Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (2024)

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (2)01-16-2013, 04:39 PM#1



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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (3)

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Welcome to Z/X!(pronounced Zet X or Zex... don't laugh) A new game by Broccoli in collaboration with Nippon Ichi software(that's right, Disgaea, you know this'll be good) This game is really interesting. There are 5 colors of cards like lots of other games as well as two types of cards: Z/X(read characters, creatures, monsters, etc.) and Events(spells). Ok, get this, it's not like most other TCGs where you have your side and your opponent's side of the field. The entire game is played on a 3x3 grid with your "avatar" of sorts on one side and your opponents on the other. When you play a Z/X you can play it anywhere on the grid as long as the square you're trying to play it in isn't occupied by an opposing Z/X. It uses a resource system similar to that of Duel Masters where you can place any card in your hand into your resource zone, this system(IMO) is great, it lets you avoid any possibility of "mana screw". The art, card layout, and lore have all been great as well. The art? Anime style. The layout? A slight border but you can see nearly all of the art, similar to Vanguard. The story? Rips in the fabric of time have appeared all over Earth(known as Black Points) and as the Z/X spill into our world from 5 alternate futures, they each seek to make sure that the other futures never happen. Certain humans have taken sides and aid, and are aided by Z/X partners. The goal? To deal 4 damage to your opponents player card before the same is done to you. Are you interested? Check it out:

Here's the rules page on the wiki:

Aaand a basic rules vid by Chan of Difference in Skill:

Aaaand here are some examples of Z/X from each world and the characters who use them:

My personal favorite of the ever growing Green World(dem Hourai) is up first, a world filled with Half-Human, Half-Plant Samurai(the Hourai that I just referenced), elves, and human-animal hybrids(think neko girls)

Here's Chitose and Rindou

Also guys, Chitose is 19... Lolita complex! Rindou is a boss btw

Next is the brave Red World, filled with old world warlords, warriors, and gods

Here's Mikado and Alexander

Mikado reminds me of Toshiki Kai and... why is Alexander the Great in Samurai armor???

The death-crazed Black World is next, inhabited by dominatrix demons(no lie), undead, and shadow beasts... Sounds ...pleasant?

Here's Ayase and Zieger

Admittedly, Ayase is cute and Zieger looks like a boss

The just and orderly White World is next with it's angels, astral beasts, weird guardians, aaaand.... CATS!!!

Asuka and Fierite coming at ya

Somebody get the choir...

Techno advanced Blue World is next, they've got giant mechs, musical mermaids and cyborg girls, what's not to love?

Azumi and Ligel here

What's not to love about Ligel for that matter?

Seems pretty sweet right? There are currently two sets out in Japan at the moment( Set 1: Encounter The Abnormality and Set 2: Roar Of The Titans). An anime series is also in the works.

So, waddaya think? Thoughts, questions, or concerns? Post below(obviously).

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (5)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (7)01-16-2013, 05:11 PM#2


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (16)

Was planning on making a thread, but oh well.

Needs more lore.

Brb dumping everything we know.

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (17)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (19)01-16-2013, 05:15 PM#3


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (21)

Looks really interesting, especially the Black World ^.^. Gonna assume there's now way to play it online :/

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (22)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (24)01-16-2013, 05:25 PM#4


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (33)

Thanks to our friendly translators at NAC:


Z/X is a card game for people 16 and older, made by media company Broccoli and Video Game creators Nippon Ichi Software. Using a 3 x 3 Grid, the game requires use of tactics to win. The game's premise concerns 5 alternate futures of mankind (Genetic Cloning, Computer Technology, Biotechnology, Psychic Powers, and Immortality) all of which are vying to assure their future comes to past by influencing the modern day.

Common Noun
Z/X is an abbreviation of "Zillions of enemy X" (or to make it more clear: An incalculable number of unknown enemies), which is pronounced Zeks. It is said that it was a code name given by the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) when a large number of abnormalities appeared from the gigantic Black Point that appeared suddenly in Washington D.C., but the truth is unknown. Those abnormalities were connected to the Black Point which served as a Gate for them, and are the inhabitants from 5 different alternate future realities, and it became clear from contact with the Z/X that they understood human speech. As well, based on the characteristics of their home realities, it was found out that there were at least 4 different races from each timeline. Taking advantage of their unique traits, they have all come to the present to prevent the time-line of their rivals from ever happening. As they have been separated into five groups, they each seek to ensure the birth of their future, while making sure the chances of the other ones happening falls drastically.

The Worlds


The Red World

A future where humanity's bodies physically degenerated, causing them to seek new vessels to dwell in. Under the pretense of experimentation, the vessels they created were forced to fight one another.


