VCaffy/Dungeon Quest (2024)

Dungeon Quest is an RPG dungeon crawl game created by vCaffy. Players must progress through dungeons and battle hoards of enemies in order to obtain better items for their character. They may travel alone or in groups.

On July 2023, the game officially announced its full partnership with the game development company, Voldex Games, as vCaffy is busy in real life and can't be able to take care of the game more often. And the Creator was also transferred to the official Dungeon Quest Group.

There are currently 17 in the game: Desert Temple (Including the Legacy version), Winter Outpost,Pirate Island,King's Castle,Underworld,Samurai Palace, The Canals, Ghastly Harbor,Steampunk Sewers, Orbital Outpost, Volcanic Chambers, Aquatic Temple, Enchanted Forest, Northern Lands, Gilded Skies and Yokai Peak. All of them havea hardcore mode which gives twice the loot, but only one life. Both Desert Temple and Winter Outpostdungeons can be played in Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane and Nightmare difficulties, witheach difficulty being significantly harder to complete. The remastered Desert Temple only have Easy, Medium and Hard difficulties, and Pirate Island, King's Castle,Underworld, Samurai Palace,The Canals, Ghastly Harbor, Steampunk Sewers, Orbital Outpost, Volcanic Chambers, Aquatic Temple, Enchanted Forest, Northern Lands, Gilded Skies and Yokai Peak only have Insane and Nightmare difficulties.

In the game, players will come across weapons of varying rarity, which are identified by color, ultimately affecting how powerful they are. Therarities, from weakest to strongest respectively, are: Common (Grey),Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Legendary (Orange).

NOTE:All weapon stats are rough estimates and vary with rarity.

NOTE:All weapon stats are rough estimates and vary with rarity.

NOTE:All armor stats are rough estimates and vary with rarity.

NOTE:All armor stats are rough estimates and vary with rarity.

NOTE:All armor stats are rough estimates and vary with rarity.

