion scrambles to ropes but Eddy fires hands. Eddy whips, Tavion reverses but Eddy ducks ‘n’ dodges ‘n’ does it again, but Tavion still OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! Tavion storms around, runs up, and CLUBS Eddy down! Tavion gets Eddy up, whips him into the corner, then storms up to fire forearms. Tavion whips Eddy back into the corner, then fireman’s carries. Tavion storms around but Eddy fires elbows! Eddy hammers away, but Tavion powers back up! Tavion TOSSES Eddy, then gut wrenches for a GUT WRENCH PLEX! Cover, TWO! Tavion grows frustrated but he facelocks. Eddy fights up and throws body shots.

The fans rally as Eddy throws more hands, but Tavion hits a THROW! DRAGON SLEEPER! Eddy endures and the fans rally up but Tavion pulls on the hold! Eddy reaches up to throw knee after knee! Eddy is free, and he CHOPS! And ROCKS! And ROCKS again! Eddy CHOPS, CHPOS and whips, to then ELBOW Tavion down! Eddy rallies with forearms, body shots, UPPERCUTS, and a BOOT! GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up with Eddy and he storms around. Eddy runs for the TOMAHAWK ELBOW! Then Eddy drags Tavion up, IMPACT DDT! Cover, Eddy wins!

Winner: Eddy Thorpe, by pinfall

The Alpha Wolf makes a victorious return, will his warpath lead him to the top of the mountain?

The No Quarter Catch Crew watches this backstage.

Damon Kemp has his beef against Eddy Thorpe, but Charlie Dempsey is more focused on Tavion Heights. Myles, go get him and bring him here. Wait, what? What for? Myles, just go get Tavion. GO. GET. HIM. Myles says okay, right. Charlie says there is strength in numbers, they might try expanding the crew. Kemp isn’t sure, they’re barely able to figure Dempsey out. Right? Heh. Dempsey asks if that’s so. Does Kemp think he’s funny? Because maybe if Kemp didn’t drop two straight to Tony D, they’d have the Heritage Cup back. Now look where they are. Don’t you dare question Dempsey. Now Myles, go get Tavion! Okay, okay!

Myles hurries out, but will the crew going back to four really help them turn things around?

Ava Raine talks with Robert Stone.

They’re back in Orlando, and they’re still dealing with Roxie. Speaking of, Stone brings up his talk with her earlier, and she wouldn’t say anything about it. Ava says that’s alright, Roxie’s a bit unpredictable. Stone just feels bad because Roxie’s gonna get her time to get at Ava- but then in walks Stevie Turner. She says hello to Lady Ava and Mr. Stone. But were they just talking about Roxie? Because Stevie overheard Roxie is gonna call out Ava for an apology. Oh, Roxie thinks she’s getting one? Good thing she doesn’t get paid for thinking. But thanks, Stevie, Ava appreciates the heads up. Oh, Ava has to take this call. Can she have the room?

Stevie and Stone exit, and Ava talks with…? Well, it must be important business, so will there be big things in the near future for NXT?

Shawn Spears VS Je’Von Evans!

The Chair Man tried to make himself the mentor to the young minds of the NXT locker room, but the Young OG wasn’t having it. Will Evans prove that Spears can take his advice somewhere else? Or will there be more “truth” brought painfully to light?

The bell rings and Spears throws his hood at Evans! Then he fires off hands! Evans turns things around to CHOP and CHOP and whip. Spears reverses but Evans ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Spears to THESZ PRESS! Spears throws down hands then he stomps Evan’s in the head! Evans staggers up, Spears brings him around and back suplexes, only for Evans to land out! Evans ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Spears goes to a corner, Evans runs in and CHOPS! The fans fire up as Evans goes up, but Spears carries him off the corner, to FLAPJACK off ropes! Evans sputters and coughs, but Spears stomps him back down.

Spears brings Evans up, CHOPS him down, then shakes out his hand. Evans crawls to ropes, but Spears CHOKES him! The ref counts, Spears lets off at 4, and the ref warns him. Spears storms back up on Evans toCHOP again! Evans sputters, but he also gets mad! Evans ROCKS Spears, fires off forearms, but Spears put shim in the corner. Spears RAMS into Evans, CHOPS him again, then stalks him along ropes. Spears whips, Evans kicks back! And then DROPKICKS! Spears bails out, Evans WRECKS him with a dropkick! The fans fire up as Evans aims, runs up, and PENALTY KICKS Spears down! The fans fire up more as NXT goes picture in picture.

Evans stalks Spears, drags him up, and CHOPS him! Spears goes to barriers, kicks low, then swings, but Evans dodges to ROCK Spears! Evans follows Spears to the desk, throws hands, then follows him around the way. They go into the ring, Evans storms up in the corner, but Spears kicks low! Spears HEADBUTTS Evans, Evans staggers, and Spears storms up to HEADBUTT again! Spears drags Evans up, but Evans CHOPS! Spears bails right out while the fans fire up. Evans follows Spears out, puts him back in, and then aims from the corner. Spears storms up, Evans DECKS him, then slingshots to go up, but Spears trips him up!