The Blue World

A future where technological development grew at a manic and wild pace. With such highly developed technology, the boundaries between man and machine, between the material and the digital, are quite blurred.


The White World

A future where humanity evolved into Spiritual Lifeforms. The spiritual belief in angels has embodied itself in the form of their wings.


The Black World

A future where an obsession with death ran out of control. Death has been given more priority than anything else, and its inhabitants are on the verge of extinction as a result of them constantly killing each other.


The Green World

A future where plants are about to swallow everything. All sorts of things have become one with the plants, and humanity itself is a half-parasitic species.

Additional Comment:


Originally Posted by ZeroBlaze33

Looks really interesting, especially the Black World ^.^. Gonna assume there's now way to play it online :/

3XXXDDD was kind enough to make a plugin for LackeyCCG where we can play this game.

It's not the best way to play it, but it'll have to do until something better comes up.

A friend from NAC is currently working on getting it on tradecardsonline, which will hopefully be a lot quicker than Lackey.

Anyway, here's the download link for Lackey along with the plugin. Taken from 3D's post at NAC:


http://www.lackeyccg.com/downloads.html - LackeyCCG Download
- Z/X Download

1. Unzip & Install LackeyCCG
2. Update LackeyCCG (Button in Lackey's main folder)
3. Unzip Z/X
4. Copy & Paste Z/X Folder into " LackeyCCG -> Plugins"
5. Copy & Paste "Z/X Squares" Image into "LackeyCCG -> Images -> Backgrounds"

6. Open LackeyCCG & Click Preferences Tab (then click the Plugin Tab below)
7. Click "Browse installed Plugins", Click on Z/X and then Click on Choose.
8. Click on the "Appearance" tab. Under "Table viewing and playmat preferences" click the "Browse table playmat images" and select Z/X Squares. Then click on "Save Preferences" at the bottom

If you want to edit your profile, click on the "Player Profile" tab, write in your information, then save preferences.
If you want to create a game, click on the server tab at the top and "Host a Game". It should be basic from there onwards.

If your living in Singapore, well, you're screwed.

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There's more lore on the way.

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (35)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (37)01-16-2013, 05:28 PM#5



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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (39)

Ahhhh gosh darn it. This actually looks really interesting from what I've seen before.

I've also read the rules for the game and it seems even more interesting, if unconventional. I wonder if it'll catch on worldwide.

I'd like to think I connect with the Green World more than the others.

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (42)01-16-2013, 05:33 PM#6


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (51)

Black Point
Common Noun
Gateways to alternate realities that suddenly appeared in five locations across the planet. These nightmarish gates constantly pour out the Z/X without end, ushering in an era of destruction and genocide. They are jet-black because they are zones that completely consume all surrounding light, causing them to be called "The Black Points". These dome shaped black barriers make the area impenetrable, it's impossible to let people know they're being invaded or not, and it's impossible to know or hear what's going on inside. Since the affected area (in the dozens of km) is infested with Z/X, all public access is forbidden.

The first Black Points appeared at the following points:
  ・ Washington D.C. (The United States of America)
  ・ Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  ・ Paris (France)
  ・ Pretoria (South Africa)
  ・ Tokyo (Japan)
Shortly after the appearance of these 5 gigantic Black Points, 4 other Black Points formed in Japan one after another, though they were smaller than the first. Japan, facing 5 Black Points consuming huge amounts of area on such a small land, was badly bruised, and to make matters worse, it lost its capital. The Black Point that formed in Tokyo spans more than 50 km in diameter.

Card Device
Common Noun
Card-Type Computers that can capture and enslave Z/X, they produce "Resource" energy of the same quality as that emitted by Black Points. The ability to catch Z/X is called "Capture", while the ability to release them is called "Activate".. Of course, because the inside of the Device is filled to the brim with Resource energy, it is possible to heal wounded Z/X. While it was developed by modern scientists, it is readily apparent that technology far beyond the limitations of current science has been used in every step of its construction, so there are some sound rumors that they were built with cooperation of some of the Z/X. Currently the amount being distributed is quite small, and what few there are has been handed over to government forces, such as police and military, in order to fight the Z/X. But apparently there are tales of counterfeits being sold on the Black Market for huge sums...? However, even if you are lucky enough to get a genuine model, you still have to win over the Z/X in question, and it's said to be a Herculean task to handle. In fact, being able to grab hold of the flow of Resource energy, in particular, seems to require raw, natural talent, rather than any actual age or experience. The Card Devices are increasingly improved with each passing day, and it is said that there are multiple versions of varying quality in existence.

