Fr. Martin's Daily Homilies (2024)

1. Fr Martin's Daily Homilies & Reflections - Tumblr

  • God's way of dealing with us breaks the bounds of what humans would consider just and fair. What God does for us far exceeds what we might do for God. God does ...

  • New book for 2023/24 ‘The Word is Near You (on Your Lips and in Your Heart)’ Reflections on the Daily Weekday Readings for Liturgical Year 2023/24 at & Fr. Martin Hogan has written many books on the Gospel and Daily Mass Readings for each day of the Catholic Liturgical Year, including Homilies for Sundays, cycle A, B & C. #Catholic #Gospel #Reflection #Religion #Jesus #Faith #Homily #Eucharist #Mass #Liturgy #Trinity #Word #Preaching #Priest #Resurrection #Creed #Disciple #Saints #Christianity #Church

Fr Martin's Daily Homilies & Reflections - Tumblr

2. Fr Martin's Daily Homilies & Reflections: Archive - Tumblr

  • New book for 2023/24 'The Word is Near You (on Your Lips and in Your Heart)' Reflections on the Daily Weekday Readings for Liturgical Year 2023/24 at ...

  • New book for 2023/24 ‘The Word is Near You (on Your Lips and in Your Heart)’ Reflections on the Daily Weekday Readings for Liturgical Year 2023/24 at & Fr. Martin Hogan has written many books on the Gospel and Daily Mass Readings for each day of the Catholic Liturgical Year, including Homilies for Sundays, cycle A, B & C. #Catholic #Gospel #Reflection #Religion #Jesus #Faith #Homily #Eucharist #Mass #Liturgy #Trinity #Word #Preaching #Priest #Resurrection #Creed #Disciple #Saints #Christianity #Church

3. @fr-martin-gospel-reflections on Tumblr

  • You have the Words of Eternal Life: Reflections on the weekday readings for the liturgical year 2020-2021 by Fr Martin Hogan. Available at

  • You have the Words of Eternal Life: Reflections on the weekday readings for the liturgical year 2020-2021 by Fr Martin Hogan. Available at

@fr-martin-gospel-reflections on Tumblr

4. @frmartinshomiliesandreflections on Tumblr

@frmartinshomiliesandreflections on Tumblr

5. Fr Tony's Homilies | Sunday & weekday homilies, RCIA, Faith ...

  • Home · Sunday & Daily Homily Resources · About Fr. Tony · Question of the Week · RCIA Lessons · Faith Formation Lessons · Picture Gallery. Search for: ...

  • Sunday & weekday homilies, RCIA, Faith Formation & Bible classes

Fr Tony's Homilies | Sunday & weekday homilies, RCIA, Faith ...

6. Weekday Homily Resources Archives - Association Of Catholic Priests

  • The second approach will be drawn from that day's Gospel. These are loosely based on notes made available by Fr. Martin Hogan p.p..

  • The gist of each reading is suggested in a single line; then the full text of the readings (NRSV for inclusive language); finally some homiletic reflections on the day’s readings. On many weekdays we offer two approaches to a homily. One is usually based on the first Reading, with sometimes a link to the main idea in the Gospel. The second approach will be drawn from that day’s Gospel. These are loosely based on notes made available by Fr. Martin Hogan p.p.

7. Fr. Martin's Page – Homilies, etc. | St. James', Kinross

  • Search for: Fr. Martin's Page – Homilies, etc. Homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent – A – 2020.

  • Homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent – A – 2020 Homily for the 7th Sunday of the Year – A – 2020 Homily for the 6th Sunday of the Year – A – 2020 Homily for the 5th…

Fr. Martin's Page – Homilies, etc. | St. James', Kinross

8. Fr Martin's Daily Homilies & Reflections

  • New book for 2023/24 'The Word is Near You (on Your Lips and in Your Heart)' Reflections on the Daily Weekday Readings for Liturgical Year 2023/24 at ...

Fr Martin's Daily Homilies & Reflections

9. Fr martins homily.

  • Fr Martin's Daily Homilies & Reflections. Martin Hogan, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Clontarf, Dublin, D03 AO62, Ireland. Gospel (Europe, Africa, New ...

  • 404

10. About Fr. Francis Martin - Word Proclaimed Institute

  • The Word Proclaimed Institute also offers CD's and audio downloads of talks given at past conferences, and a great number of daily homilies (gratis) covering ...

  • The Word Proclaimed Institute - encouraging and facilitating knowledge of God through scriptural studies via content management system

About Fr. Francis Martin - Word Proclaimed Institute

11. Homily by Fr. Martin Cosgrove | Arklow Parish | Diocese of Dublin

  • You might well ask why year long celebrations when we could mark this great milestone in our history by a single day or week end event? Very simply the ...

  • It is truly a great occasion that has gathered us all together today. We have gathered to inaugurate our year long celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the

12. Daily Reflection - ePriest

  • At ePriest, we are dedicated to supporting Catholic priests as they serve their people and build up the Church. We invite you to explore our resources to help ...

  • Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin MaryLuke 1:26-38

13. Fr. Martin Eke, MSP Homilies

  • Fr. Martin Eke, MSP Homilies. (Move to ...) Home. ▽. Thursday, February 16, 2023. Fr. Martin Eke, MSP - Homily for Ordinary Time (A) February 19, 2023.

  • Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18; Psalm 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13; 1 Corinthians 3:16-23; Matthew 5:38-48

14. WEEKDAY HOMILIES | Justmehomely's Blog

  • Nakatabang kini kaayo kanako sa akong daily reflections nga akong gibuhat matag adlaw ko nga Misa. God Bless you, Father. Reply. Fr Chima Onuegbu says:.