Evans is stuck in the Tree of Woe, but Spears sits him up to CHOP him on the back! Spears then climbs up to scoop Evans, for a TOP ROPE BACKBREAKER! Evans tumbles to the apron then the floor while Spears wants the count out! The count begins, but it isn’t fast enough, so Spears goes out to RAM Evans into barriers! And then into the apron! Evans crawls, Spears stalks him, and Spears puts Evans in. Spears storms up on Evans as NXT returns to single picture, and he drops a knee on Evans! Cover, TWO! Spears grabs Evans’ legs, turns him over, and has the HALF CRAB! Evans endures and the fans rally up.

Evans reaches out, crawls forward, but Spears drags him from ropes! Evans still fights, still claws at the mat, and he still gets the ROPEBREAK! Spears holds until the ref counts 4, and the fans boo. Spears argues with the ref about the count, then Spears drags Evans up. Spears CHOPS and Evans sits down. Spears drags Evans up by his hair, CHOPS him again, but Evans snarls! The fans fire up with Evans but Spears CHOPS! Evans HEEL KICKS! Evans then gets Spears up, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Evans crawls and rises, and Spears goes to the other corner.

Spears storms back up but Evans fires hands! Evans ROCKS Spears again and again, CHPOS, then DECKS him! Spears gets up so Evans DECKS him again! Evans ducks ‘n’ dodges and rebounds, NEURALIZER KICK! Then a kip up! The fans fire up and Evans goes to a corner. Evans aims from the apron, but Spears gets away before the springboard. Evans hurries over, Spears puts him on the apron, and SUPERKICKS him down! Spears SLINGSHOTS Evans into a DRAPING DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Evans survives and the fans fire up again! Spears is frustrated, but “This is Awesome!” Spears drags Evans up, fireman’s carries, but Evans fights fee!

Evans O’Conner Rolls, TWO!! Evans goes up and up and OG CUTTER!! But Spears tumbles out of the ring! Evans is frustrated, but he builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Spears! Evans sees Spears go around the way, so he goes up the barriers! CANNONBALL! Another direct hit and the fans are thunderous! Evans puts Spears in the ring, clotheslines him right back out, then goes to the apron. Evans springboards, but only gets desk!! Spears laid the trap and now he gets Evans into the ring! Spears fireman’s carries for the C4!! Cover, Spears wins!

Winner: Shawn Spears, by pinfall

Spears knew all about Evans’ athletic ability and used that against him! Will The Chair Man continue to prove why NXT should follow him?

Nathan Frazer & Axiom show off their Vegas pictures.

Good stuff, they sure had some fun. Tyler Bate says Frazer should cheer up, though. They beat the Good Brothers at Battleground! No, man, he can’t celebrate any more than they did that night. Aw, of course he can! But then in steps The D’Angelo Family. Tony says check out the party animals! To be honest, Tony didn’t think they had that in them. Axiom says yeah, they’re full of surprises. The Don is riding high, too, retaining the Heritage Cup. But he thinks these gents could use a refresher in the heritage of the Cup. Dunne says Tony’s not about to lecture him and Bate on the history ofBritish wrestling, is he?

Bate points out his name is on that cup. Axiom says yeah, and his best friend A-Kid, and Frazer, too. Speaking of, Frazer is staring at the cup. Tony has Frazer snap out of it. Axiom admits that’s true, Frazer needs to remember they’re tag team champions. Stacks says yeah, for now. Tony has his Underboss stand down. They’ll give them all a lesson, later. The D’Angelo Family leaves, and Axiom wants Frazer to remember: tag team champions. Frazer knows that. He just misses the Cup. Well, he can’t possibly do both, can he? Frazer says of course he can. Frazer’s motto may be #NeverSlowDown, but is it wise to divide his attention?

Shawn Spears finds Cody Rhodes backstage.

The Chair Man tells The American Nightmare that Cody won the Royal Rumble and got his. Now Spears is gonna win the battle royal and get his own. Cody believes that. Ethan Page walks over and says he’s in the battle royal, too. Is Cody not gonna wish him luck? And then Lexis King says HE will win that battle royal. Cody says it seems these guys are all in a good place now. Cody leaves, and it seems there’s someelite competition coming for Trick Williams. But who survives the battle royal to head for Heatwave in Toronto?

Roxanne Perez heads to the ring!

The fans are torn as The Prodigy makes her way out, the red carpet and some plants set up for her State of the Women’s Division Address. Roxie gets a mic to say, “And still~ your NXT Women’s Champion, The Prodigy, Roxanne Perez. Here I stand at the top of the greatest women’s division in all of wrestling today! And I told you guys that I was gonna protect this title. But not only did I do that, at Battleground, I proved to everyone that there truly is levels to this. And no one in this world is on mine.

“But it’s okay! Don’t feel the need to thank me all at once to make sure that this championship stays in NXT. You all are just finding out what I’ve always known. But um, there is one woman whodoes need to come out here and thank me. So Ava, why don’t you come on out here. I don’t think you wanna make the champ wait.” The NXT General Manager does make her way out here, and Ava says she had a feeling this would happen. And she assumes Roxie wants congratulations for her win. So congrats! But Ava isn’t sure what Roxie wants Ava to thank her for. This is just part of being a great champion.