Common Noun
A mysterious energy emitted from the Black Points (BP). Because flesh-and-blood entities cannot approach the Black Points, it remains an understudied field of research, especially with its connection to the Z/X. Resource is considered to be the source of the Z/X's ability to function in the present, and they cannot maintain their presence here if they lose this energy. Powerful Z/X need to consume vast amounts of Resource, and due to this, they cannot go far beyond the periphery of the Black Point. Conversely, Z/X that appear far from the source Black Point are relatively Z/X. All Z/X can sense where Resource pours from and how much there is in order to properly consume it, but there are varying degrees of awareness. As a result, it is possible to gather how strong a Z/X is based on how far away it is.

Common Noun
The act of a Z/X being released from the Card Device. The Card Device releases Resource energy when Activate is used, so with repeated use, the amount of Resource generated by the Device can turned the surrounding area into an artificial Black Point. Thus, regardless of whether or not there's a Black Point around, it allows for the Activate of extremely powerful Z/X.

Common Noun
The act of capturing a Z/X with a Card Device. Insect and Animal-Types can be brought under the control of the Owner, the owner shouldn't be an idiot and should realize Humanoid and really strong Z/X can do as they please. Even if they are lucky enough to capture an Z/X, they can be attacked during Activation, and some people have lost their lives as a result. However, there are cases where Z/X, fascinated by the owner would choose to lend their power to those they consider worthy enough to use the Card Device to fight the other futures.

Resource Syndrome
Common Noun
Something that flesh-and-blood humans may develop from exposure to huge amounts of Resource due to approaching a Black Point unprotected. While most suffer severe headaches, prolonged nausea, and eventually fall into a coma, there are a few cases of people who were barely affected. It may be possible that the reason is an issue of constitution, such as how some people handle alcohol. Although people can spontaneously recover from succumbing to the effects of Resource, the aftereffects return from time to time, though, the worst possibility is that the person might never awaken from the coma...

Ignition Overdrive
Common Noun
Ignition Overdrive is the ability to use multiple Z/X at the same time. Strictly speaking, IG (Ignition) is the preliminary stage of activating, while OD (Overdrive) refers to multiple Z/X being used being formed. Because the talents of the Card Device User to the flow of Resource and the like are called into question, those who can actually do this are exceedingly rare. Even those who are gifted can't choose when this ability activates. Since this wasn't an intended feature of the Card Devices, the activation mechanism remains a mystery. Some of those who can use it call themselves "IGOD", as being able to do it might as well be an act of God himself.

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (52)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (54)01-16-2013, 05:33 PM#7


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (60)

I want to make a Fire or Burn deck... too bad it isn't in english.

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (61)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (63)01-16-2013, 05:36 PM#8


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (72)

Happy reading guys.

I ain't done.

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Originally Posted by XYZMetaldragon

I want to make a Fire or Burn deck... too bad it isn't in english.

You could always play on Lackey!

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (74)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (76)01-16-2013, 05:54 PM#9


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (78)

I was hooked just by seeing the art and game concept, now looking at the story, oh my goodness. Cannot wait for the anime, and the game BETTER be released in English. Its just amazing. I'll probably go Black/Blue

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (79)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (81)01-16-2013, 05:56 PM#10


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (83)

Not trying to soind like a troll but... this looks like a Duel Masters rip-off imo. No offense.

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (86)01-16-2013, 06:10 PM#11


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (95)

You'll have to play it first to note the difference. Completely different gameplay.

Unless you mean the lore.

Additional Comment:

Common Noun / Race / Red World
In place of the human race that degenerated physically, these artificial humans became the new normal of the Red World. Their real nature are clones created from the genes of various superior humans (well known geniuses and heroes) who existed in the past. While they are artificial humans who resemble those people, they also have their memories, so they are practically the same person as the original. In addition, their already excellent genes have been further improved, allowing them to break through the limits of humanity. Although their clothes and weapons conform to the depictions in myth and legend, these reproductions are powerful weapons jam packed with every technology possible, to reproduce and exaggerate their roles as heroes.

Common Noun / Race / Red World
This group of various engineers and craftsman, who deal in a variety of industrial products and manufactured goods, are the ones who make sure the Red World remains an eternal battlefield. The Human Race that exists in the Red World has degenerated physically, and among the Z/X, they are quite fragile. But they survive this harsh world by driving vehicles such as tanks and heavy machinery. But they are by no means on friendly terms with rulers of the Red World, the Bravers. And ever since the Black Points opened, they have often been the target of the other Worlds due to their technology. Because they carry powerful and highly efficient weapons to protect themselves from foreign foes, one shouldn't be too careless around them.