WEEKDAY HOMILIES | Justmehomely's Blog
Fr. Martin's Daily Homilies (2024)


Who writes Pope Francis homilies? ›

As pope, Francis has shown how this can happen with his morning homilies, which he delivers without reading from a prepared text. And for the first time in history, all these closely watched homilies are recorded by Vatican Radio, frequently reported by the media and now made available in book form.

Can only priests give homilies? ›

As was already noted above, the homily on account of its importance and its nature is reserved to the priest or deacon during Mass.

What is the homilies for the 14th Sunday in ordinary time Year B? ›

On this fourteenth Sunday, we rejoice in the spirit of prophecy and faithful witness to Christ. Although the exercise of this mission does not bring us comfort, we must continue to exercise it. This is because the grace of God is sufficient for us and makes us strong.

What is the homily on Mt 5 43 48? ›

In this gospel, it teaches us to love and accept our enemies. Do not hold any hatred. Pray for the people who hurt you for He knows the right thing to do. Treat people the way you want to be treated — whether it's an ally or an enemy.

Do Protestants have homilies? ›

It is true that "homily" is more commonly used in Roman Catholic and Anglican circles and "sermon" in Protestant churches. But if you ask a Protestant seminarian what courses (s)he is taking, the answer will be: "and I'm taking homiletics"—which is the art and discipline of making sermons (or homilies).

Are all Catholic homilies the same? ›

On any given Sunday, around the world, all Catholics are hearing read the same readings at Mass. Though the homilies they hear are undoubtedly different, the sources of those homilies are the same – the Lectionary readings and the prayers of the liturgy.

Is there a difference between a sermon and a homily? ›

A sermon is a formal discourse or speech that is delivered by a priest, deacon or bishop during a religious service. It tends to be more structured and prepared than a homily, and may touch on a wider range of topics that are relevant to the faith and the community. In a way, it can be compared to a lecture.

Do Lutherans have homilies? ›

In Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox churches, a homily is usually given during Mass (Divine Liturgy or Holy Qurbana for Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, and Divine Service for the Lutheran Church) at the end of the Liturgy of the Word.

Can a lay person give the homily at Mass? ›

No. 64 states: "The homily, which is given in the course of the celebration of Holy Mass and is a part of the Liturgy itself, 'should ordinarily be given by the Priest celebrant himself. He may entrust it to a concelebrating Priest or occasionally, according to circ*mstances, to a Deacon, but never to a layperson.

What is the homilies of 27th Sunday Year C? ›

Homily for 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There he is, dangling on the branch, unable to pull himself up yet knowing that letting go of the branch he would definitely fall to his death. Suddenly the man gets an idea. He looks up to heaven and shouts, “Is anyone up there?” A voice comes from heaven, “Yes, I am here.

What is the Catholic homily for 25th Sunday in ordinary time? ›

On this 25th Sunday of ordinary time, we reflect on God's unimaginable ways and love. This love is incalculable by any human standard. Hence, the Church invites us to emulate this love. All today's readings have one thing in common: God's Love for us.

What is the homily for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time year a? ›

More Thoughts for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The people were sent into exile. Even in this time of darkness, God provided hope and light. The time of Jesus was also a time of darkness, with oppression by the Romans. Jesus provides light in this time by proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

What does Matthew 5-43-48 teach us about the Kingdom of God? ›

Matthew 5:43–48 continues Jesus' teaching on love and humility, a part of the Sermon on the Mount. After commanding believers not to seek revenge in the face of insults, Jesus expands the idea of love to include one's enemies. Human beings naturally struggle with the idea of passively accepting persecution.

What is Jesus saying in Matthew 6-43-44? ›

43 “You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.

What does I will praise the Lord at all times mean? ›

However, he was determined to praise the Lord in every situation. The Lord is good all the time. Whether a given moment is difficult or delightful, we ought to praise the Lord. Even in dire circ*mstances we can see His hand of grace and mercy. He comforts us in our sorrow, and He helps us withstand every adversity.

What Direction Does the Church Give to ...Homiletic & Pastoral Review ›

Canon Law · 1. Among the forms of preaching, the homily, which is part of the liturgy itself and is reserved to a priest or deacon, is preeminent; in the...

Homilies to Read

Shrine of St Faustina of The Divine Mercy
Shrine of St Faustina of The Divine Mercy
Easter Homily by Fr Russ Harbaugh · Easter Sunday (JN 20:1-9) "Light that will shatter the darkness" by Fr Russ. · This is the day that ...
The sacred ministers can say with Paul, (1 Cor. 2:12-13) The preaching is thus a ministry that arises from the sacrament of Holy Orders and that is practiced wi...

Who wrote the book of homilies? ›

The authors of the Homilies are not named, but it is understood that Archbishop Thomas Cranmer wrote several of those in the first Book, and John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, wrote most of those in the second Book. The Book of Homilies is mentioned in the Thirty-nine Articles (No.

Who writes the Pope's speeches? ›

PHILADELPHIA -- Pope Francis' homilies and speeches have struck a chord with millions of Americans, and some wonder if he writes his own speeches. He does, according to a Vatican spokesman. "The Holy Father likes to have a direct control over the message he gives," said the Rev.

Who gives homilies? ›

The homily should ordinarily be given by the priest celebrant himself. He may entrust it to a concelebrating priest or occasionally, according to circ*mstances, to the deacon, but never to a lay person.

Who writes encyclicals for the whole church? ›

encyclical, pastoral letter written by the pope for the whole Roman Catholic church on matters of doctrine, morals, or discipline.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.