Fireball1Desert MapEasyCast a fireball that explodes on hit dealing splash damage to enemies.Spell2 seconds
Whirlwind1Desert MapEasySpin at high speed hitting everything around you.Physical8 Seconds
Taunt1Desert MapEasyCause all enemies in a large radius around you to only attack you. Does not wear off, unless another player taunts off you. One of 2 starter spells.N/A8 Seconds.
Blue Fireball1Desert MapMediumCast a hot-blue fireball explodes on hit dealing damage to all nearby enemies for 2x the damage of the normal Fireball. Otherwise Identical.Spell2 Seconds
Arcane Spray1Desert MapMediumSpray arcane power in a cone in front of you for 6 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Redemption1Desert MapMediumCast a healing circle around you that heals you and your teammates.Spell16 Seconds
Whirlwind1Desert MapMediumSpin at high speed hitting everything around you.Physical8 Seconds
Poison Cloud1Desert MapMediumCreate a static green poison cloud which damages enemies in it every second (often mistake for Healing Aura).Spell8 Seconds
Holy Barrier1Desert MapHardCreate a holy barrier around yourself that blocks incoming damage.Stamina15 Seconds
Blue Fireball1Desert MapHardCast a hot-blue fireball that explodes on hit dealing damage to all nearby enemies for 2x the damage of the red Fireball Otherwise IdenticalSpell2 Seconds
Lightning Strikes1Desert MapInsaneCall down a fierce row of piercing lightning strikes in front of you. Pierces through enemies.Spell3.5 Seconds
Arcane Spray1Desert MapInsaneSpray arcane power in a cone in front of you for 6 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Holy Barrier1Desert MapInsaneCreate a holy barrier around yourself that blocks incoming damage.Stamina15 Seconds
Poison Cloud1Desert MapInsaneCreate a static green poison cloud which damages enemies in it every second (Often mistakes for Healing Aura).Spell8 Seconds
Battle Shout1Desert MapNightmareYour Melee attacks and skills will do 100% (x2) more damage for 8 seconds.Physical20 Seconds
Holy Circle1Desert MapNightmareCasts a static Holy Circle on the floor around you that heals and your teammates over timeSpell15 Seconds
Innervate1Desert MapNightmareYour magic spell will do 100% (x2) more damage for 8 seconds.Spell10 Seconds
Lightning Strikes1Desert MapNightmareCall down a fierce row of lightning strikes in front of you.Spell3.5 Seconds
Battle Shout1Winter OutpostEasyYour Melee attacks and skills will do 100% (x2) more damage for 8 seconds.Physical20 Seconds
Innervate1Winter OutpostEasyYour magic spell will do 100% (x2) more damage for 8 seconds.Spell10 Seconds
Ice Needles32Winter OutpostEasyFire 5 Ice Needles forwards piercing all enemies.Spell4.5 Seconds
Gale Slice32Winter OutpostEasySlice the wind rapidly creating sharp wind crescents damaging all enemies in front of you, hitting about x5 for about 90% of Melee swing power.Physical9 Seconds
Rejuvenating Spray32Winter OutpostEasySpray a rejuvenating mist forward which heals all teammates for 6 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Gale Slice32Winter OutpostMediumSlice the wind rapidly creating sharp wind crescents damaging all enemies in front of you, hitting about x5 for about 90% of Melee swing power.Physical9 Seconds
Rejuvenating Spray32Winter OutpostMediumSpray a rejuvenating mist forward which heals all teammates for 6 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Taunting Aura39Winter OutpostMediumCreate an aura around you that taunts all enemies who enter causing them to focus you.Stamina9 Seconds
Lightning Beam39Winter OutpostMediumChannel a Lightning Beam that damage all enemies in its path.Spell9 Seconds
Taunting Aura39Winter OutpostHardCreate an aura around you that taunts all enemies who enter causing them to focus you.Stamina9 Seconds
Arcane Barrage44Winter OutpostHardSlice the wind rapidly creating sharp wind crescents infused with arcane power. Hits x10 with each slash dealing approx 90% of a melee swing damage.Physical9 Seconds
Fire Bomb44Winter OutpostHardSummon a fire bomb in front of to explode and deal heavy damage.Spell9 Seconds
Aura of Life49Winter OutpostHardCreate an aura around you which heals you and any teammates inside for a high amount for 2.5 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Taunting Aura39Winter OutpostInsaneCreate an aura around you that taunts all enemies who enter causing them to focus you.N/A9 Seconds
Arcane Barrage44Winter OutpostInsaneSlice the wind rapidly creating sharp wind crescents infused with arcane power. Hits x10 with each slash dealing approx 90% of a melee swing damage.Physical9 Seconds
Fire Bomb44Winter OutpostInsaneSummon a fire bomb in front of to explode and deal heavy damage.Spell9 Seconds
Aura of Life49Winter OutpostInsaneCreate an aura around you which heals you and any teammates inside for a high amount for 2.5 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Searing Beam49Winter OutpostNightmareChannel a lava beam which roasts any enemy it touches.Spell9 Seconds
Ground Slam54Winter OutpostNightmareSmash the ground creating a series of protruding earth, which damages all enemies within range.Physical8 Seconds
Piercing Rain54Winter OutpostNightmareCreate a storm around you which rains down needles damaging all enemies in range.Spell9 Seconds
Aura of Life49Winter OutpostNightmareCreate an aura around you which heals you and any teammates inside for a high amount for 2.5 seconds.Spell9 Seconds
Searing Beam49Winter OutpostNightmareChannel a lava beam which roasts any enemy it touchesSpell9 Seconds
Ghostly Cannon Barrage60Pirate IslandInsaneCall down ghostly cannonballs in an area in front of you.Spell10 Seconds