Common Noun / Race / Red World
Artificial chimera beasts that aid the Bravers. Based on the motifs of legendary creatures, they possess unique bodies that simply don't exist in nature. While recently, they have become much more stable and are automatically mass produced in a cloning facility, one can see the evils of overproduction here and there. Unmanageable Mythos are released into the wild, where their feral instincts awaken. The sight of these beasts attacking Gigantics and Bravers in droves is unique to the Red World.

Common Noun / Race / Red World
The name for huge beasts created for the sole purpose of being imaginary enemies to push the Bravers to even greater heights. When they detect signs of Bravers, they move in to slaughter them, but this is a command implanted as a form of instinct, not something they intend to do. Because they are lifeforms created from silicon, they are beast-shaped entities with a rock-y/ore-y quality to them. Because a different institute, separate from the one that made the Bravers, made these creatures, in recent years, the institute has forgotten their original purpose of doing it in the spirit of rivalry, and now are bent on only creating a stronger Gigantic. As a result of repeatedly evolving and improving, Gigantics have finally begun to appear that transcend even the Bravers.

Battle Dress
Common Noun / Race / Blue World
In companies and businesses in the Blue World, they have built powered suits of various patterns and designs that were once thought impossible, and among them, the ones designed for battle are known as Battle Dresses. They are operated using Brain Waves, and can move independently of their wearers. Because of the nearly infinite variety, there are no two designs that look alike. For girls, there are gorgeous Suits, for guys, their Suits come with ornate designs that give off an air of royalty, and naturally, there are some women who prefer the Male suits, but those who do have to worry about various prejudices and preconceptions. There are Powered Suits that normal humans can wear as well, that are extremely high quality, but because they must be custom-made for the user, their versatility is much lower than normal. Recent models of the Battle Dress are said to bring out the full potential of their users, from athletic strength to vision to hearing, and are often equipped to Human Clones that have been turned into Cyborgs.

Killer Machine
Common Noun / Race / Blue World
A group of murderous mecha controlled by renegade computers. Because the automated factories can mass-produce countless copies, they rely on tactics that allow them to run over their enemies with sheer numbers. The obsession of the Killer Machine Factory Group's desire to massacre the Mermaids that fled to the ocean floor is infamous, but the use of electro-magnetic waves in the ocean is limited, and the Mermaids nullify their amazing electrical attacks with the insulation technologies they've created, so they've had a pretty rough going. The offensive and defensive bombardments from both sides on the water's edge just keep on going. Thus, traditional Killer Machines are assumed only to be able to handle dealing with normal humans. However, since the Black Points opened and they became aware of other worlds, new models were developed, such as anti-Giant, anti-Plant and anti-Spiritual based types. Depending on their use, their size and design can widely vary.

Common Noun / Race / Blue World
The general term for humans who escaped the torrent of rebelling machines by going to the Ocean Floor. They are characterized chiefly by the Battle Dresses they wear, which are designed specifically to handle the bottom of the ocean. The upper part of the suits look like unclothed skin (and has consistency equal to skin) in order to reduce water resistance, while the machines attached to the bottom of the body chiefly looks similar to a fish's body to improve mobility. They also possess musical instruments that besides playing music, have other functions, such as manipulating the ocean's currents and being used as weapons. It is said they can communicate with each other via ultrasound and thoughts if they can see each other on the horizon, and while the Mermaids go into battle wearing light armor, they are the undisputed masters of fighting in the Sea. Since rich amounts of energy and mineral ores can be obtained from the ocean floor, they have been able to reach levels of science and technology that not even land dwellers can boast.

Metal Fortress
Common Noun / Race / Blue World
The latest technology, introduced without regret, is a humanoid battle weapon that is driven by multiple people. They are the so-called "Giant Robots". With fighting strength that matches how it looks, the Metal Fortresses are said to have influenced the way battles were fought in the Blue World. But the most terrifying thing is the camouflage technologies to deceive enemy forces.
1. They can turn into buildings.
2. They're stored underneath parks or ruins
3. They're a fusion of several smaller machines such as vehicles that combine with each other.

While the above listed are just a few examples, the total number of Metal Fortresses in the Blue World is unknown, and as well, with all those disguises, it's not hard to imagine them being sent to the present day Earth.

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (96)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (98)01-16-2013, 06:10 PM#12


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (100)


Originally Posted by Kaisenko

Not trying to soind like a troll but... this looks like a Duel Masters rip-off imo. No offense.

Nope. .

Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (102)
Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (104)01-16-2013, 06:24 PM#13


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (113)

Still not done. X_X

Additional Comment:

General Noun / Race / White World
Future humans with the ability to convert their own psychic power into wings and auras, their average height is 170 cm~200 cm (5'7"~6'6"). In the White World, all that matters is one's latent psychic ability, so in addition to the size and shape of one's wings and the number of feathers... the presence (or lack therefore of) of one's halo or growth affects how beautiful yet solemn someone is, and the better, the higher one's rank. As they are a faction of thinkers, they're often pondering very secluded thoughts, seeking to control things through rules and orders. Besides this interference from the White World, they will mercilessly punish those who fight each other. Many of them prefer loose clothes, though they'll equip partial armor to protect vital spots, as long as it doesn't diminish their beauty.