We all know it isn’t about what you say but what you do. It’s about who you face and who you defeat, how you carry yourself and- Roxie says of course, of course, Ava! That’s why you’re just the perfect GM! Ava always finds a way to make this all about herself. But get this: Whoever Ava arranges for Roxie, whoever she puts in line, Roxie will always find a way to win. There is not one woman who can take this title from her! But then wait! Here comes Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx! Are Jacy’s ears deceiving her, or is Roxie taking credit for the entire locker room? Jazmyn says no, that’s what it sounds like to her, too.

These two get in the ring and tell Roxie that eve since she won the title, it seems Roxie lost her sweet and innocent side. And she damn sure lost her memory! Because long before Roxie ever signed here, Jacy was one of the main reasons everyone tuned in to NXT! Before Roxie’s little Breakout Tournament win and all her title reigns, Roxie couldn’t even reference the NXT Women’s Division without talking about Jacy! Jazmyn says Roxie must’ve forgotten that the biggest threats to her title are the ones under this roof. Roxie says okay, okay, so this is where the line starts? But then “SKRRRRR~!” Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson make their way out!

And Lash tells “Bat Girl & Robin” to slow down. While Jacy was out getting that beak fixed and Jazmyn is trying to be a wannabe Kim K wannabe, Meta Four was actually making headlines and making moments. Jakara says that’s right! And with Lash just inches from that Women’s North American Championship and bringing gold back to Meta Four, they’ll still go after Kelani. But uh, since Roxie’s taking credit for everybody’s work, it’s on sight! Roxie finds herself surrounded, but wait! Here comes Lola Vice! And she says no, Roxie can’t talk about Battleground without bringing up NXT Underground.

But yeah, we get it. Roxie proved she’s different. But so did Lola. These fists don’t lie. Lola storms in to join everyone, and says it is only a matter of time before it’s her time. And she knows this look. They all want what Roxie has, but Roxie’s on another level. A level only matched by Lola. So now, this conversation is only between the champion, and the next champion. Jakara tells Lola to shake her happy ass right outta here. Lola ROUNDHOUSES Jakara down! Lash DECKS Lola! Jacy & Jazmyn go after Lash but she pushes them both down! They come back to DOUBLE LARIAT Lash out! Lola & Roxie DUMP Jacy & Jazmyn, then they TOSS Jakara!

The fans fire up as Lola stands alongside Roxie, but there are a lot of bad, bad women ready to fight for the gold! Who will prove to be the baddest of them all when NXT turns up the heat in Toronto?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT to follow up Battleground but also pivot right towards Heatwave. Great appearance by Cody tonight with a really good promo with him and Trick. That 25 Man Battle Royal being open to more than just NXT is great stuff, and I also liked Cody meeting up with theother former AEW talent backstage. But seeing as how Ethan just had his shot, I don’t think he’s winning. The Singapore Cane match was great stuff, but I should’ve figured Lexis would win since he was already 0-2. And Spears VS Evans was a great main event match, Evans looked great, but it made sense for Spears to win out. But even, then, I don’t see Spears and Evans winning the battle royal, either.

Good opening promo from Kelani, and good segue into Mia VS Jaida. Good stuff with Good Brothers getting involved to stop Jaida, and Mia VS Kelani next week will be a solid first defense for Kelani. Good return match for Wendy as she puts on this hybrid persona. Reminds me of when Alexa Bliss was being a hybrid of herself and spooky Alexa that was with The Fiend. This new character might be just what Wendy needs to get up to a title opportunity herself. For that matter, that closing segment sure brought out a lot of Heels to go after the already Heel champion. But Roxie definitely stepped in it saying noone woman can beat her. There’s a very good chance she’ll have to face Lash, Lola and even Jacy in a big title match, thereby protecting Roxie if she were to lose.

Great stuff with Chase U, with Thea getting all the guys to listen to reason. At the same time, it might not last long if the team can’t start winning things again. Good return win for Eddy, and it is intriguing that Dempsey is looking to recruit Tavion. Tavion being a collegiate wrestler does fit the NQCC’s style, and maybe he and Kemp form a tag team so the crew can get back in the tag title scene. Speaking of, good promo from the tag champs with New Catch Republic and The D’Angelo Family. I feel like there should be some kind of deal struck: Tony will give Frazer a shot at the Cupif Frazer & Axiom give Stacks & Luca another shot at the tag titles. And there’s a good chance that Stacks & Luca make good on the tag title shot, even with Frazer saying he can be a good double champion.

And really good Six Man Tag of Wes & New Catch Republic VS Gallus. I’m rather surprised Gallus won, but I suppose it makes sense when they’re the unit that’s been together a long time while this was the first time Wes teamed with Bate & Dunne. I would think Wes and Joe Coffey get in on that battle royal, and it’d be pretty awesome if Wes won to officially move him up to the top title scene. At the same time, not sure they’d pit two fan favorites against each other like that. Maybe Gallus makes sure one of their own wins, they challenge and fail at Heatwave, and we see Wes build up in the background while others go after Trick.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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