Demonic Strike60Pirate IslandInsaneStrike an area in front of you with Demonic Power.Physical3 Seconds
Universal Heal62Pirate IslandInsanePlace a summoning aura on all teammates, which heals over time.Spell14 Seconds
Guardian Call60Pirate IslandInsaneTaunt all enemies around you and give yourself a shield for 1/3 of your max health.N/A10 Seconds
Guardian Call60Pirate IslandNightmareTaunt all enemies around you and give yourself a shield for 1/3 of your max health.N/A10 Seconds
Universal Heal62Pirate IslandNightmarePlace a summoning aura on all teammates, which heals over time.Spell14 Seconds
Pulsefire62Pirate IslandNightmareRapidly fires beams from your hands.Spell9 Seconds
Enchanted Spinning Blades64Pirate IslandNightmareSummon 2 blades to spin and damage all enemies around you.Physical9 Seconds
Skull Flames66Pirate IslandNightmareSummon a Ghostly Skull to burn the ground in front of you.Spell10 Seconds
Glacial Blows69King's IslandInsaneThis spell can thrust forwards a group of icicles multiples dealing damage to all enemies in the area.Physical5 Seconds
Thunderous Blast70King's IslandInsaneCall down a powerful blast of lightning.Spell3 Seconds
Chain Heal68King's CastleInsaneA heal which jumps multiple times starting from yourself and hopping to any teammates close enough.Spell6 Seconds
Guarding's Blessing70King's CastleInsaneThis spell gives the player and their teammates around the circle a shield strong as 20% of max health for 3 seconds.N/A14 seconds
Blade Throw73King's CastleNightmareThis skill can throw a Holy Greatsword, which boomerangs back to the start locations dealing damage twice.Physical5 Seconds
Void Beam73King's CastleNightmareCast a Void Beam, which pulsates damage to all enemies in its path.Spell9 Seconds
Electric Boom75King's CastleNightmareSummon an electric orb, which zaps the area below it dealing heavy damage.Spell9 Seconds
Chain Heal68King's CastleNightmareA heal which jumps multiple times starting from yourself and hopping to any teammates close enough.Spell6 Seconds
Rending Slice77The UnderworldInsaneSlice forward in a crescent sweep causing all enemies to bleed and take damage over time.Physical7 Seconds
Demonic Spikes78The UnderworldInsaneOpen a Demonic portal to summon and launch spikes forward constantly dealing damage.Spell9 Seconds
Infernal Orbs77The UnderworldInsaneShoots 3 fireballs dealing instant damage with a burn effect dealing damage each tick.Spell9 Seconds
Infernal Strike83The UnderworldNightmareStrike the ground dealing damage, creating a delayed fire explosion, which deals fire damage over time to any enemy to hit.Physical7 Seconds
Ice Nova83The UnderworldNightmareCreate a circle of ice around you, which damage all enemies within.Spell9 Seconds
Ice Totem84The UnderworldNightmareSummon a totem that damages all enemies that come near.Spell9 Seconds
Hand Cannon90Samurai PalaceInsaneA quick and powerful blast from your palm.Spell2.5 Seconds
Earth Clap90Samurai PalaceInsaneRaise two walls of Earth and smash all enemies in between.Spell5 Seconds
Enchanted Shuriken90Samurai PalaceInsaneCharge a magic shuriken and launch it forward after a short period.Spell5 Seconds
Lava Lash90Samurai PalaceInsaneThrow forth lava crescents, which is dealing damage on initial hit followed by a delayed explosion.Physical5 Seconds
Ghostly Rampage93Samurai PalaceNightmareSummon a rampaging ghost to slam the ground in front of you.Spell6 Seconds
Illusion Blast93Samurai PalaceNightmareLeave illusions of yourself behind, which detonate after a short time. Gives a minor speed boost.Spell8 Seconds
Berserk90Samurai PalaceNightmareRapidly slash in front of you hitting all enemies in range.Physical4 Seconds
Flame Cyclone93Samurai PalaceNightmareSpin in Fire Cyclone and gain a temporary speed boost.Physical9 Seconds
Guardian Roar90Samurai PalaceInsane/NightmareRoar forward taunt all enemies in front of you.N/A9 Seconds
Runic Strike99The CanalsInsaneCreates an orb in front of you, which is then sliced and shattered into shards that fly in front of you.Physical2 Seconds
Electric Slash99The CanalsInsaneSlice forward in a crescent sweep and causes all enemies hit to take high damage over a small period of time.Physical7 Seconds
Earth Kick99The CanalsInsaneKick a chunk of earth from the ground and send it flying forward with a second kick.Spell2 Seconds
Tsunami99The CanalsInsaneCreates a wave of water that travels in a straight line.Spell5 Seconds
Icicle Barrage99The CanalsInsaneIcicles fall from the sky then explode into ice shards.Spell?? Seconds
Life Pulse99The CanalsInsaneSends out a pulse which surrounds players caught in the pulse with healing.Spell8.3 Seconds
Blade Revolver104The CanalsNightmareShoot 6 swords forward 1 at a time, damaging all enemies in the way.Physical?? Seconds
Blade Storm104The CanalsNightmareIncreases the players' movement speed and makes multiple green orbs spin around the player, dealing constant damage.Physical?? Seconds
Forgotten Army104The CanalsNightmareCreates a rectangular zone where multiple humanoid figures dash forwards, dealing quick damage.Spell



Vortex104The CanalsNightmareIncreases the players' movement speed and creates a powerful vortex of air that follows the player while damaging all nearby enemies.Spell



Minmaxing is the character-building strategy of maximizing a specific desirable ability, skill, or other power of a character and minimizing everything else, seen as undesirable. The result is a character who is excessively powerful in one particular way, but exceedingly weak in others. The latter would make minmaxing not worth the trouble if there were multiple facets to this game, but the only thing you do is run dungeons.

VCaffy/Dungeon Quest (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.