Common Noun / Race / White World
Humans who evolved differently from the Angels, they wear elegant and polished Powered Suits. As the moderators of the White World, they prefer not to step on the toes of others, when they have to butt in, they're quite serious about it. Their imposing, law-abiding appearance is partially due to their bodies. But what definitely intensifies it is their psychic powers, which is heavily connected to their defensive instincts. Their upper torsos and faces are usually exposed from some corner of the Powered Suits, like some sort of smooth, natural art, so it usually requires a double take to realize they're actually human, since the size of the suits is rather ludicrous. While the smallest of their members is 3 meters tall, there are reports of 500 meter tall Guardians.

Cait Sith
Common Noun / Race / White World
Cats that were born from countless research tests into the psychic powers of animals, their greatest feature is their incredible intelligence. About 1/3rd the size of modern day people, they can walk on their hind legs. They are not only capable of speaking human tongues, but their own language, and they are quite good at intel gathering due to them being quite crafty. Once, they were faithful pets of the angels, but after the outbreak of Black Points, they began to make deals with other powers, demonstrating the cunning nature of their race. They sometimes fight with weapons that embody their psychic powers, and since appearance doesn't equal power, one should be careful around them.

Sacred Beast
Common Noun / Race / White World
Beasts with Psychic Powers and high intelligence, they have adapted to the way of the White World by abandoning their feral instincts.They have gained the ability to manifest their psychic powers: Armor is covered in semi-transparent flames, some can fire psychic projectiles like magic, but they all vary in appearance and nature based on the creature. Are friendly deals with them based on their moods and laws of Mother Nature... ...? But if there is a threatening enemy, there is no doubt that they'll be a priceless ally.

Common Noun / Race / Black World
Human Beings whose appearances has completely changed into ones that resemble "Demons". They hide their faces behind Masks that have a distinctive look for each "Clan", so in a sense, this mask is the Real Form of the Diabolos. Painting it with the bloods of their enemies, the mask literally grows for each and every one of its owner's sins, and once the Diabolos wearer completely covers their face with the mask, they completely lose their humanity in exchange for eternal youth and life. As either a result of their masks or their intentions, their bodies have been remade to resemble demons in a manner that allows them to efficiently steal the life-force of others... This kind of madness is an ideal example of the Black World.

Common Noun / Race / Black World
Beings who obtained their immortality by consuming others, which has resulted in their ethics concerning life shift drastically. Since they attack living things in a chaotic manner, wildly different from the Diabolos, they have become a major threat to the remaining human race. However, they aren't stupid. Nosferatu who consume other Nosferatu are known for suddenly mutating, and many such mutations are known for having rational minds, but they still commit various inhumane experiments on humans and other living things. Though cute animals stand on their side, it would be smart to assume that those creatures have already been turned into part of the Nosferatu. Among even the residents of the Black World, they are detested, as large numbers of them lurk deep within hidden caverns and underground ruins.

Common Noun / Race / Black World
The generic name of animals created by the Diabolos for the purpose of taking the lives of others.The killing and wounding power of these creatures, they were enlarged, fused with armor, metalicized, etc. The dull witted ones are used by the Diabolos for their fighting strength, though many are also treated as pets to distract them, though some intelligent Predators work on their own, and some of those even lead the more dull-witted Predators.

Common Noun / Race / Black World
Self-aware tools of torture that play with the living. However, despite the fact they are lethal killing machines, their essence is more like that of a small child or pet animal. If that is true, they likely enjoy messing around and playing with enemies, touching them just a bit before going for the kill. Conversely, if they meet someone with a tough body that doesn't break down easily, they are extremely delighted in that they have found a perfect playmate they can roughhouse with. Although it is said that their power source seems to be related to the black arts, the exact details remain unknown.

Common Noun / Race / Green World
In the Green World, reckless use of Biological Weapons resulted in plants attempting to swallow up everything, so while accepting their extinction, humanity decided to try and coexist with nature. The side effect of the drugs they used to adapt to the environment is plants growing from their body, such as horn-like branches growing from their head. Hourai are quite knowledgeable in the use of blades and fire, which they need to carve out living quarters, and this talent and training has also resulted in their own unique form of swordfighting, based and refined on fighting the wild overgrowth of plants. On the other hand, they have adapted their way of life using the plants to their advantage, using it for food, clothing and housing. If you stumble across their villages, which abandoned the quirks of the industrial revolutions, you would feel like you stepped into a present day costume drama, as they show a pronounced Japanese influence.

Common Noun / Race / Green World
In order to adapt to a world overrun by plants, humans inserted biological factors from animals into their bodies, awakening the wild, savage nature within. As a result, they lead lives more close to nature than that of the Hourai. But because the original creatures they drew from range from the cowardly to the savage, their ecology heavily varies, but because their base is that of a human, their intellectual level typically isn't very low and many of them have fairly mild personality. Lycanthropes with a variety of factors such as Wolf, Bear, Cat, and Rabbit, but beings with a variety of biological factors have not been identified yet. The Herbivores oppose the constantly flourishing plants, while the Carnivores oppose the Plasects and several of the Leafers.

Common Noun / Race / Green World
Insects with parasitic plants... ... Although it's a form of Cordyceps, a parasitic fungus, it differs from what modern day humans know. These insects have grown to gigantic sizes that betray them being insects. People who don't like insects might completely lose their minds encountering these beasts. Also, they are capable of moving and living with the plant attached. Most of the Plasects are carnivorous, and with an ability to easily mimic the look of plants, they chiefly prey on the Hourai and Lycanthropes. Since Plasects are used to make goods like honey and sap, they are generally seen as beneficial to all humans in the Green World (so they aren't considered pests), and people don't push for a mass extermination. Ultimatetly, the Plasects are a nursery for the Cordyceps, but tend to be used as part of an antibiotic used by the Hourai to stave off their transformation into plants.

Common Noun / Race / Green World
Unlike the Lycanthropes and Hourai who try to co-exist with nature, Leafers are humans that have been completely taken over by the plants. They are considered to be a long-lived species in general as full assimilation requires a long amount of time. Because they can photosynthesize, they don't need to eat food. Also, as their brains are taken over by the plants, their personalities become extremely cheerful and mischievous. As a result, they spend their very last moments, before entirely becoming a plant, with an optimistic smile. While most of them spend their days playing pranks, there are some who do real damage, such as destroying the farming fields of the Lycanthropes.

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And I still haven't touched the real good stuff.

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (116)01-16-2013, 06:27 PM#14


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (122)

So...are there any dragons?

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (125)01-16-2013, 06:48 PM#15


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (134)

Getting to that!

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Original XIII
Common Noun / Future Title / Blue World
The general term for the 13 Cyborgs who wear the machines that became the basis of the mass-produced Battle Dresses. Each of the Thirteen Cyborgs are clones of "certain people" who had the highest affinity with the Battle Dresses in the past. Unlike the mass-produced Battle Dresses, they use the best technology available and continue to evolve.

Proper Noun / Near Future Technology / Blue World
The CIA, which is the Central Intelligence Agency for the United States of America, has collected information about the Z/X from every corner of the planet. They then built a super computer named "NIS" (National Intelligence System) to analyze the data. The primary functions of NIS are the following:
・Provide information about targets for the CIA's Z/X Capturing Team.
・Support said personnel with combat drones and unmanned aircraft
・Collect information about Z/X using said drones and adding it to the database.

The unmanned drones which NIS controls numbers in the dozens, and all of them are capable of closely approaching the Black Points. Because Japan is a particularly rare area for having Black Points that connect to each of the 5 future universes, CIA agents act in secret all over the country, while a large number of unmanned drones fly overhead.

Proper Noun / Future Technology / Blue World
Seven highly qualified Computer Engineers were gathered from across the planet to design a Super Computer that could archive all information in existence. That Computer was "Schuster" (de: Shoemaker). Equipped with AI and the world's fastest processors, it has storage memory practically equal to infinity.

Its original role was to record all history, innovations, etc. before the human race went extinct. However, one of its seven creators asked how humanity could avoid extinction. Schuster came up with an answer: Digitalize all of mankind's memories.

To begin with, Schuster launched a plan to save the Human Race and took control of the computer "NIS". Using NIS' unmanned aerial drones, it captures humans, saved their memories and tossed their bodies away.

Thus, war broke out between Humanity and Schuster all over the world, but, Schuster, whose existence was far beyond human comprehension, was overwhelming in battle, and as a result, the few surviving humans were driven to remote places such as the bottom of the ocean or deep inside mountains.

This is the direction of humanity's future should it be guided and controlled by the Blue World.

Later on, the seven men who created Schuster came to be known as the "Administrators", each somewhere in the world with Schuster (one with the original, and the other six with mirror servers), As time passed, they developed 13 Battle Dresses that came to be known as the "Original XIII". Seven of them protect Schuster and his administrators, while the other six are said to be in charge of the extermination and policing of remaining members of the human race.

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Seven Deadly Sins
General Noun / Title from the Future / Black World
Seven clans who give masks to their members upon maturation, which is proven by slaying their foes and stealing their life spans. Each of the clans has their own unique masks, different from the others, and each clan's masks share the same attributes. The following seven attributes are named after specific sins:


As well, besides being an indicator of one's clan, the term itself also refers to those from each clan with the most maniac masks who reached adulthood the fastest.

The Doumeki Foundation
Common Noun / Future Organization / Black World
One of the companies that formed the Round Table, they are a Zaibatsu that have supported the Japanese powers-that-be from behind the curtain since the Heian Period. It is said their family line descends from Onmyouji. They have made full use of trickery and finesse to survive the collapse of the Shogunate and the post World War II dissolution of the Zaibatsus. The Foundation's management is governed by the Doumeki Family, who have studied for countless generations on the subject of Immortality. Because of their interest in everything from the occult to the latest scientific research, they have teams of researchers, who they pluck from the limelight due to the specific themes of research.

The theme of the family's mask is "Envy".

The Round Table Conference
Common Noun / Future Organization / Black World
This is a major factor in the path from our world to the future known as the "Black World". Due to a major world-wide economic Depression, the finances of major countries across the planet failed, including:
The United States of America, The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Israel, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan... ...

As a result, Megacorps in each of the seven regions began to grow large enough to completely dominate the world economy. Ultimately a meeting was organized where only the senior management of those 7 companies would meet at a round table conference. As a result of that Round Table Conference, they effectively controlled the entire planet.

With all the money in the world at their fingertips, the Senior Management of the Round Table began to act like nobles, and when their sheer greed and lust caused them to demand perpetual youth and immortality... ... They placed masks on their faces. With those masks, they stole the lifeforce of those they killed, and these people, who were promised eternal life, came to be known by the terrified populace as the "Seven Deadly Sins".

The owners of those masks remade their own bodies into forms more suitable for killing others and stealing their life energy. Furthermore, they pushed the development of creatures such as the "Predators" and "Tortures" to aid them in battle. As well, they developed the Nosferatu to reuse the corpses they consumed. Horrifyingly, the Nosferatu caused even more Nosferatu to be created.

While the entire world was plunged into chaos, the Sevenly Deadly Sins, who were the root of all these horrors, finally became truly immortal. Instead of killing people to make themselves live longer, these strange looking people killed others only as a way to pass the time while having infinity to look forward to.

The Black World is a ghostly and ruinous future that only they can hope for...

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (137)01-16-2013, 06:53 PM#16



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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (139)

Wow, this blew up quickly. Glad you guys are enjoying it.

And siulzen, that's alot of lore!

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (142)01-16-2013, 06:54 PM#17


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (144)

Way too much lore for me to handle, and honestly probably the first Card game lore that I'll seriously pay attention to.

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (147)01-16-2013, 06:56 PM#18


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (156)


Originally Posted by SILVER XD

Wow, this blew up quickly. Glad you guys are enjoying it.

And siulzen, that's alot of lore!

No kidding.

And I'm not done!

Additional Comment:


Originally Posted by Ghost10516

Way too much lore for me to handle, and honestly probably the first Card game lore that I'll seriously pay attention to.

Haha yeah sorry for the lore overload. xD

Take your time reading it. You don't have to read it all in one sitting lol.

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (161)01-16-2013, 07:00 PM#19


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Originally Posted by Siulzen

No kidding.

And I'm not done!

Additional Comment:

Haha yeah sorry for the lore overload. xD

Take your time reading it. You don't have to read it all in one sitting lol.

No problem, I can't wait to get to it. Also, would you mind giving me your Signature. I want more people to know about this game. o.o

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (167)01-16-2013, 07:03 PM#20



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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (169)

Yeah, I'll have some sig as well

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (172)01-16-2013, 07:21 PM#21


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (181)

Oh God more lore:

Ryuu no Miko / Dragon Maiden
Proper Noun / Person
The Ryuu no Miko is entrusted...
With a Card Device to combat the Z/X...
The Ryuu no Miko prays...
"I want to fight the strangers from the otherworld"...
The Ryuu no Miko is everywhere...
The Ryuu no Miko is nowhere...
She is but a dream, yet she is real...

Ignition Kubata
Proper Noun / Person
A man in a Black Suit who often appears where Z/X and people fight for their futures. Often times he'll even fight with his own Card Device, and is no slouch himself. Yet for all that, he yells to all those fighting there: "Don't despair!", establishing him as some sort of "Mid Boss", without seeming like some sort of "Final Boss".

His favorite phrase is "What took y'all so long...?", which is a pretty blatant rip-off of Asuka's, but differs in that he tends to have a disappointed, forward-leaning stance when he says it.

Because he wears such a ridiculously gaudy mask, he's often confused for a Diabolos at first sight, but because he's been seen wearing a variety of masks, he holds none of consistency of a Diabolos. There's also a bunch of theories why he wears it, that he's actually rather shy and timid without the mask, or he's some generic every-man who wears it to look cool and cute.

However, his true goals are a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma....

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (184)01-16-2013, 07:25 PM#22



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"The Ryuu no Miko is everywhere...
The Ryuu no Miko is nowhere...
She is a dream, yet she is real"

Oh god it's slenderman

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (189)01-16-2013, 07:32 PM#23


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (198)

Current State of Affairs in Japan

In the near future, several years have passed since the Black Points have opened. The situation is explained here.

■ Kantou
Covering a vast amount of the Tokyo Metropolitian Area, the first Black Point in Japan, connected to the Black World, reaches to the Saitama Prefecture in the North, Chiba in the East, and Kanagawa in the South.

A huge number of Diabolos emerged, slaughtering in-masse the people caught in the neighborhoods under the dome. While it still has the look of a city due to the mostly in-tact wreckage of the buildings and skyscrapers, it has turned into a lifeless Death World. The Self Defense Force, daring to fight back, was wiped out almost instantly, while military reinforcements from Tohoku and Chubu were tossed around like rag-dolls. U.S. Troops stationed in Kanagawa that were told about the casualties in the anti-Z/X War in America, fell silent upon hearing the news

■ Hokkaido and Tohoku
A Small Black Point connected to the Green World formed in the middle of the Aomori and Akita Prefectures, around Lake Towada.

Self-Defense Forces returning from Kantou were overrun by the Plasects they were forced to fight, and ended up having to fall back to Hokkaido, unable to do anything. The area surrounding the Black Point has remained, but is slowly being taken over by plants, turning the area into dense forest as it continues to spread.

■ Chubu and Hokuriku
A Small Black Point connected to the Blue World has formed in an area overlapping Nagano, Gifu, and Toyama.

The region has fallen into a state of chaos due to the out-of-control Killer Machines. Obviously, humans do not have the teeth to fight back, and the Self Defense Force has been forced to fall back to the Shizuoka district.

■ South-West Honshu and Kyushu
A Small Black Point connected to the Red World that has formed in an area overlapping Kumamoto, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima.

Gigantics and Bravers appeared at the same time battles were going on in Chubu and Tohoku.

While the Kitakyusyu unit of the Self Defense Force attempted a second retaking of Tokyo, they were tragically forced to withdraw. Why the Black Points to the 4 Worlds appeared and the reasons for the attacks remains unknown.

■ Kinki and Shikoku
A Small Black Point connected to the White World has formed in the middle of Nara and Wakayama.

This was the latest Black Point to form in Japan, but fighting has not visibly happened unlike the rest of the country. However, there are unconfirmed reports of some towns having been annihilated by gigantic and angelic Z/X. As the locations are an easy hop-and-a-skip from the Black Point, getting any clear information is difficult.

■ Current Situation with other Regions.
It is dangerous to wander around within dozens of km near the Black Points, as large numbers of Z/X roam about. As a result, according to the orders of the Self Defense Force, the general public is forbidden from wandering around the area. However, in places away from the Black Points, it is difficult for Z/X to maintain their presence. With the exception of some inconveniences (including jobs and transportation), most people have returned to some form of peace and calm.

Because of the complete destruction of the capital city, Tokyo, the government has severely weakened, and lacks control over the entire country. As a result, in some regions, the local government, Self-Defense Force and major corporations have joined together to bring some form of order to their respective regions, but cooperation with each other remains extremely disconnected and each is grasping to keep some form of control. On the other hand, services such as TV and the Internet remain usable, so one could say the power to gather information means even more than the current day.

Japan has been judged an extremely dangerous reason due to the dominance of the 5 different Z/X rampaging about, so despite the collapse of the government, it remains un-invaded by foreign powers. However, for the other countries exposed to this unprecedented crisis, Japan remains as an example.

As other countries' Intelligence Agencies try to gather information on the Z/X and attempt to outwit one another, they have been dragged into a state of confusion.

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Kubata is reminding me of Koushaku Couno from buso renkin as well as Ghirahim

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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (206)01-16-2013, 07:41 PM#25


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Z/x: Zillions Of Enemy X (215)

Also, the human characters shown with their respective Z/Xs are presumably going to be the eventual anime's main characters. They each have their own story and reason for cooperating with their respective Z/X.

And ladies and gentleman, I'm done (for now).

Now who wants to talk card games?

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